
So I came around to finally making a vapcap purchase and thank God I waited because instead of the og I got the beautiful M and it's wonderful. I love butane powered vapes all my favorites are butane driven from VG to VG the hammer the louts the lily all my top faves. I never thought anything could beat the VM... I was wrong. I had trouble right away using this beauty and kept going to my vm after about 2 days and 3.5 grams later I fell in love. This is a monster great job dynavap for bring me back from the vape dead. I havent purchased any new babes in over a year-and-a-half till this thing came into my life. How I hate you guys now for making VAS hit harder then ever after I fell in love I instantly logged into their website to purchase a woody or omni ti. Thank you everyone for being so clear cut and showing me and everyone that this should be a vaporizer everyone has and I must now collect them all!!! Happy 420 my vapcap brothers
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Well-Known Member
I never found it. I believe George makes magic metal screens that evaporate.
You can be the magician that controls the CCD's existence.

Next time, either put your finger over the tip before you pop out the CCD, or place the tip down on a towel and push it out onto the towel.

When you lift the tip, the CCD will be there to grant your bidding and won't be able to fly away and will remain captive, just like a Genie.


Well-Known Member
Greetings everyone!

What an action packed week this has been. I am taking a deep breath right now.
Between the website traffic crashing our store (we didn't expect this level of activity) and the rather large number of email questions and requests, everyone here has been putting in extra effort.
I must say how thankful and impressed I am with how the whole team here has really been giving their all. Everyone is working as much time as possible attempting to respond to all emails and messages throughout the last week. The support for our products and the patience of our customers as we work through all of this is very much appreciated! Thank you.

So if this wasn't enough, here is the next thing. We have been working on this for some time now to address the confusion about the compatibility of the different components of our modular V.A.S. or VapCap Accessory System. Our goal was a simple way everyone could understand how our modular components fit with each other.
Our compatibility chart helps with this in an old school sort of way.
At the bottom of the FAQs.

But today, we launch the first version of the DynaBuilder. The builder is in its first phase, so initially there will be a limited number of choices, but the future is where this gets really good. The DynaBuilder will allow us to offer many more options, components and configurations than we could offer in the shop. Eventually it will offer some limited run and maybe even some custom pieces not available anywhere else. Most importantly though, it will provide a dynamic way for everyone to configure the ideal Vap to their own specifications and see what it will look like (aside from typical wood variations.) before you place your order :)
Please check it out.


Since this is brand new, we will be carefully going over everything. We are requesting your Feedback. This communities participation over the development of DynaVap has been instrumental to development.

Lastly, since the 420 celebration is likely to ensue over the weekend and we are just now finally launching the DynaBuilder. This is a extremely exciting moment for us at DynaVap.

To celebrate we are extending our 420 SALE through midnight on Sunday.

So in summary, Thank you everyone! We love what we build, and we love providing our customers with good service.




Man is a universe within himself
Three generations of Ti tips, one year of history :myday:


(35mm - f4.5 - 1/250 - iso 100 and the Holy green gelatin)

I only have 4 vapcaps so I'm gonna do 20 bowls to make the count!:freak:

Happy 420 fellow 'cappers! :science:

The DynaBuilder is freaking awesome (can't build an Omnivap with different bodies btw), just in time for the recent tsunami, they may be some virgins sacrifice on reddit tonight in that honor :evil:
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20 going on 60
Greetings everyone!

What an action packed week this has been. I am taking a deep breath right now.
Between the website traffic crashing our store (we didn't expect this level of activity) and the rather large number of email questions and requests, everyone here has been putting in extra effort.
I must say how thankful and impressed I am with how the whole team here has really been giving their all. Everyone is working as much time as possible attempting to respond to all emails and messages throughout the last week. The support for our products and the patience of our customers as we work through all of this is very much appreciated! Thank you.

So if this wasn't enough, here is the next thing. We have been working on this for some time now to address the confusion about the compatibility of the different components of our modular V.A.S. or VapCap Accessory System. Our goal was a simple way everyone could understand how our modular components fit with each other.
Our compatibility chart helps with this in an old school sort of way.
At the bottom of the FAQs.

But today, we launch the first version of the DynaBuilder. The builder is in its first phase, so initially there will be a limited number of choices, but the future is where this gets really good. The DynaBuilder will allow us to offer many more options, components and configurations than we could offer in the shop. Eventually it will offer some limited run and maybe even some custom pieces not available anywhere else. Most importantly though, it will provide a dynamic way for everyone to configure the ideal Vap to their own specifications and see what it will look like (aside from typical wood variations.) before you place your order :)
Please check it out.


Since this is brand new, we will be carefully going over everything. We are requesting your Feedback. This communities participation over the development of DynaVap has been instrumental to development.

Lastly, since the 420 celebration is likely to ensue over the weekend and we are just now finally launching the DynaBuilder. This is a extremely exciting moment for us at DynaVap.

To celebrate we are extending our 420 SALE through midnight on Sunday.

So in summary, Thank you everyone! We love what we build, and we love providing our customers with good service.



Very nicely done @VapCap, love the DynaBuilder. I look forward to spending many hours flicking through the various combinations.

May I make a small suggestion:

It would be cool to have a small view of what's coming up, you could also indicate what's new as well. This helps a little when trying to flick between two similar items/components.



Three generations of Ti tips, one year of history :myday:


(35mm - f4.5 - 1/250 - iso 100 and the Holy green gelatin)

I only have 4 vapcaps so I'm gonna do 20 bowl to make the count!:freak:

Happy 420 fellow 'cappers! :science:

And the DynaBuilder is freaking awesome (can't build an Omnivap with different bodies btw), just in time for the recent tsunami, they may be some virgins sacrifice on reddit tonight in that honor :evil:

Another beautiful snap there bud!

Happy 4/20!
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Well-Known Member
So, due to the traffic in Dynavap, I guess I'm not the only one that hasn't received answer to his tedious queries... not the only one that never received e-mail confirmation of my order... right? And so I will not receive the shipping e-mail right?? And so I will never know when I'll have my VapCap in my hands... right?!:uhoh:

the only one

am I..?

Everybody's spinning the VapCaps eh!? :D
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20 going on 60
I had an Omni session earlier (with Something Kush) and am loading up my Ascent with Lemon Skunk :leaf: Awesome that my two favorite vapes have the initials DV - DynaVap and DaVinci :D. Season finale of The Expanse coming up.... :freak: Happy 4/20 y'all :peace:

Watching it right now after the OmniVap set the mood. Bliss......

Edit: Epic!
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@TheVaporist 4 generations of tip

5 different caps

and a Thuya Square;)

@syrupy can't help you with the 4/20 dimensions, how about a Black Friday Triple Hitter

@VapCap. Dynabuilder looks a great addition to the site, should help a lot with decision making.
Perhaps for the future you could add images of stashes and torches so people could see the way their chosen combination was going to look.


Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
@VapCap. Dynabuilder looks a great addition to the site, should help a lot with decision making.
Perhaps for the future you could add images of stashes and torches so people could see the way their chosen combination was going to look.
Judging by all of the pics, the refined design changes come quicker with each 'run. In one of George's videos, he mentions a few of the more subtle changes made. That he is willing to make.
Wow, my package did arrive today!:rockon: Two 'M''s and parts and mouthpieces. First time Vapcapping.

So, I watched the vids and took apart, cleaned and prepared the 'M'. One thing I knew ahead of time that would be a stumble was the gaskets. Fortunately I own two of the same model, so one makes a good reference.

So, i disassembled and messed with the gaskets and inspected everything. :sherlock: The gaskets are small, and so I tried putting the condenser back with and without the tip in place. There is the notches where the condensers gaskets kinda slip into place. The trick is putting the condenser back without the gaskets pinching or a corner rolling over. Once I understood the alignment a little more and looked at the other 'M' to judge how far the tips outer most gasket was exposed when properly assembled as a reference. That saved me some frustration. :bang:. I had a little reclaim oil to use as lube. Tried to place the condenser in as evenly pressured on all walls with the rings as I could co-ordinate. So I didn't overwork the gaskets and rings after assembling, break down, assembly.
How To Clean A Musket

So, i took George's advice from the videos and used the container as a washing machine. A few granules of PBW and shake half the parts for 60 shakes and the other half. I staked the parts inside the holder and ran hot water over all the parts to remove any residue. and toweled dried.

I think that I already don't need the carb and want to plug the hole, but I haven't even got the knack or a refined technique. Still trying to master the best heating method, etc. But for now, I'll cut a small ring of Hi-temp hose and cover the hole. Behold! My first Dynacap mod. :science: Not messing with the gaskets right away. :lol:

It seems even smaller and lighter than in the pics. SS is a good choice for what and where I intend to use. Rather have the body keep it's heat. But next sale, might upgrade or get a refined Omni that covers the other end of the spectrum.

But KIM, I haven't even had mine for 2 hours yet and I'm already rambling with ideas. :rolleyes: I would like to hear any thoughts or insight as far as usage or cleaning. Want to master as much as I can before taking it to the wild. :leaf:

BT Bean

Bredda Gravalicious
I must say how thankful and impressed I am with how the whole team here has really been giving their all.

This is the reason I love the vaping community. There is a sense of fellowship, and a great part of that is due to the incredibly gifted and creative people like George and his cracker jack team that supply us with finely crafted goodness. The interaction with the community is obviously win-win because when a responsive craftsman like George listens to his customers, as he has obviously done, he can finely hone the product to its fullest potential, and in doing so get more customers. Which he will. And we get the amazing VapCap. Bravo George. And a shout out to Arielle for amazingly responsive replies to perhaps amazingly stupid questions. I was made to feel that my questions were important, and that I mattered as a customer. This adds so much to the entire experience, and it’s greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker

Personally I use pure cotton ( the one used for vaping coils ) and a stem of a tattoo needle
(available for free at your local tattoo studio ).
With the use of a pair of wire cutters,I have made some grooves at the tip of the tattoo needle stem.
There the cotton bites ,as i roll the stem ,to make a big q-tip / ear bud .
While the M is still hot ,I use this tool to clean the inside of the tip(post CCD) and the inside of the
I store the reclaim-oil-cotton-balls for vaping " as is ".
If there's some gunk that won't go off by this method,then some IPA is used.
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Well-Known Member
Hey community! Please help! I just had my first go on my Omnivap for over 3 weeks, and the mouthpiece and condenser tube have got stuck together tight and I cant unscrew the mouthpiece from the condenser at all.
The mouthpiece is turned full clockwise.
I dont know if it has anyhting to do with the fact that my condenser tube hardly fits in through the tip to push the screen out.
I have to push it nreally hard.
I cant see how I will ever unscrew the mouthpiece now.

Has this happend elsewhere? If it cant be fixed, I may need to consider adding an Omni condenser and mouthpiece to my order in time.
I only had one hit of durban poison, and it has wrecked me! But with this sudden stress amd the timing of it with 4/20.

Any advice is really apprediated!

Im such a dumbass! I just panicked due to the sale and my unshipped order.
I managed to free it with some pliers, I was hesistant in case I chipped it up, but it was a success!

Sorry for false alert, and of course, HAPPY 4/20!
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Well-Known Member
and the mouthpiece and condenser tube have got stuck together tight and I cant unscrew the mouthpiece from the condenser at all.
Maybe this will work. Have Two pair of of pliers ready. Heat the condenser to loosen any resin that may be gluing them together, wrap the condenser with a rag to protect their condenser, position pliers on either side of the joint and twist. Or apply some lubricating spray on the joint,

Does anyone know how long it's taking for an order to be shipped once placed?
I imagine that mass shipping will commence on Monday, after the sale ends


Well-Known Member
I join the dynavap movement !! :rockon:
I could not resist the offer of 4/20 and I just ordered my first Vapcap,(the M) :doh: my history with butane vapes is; 1 year of vapocane, 1.5 years of daily use Vaponic, 3 months of daily use Vapman ..
I look forward to finally trying a Vapcap !! :o
thanks every your
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