First - got my SHIPPED email for my 4/20 order this morning at 7:02 AM. They sure must be busy, and are definitely knocking it out! DV is just uber-awesome!! If curious, I did my initial order about 1 1/2 hours after sale started on 4/14. Added a couple very common items the other day. Now can't wait to see that shiny envelope - probably purple for me. I got a little crazier with my order than I hoped. Note to self.... do DV orders BEFORE vaping face off in future.
Resource created here:
The quality of the butane
The quality of the butane relates to how well filtered it is, the higher the quality the less contaminants are left to clog up the lighter jets during use.
Below is a table of the residual PPM contaminants in butane by brand, the lower the PPM the less contaminants there are to clog up your lighter.
Notice how much the PPM jumps when you get to 'Ronson', this is why it is best to avoid low quality fuel like 'Ronson'.
The above table was captured from a
Skunk Pharm Research article about BHO
Mercaptans are odorants added to the butane to assist in its detection.
The correct technique for using the butane to refill a lighter
Step 1. First locate the refill nozzle and flame adjustment screw (photo 1).
Step 2. Drain all existing fuel from the lighter using a pen, small screwdriver, or some other small pointed object by depressing the fuel refill nozzle (photo 2). I have found that turning the lighter right-side-up (with refill nozzle pointing toward the ground) helps get the last bit of air out.
Step 3. Turn the flame adjustment screw all the way clockwise to shut off all fuel flow (photo 3). You should see a plus (+) or minus (-) sign near the adjustment screw, which corresponds to open and shut, respectively.
Step 4. With the fuel refill nozzle on your lighter pointing up, press the can of fuel straight down into the nozzle. Be patient, a lighter does not become refilled in 2 seconds. Take your time. It will take 15-seconds or so to fill the lighter chamber. DO NOT pump the fuel can into the lighter. On some of the less expensive lighters, this could cause the tank to rupture.
Step 5. After refilling, let the lighter rest until it reaches room temperature. The fuel is cold when refilling and will expand as it reaches normal temperatures. You can also wrap your hand around the lighter to allow your hand temperature to warm the fuel.
Step 6. Turn the flame adjustment screw ½-turn counter clockwise(toward the + position) and try to light the lighter. Keep turning the screw open in small increments until the lighter lights and is at the desired flame height. Make minor adjustments as necessary.
How to Properly Fill a Lighter with Butane #Cigar101 - Famous Smoke Shop (YTube 3:03mins)
Thanks for the GREAT lighter fill tech info. I have gathered all of this over the years through picking things up here & there and experience, but first I have seen things laid out so well in one place. Newbs and everyone asking questions about jet torches should be VERY grateful!
As for the butane chart - this is more geared towards impurities you don't want in your blasted concentrates. Suppose it is also great info for stickybrick-ers or anyone else who is inhaling the butane burn-off. But for us VCers (and others like VapMan) it doesn't matter as much because we're not inhaling the butane burn-off - we heat, then hit - not hit while heating. Though some of these residuals are bound to foul up the jets a bit. I think where the chart becomes relevant and handy is that the butanes that are more filtered and have less residuals are a better made, higher quality product and less likely to gunk up your torch.
I've been using Vector 5x filtered for a couple years and really like it. IME it's best bang for buck out there - no pun intended. Don't want to have any bangs where butane is involved!
How long does it take for your VapCaps to click? My M takes right about 18 seconds and my Omnivap around 15. Also, what kind of torch do you use? I use a single flame torch.
Click times vary a lot for me depending on number of jets, which particular lighter I'm using, temp of cap before heating (in pocket? in warm car? in cold car?), how close I'm holding flame, and where on the cap I'm heating. If it varies this much for me - with a handful of different VCs and torches, I'd assume differences for different users are going to vary by 5 - 10 seconds for the first click.
IME you get to know "about" the time it should take, and should back off if that time passes. Almost all of my caps will miss a click occasionally - or I don't hear it. I'd say about 1 out of 50 times (2%). Best way I know to check for certain is to let it cool and wait for cooling click. Then you know you're either good to go again, or that you're getting a little paranoid about missing clicks!
What I've found is that you can usually avoid combustion (especially on first click of load) by not hitting it if you aren't sure. Just get it on a magnet or other solid metal surface ASAP to cool. If you did overheat, it will click and be forgiving. If you didn't overheat and the click hasn't happened yet, you're only out about 10 seconds of time. Not too bad!
Well it didnt take long for me to get back to complaints!
I ordered on the 15th and recieved an email confirmation with my order details, no mention of anything being out of stock!
Then on the 18th i decided to add to the order, i added a nonavong and recieved another email confirmation this time saying the omni and zircote stash were out of stock.
So i emailed to ask if my order was going to come from the initial stock (which it should, because the confirmation mentioned nothing about anything being out of stock) or from new stock.
Arielle replied "we will have new stock in two - three weeks".
Well great, but didnt answer my question did it?
So i sent another email to ask for clarity and now 36 hours since Arrielles email, 5 days after making the order, i still dont know when my items will be shipped!
I ordered these items on the back of the great custromer service i recieved last time, i feel like im getting the exact opposite this time!
Dude - you've gotta get a grip on the reality of the situation here. If this isn't the hottest vape on the market worldwide right now, it has to be in top 3. Almost every component of every item is hand made from raw materials in a shop that has been growing at an outrageous pace for only a year - and updates their products at an amazing rate. Then, you order during one of the two sales offered annually. You've got to notice all the totally new people on this thread chomping at the bit to get one (or a few) while they are on sale - not to mention all of us who have been VCing for some time looking to stock up on new stuff and parts with the incredible sale prices. And a little secret... many of us have been sitting back waiting for the sale for a month or 2 to get these items.
How anyone wouldn't get this just based on common sense, I don't know.

But since some don't, let me spell it out. IF YOU ORDER FROM A SMALL COMPANY MAKING HOT SELLING HAND MADE PRODUCTS DURING ONE OF THEIR 2 SALES OF THE YEAR, YOU'RE GOING TO RUN INTO DELAYS AND OUT OF STOCK ITEMS. This is true whether it is a vape, a wooden bowl, a ceramic mug or damned near anything hand crafted. Shit happens - and more shit happens when you put yourself into this situation with unrealistic expectations. One other tip on that... If you're looking to get what you want as quickly as possible with so many anticipating the sale (What? like 4 pages of rampant enthusiasm in the two days before 4/14 @ 4:20 CST), it might be a good idea to get your order in within a couple hours of sale starting.
It seems like what you are looking for may be found on Amazon, eBay or with online vape vendors selling mass produced vapes made in, or with components, from China. But be forewarned, usually you won't even get the "poor" customer service (in your opinion) that you're getting now. Learn a little realistic patience, or go with something/someone who can meet your expectations because of their less than stellar products. Whether you do that, or stick with the amazing products produced by DV, put on your big boy pants and live with the situation you chose to put yourself in. I mean, do you want your 15-20% off with delays, or do you want your stuff sooner at full price. You can't always have your cake and eat it, too. Sometimes you can luck into that (or plan better), but not always.
OR, you could go to puffitup (where you'll also find excellent CS) and buy an OMNI for full price+ and probably have it in a couple days if you're in the lower 48.