I wonder if there is anything else that someone has to say about DynaVap, the 'M', VC itself.. really, there is so much feedback that especially now everything is mostly repeated, in a good way, for every happy fellow VCer!
VC has to become part of every day life.. I got VC'ed, she VCed me!! I am about to VC him... and so on!! As I had said it when I came across this thread and all those lovely VCers, VC should have a place in every household after some time
Soooo... Yday it was fucking #yolo once again

According to my calculations and to my local mail post officer, package should arrive Thursday.. and so it did!! A week and one working day.. Ordered it on Sunday, had the shipped notif on the 5th, received it 13th.. Amazing stuff...this is some serious business you got there George!!
I must say tho I'm terribly dissapointed from my local mail man.. I went with my dogs for my morning walk and returned back to find my green envelope THROWN on the stairs of the main entrance. This could have been easily stolen had I not shown up on time.. Lucky him that I didn't catch him red-handed..
Anyway, my anger could not hold for more than 1' that took me to get inside and start playing with my new toys!!!
First of all, I have to say that my order arrived with everything being ordered. Screens, fiber, the M, the blackwood VonG, the stashes everything..
To action.. this little vape is a miracle... SIMPLE, yet so POWERFUL! As long as you respect the click, everything will be fine.. By doing that, it's almost impossible either not get absolutely smashed, nor combust...I can hear a double click tbh.. and a double click for the cooling off as well.. so as soon as I hear the 1st click, I let few miliseconds to pass by and then stop.. I've been having it as my main driver since yday and believe it or not, the GH is not missed at all... Its definitely the enthusiasm but stonerness and high level wise, VC has nothing to be afraid of GH.. Owning those two vapes will get vakered than ever...
Having the GH, I've been using some blue-tac for cleaning the threads and stuff like that... while having some of it on one of my stash boxes, I just found another very cool use of it, especially if you're not having a magnet...

Here you go...
Saved me from burning my fingers several times
Regarding the o-rings.. I found that getting rid of the front one got me better grip. With the 3rd one the SS Tip was kinda getting pushed out of the main body. Grip and sealing is just fine with just the two o-rings.
@Squiby Having said about VC moods and the rest, now I have to get an extra condenser, Tip and Cap for my Vong or the 'M' so that I don't have to change them all the time and to play around a bit as well.. I feel like ordering 4-5 condensers and Tips and other parts so that you can fool around safely.. not that just owing just one will not do the job...
That's another thing that I'm liking so far.. you can go hard on your bloody M as long as you RESPECT THE CLICK, and nothing will happen.. some extra heat and that's about it basically..
The whole magic has to do with the Cap heating... I can get three nice cycles with even a tiny bit inside or a full chamber.. maybe I can get a fourth one with the full chamber.. I'm using a single flame eagle torch which is a standalone one as well so you can just heat the cap with just one hand when on a table or so.
Another huge advantage is that you can vape whole nugs and buds.. you don't really need a grinder with the VC.. there may be some better performance with the buds...
Least but not last, the ABV is fucking amazing... even colouring and you can get it down to pretty dark brown.. the last "cooked hit" is not that bad as well...
The VonG bonds so damn nice with my glass tools.. my bubbler and my ashcatcher get really nice milky shots... really loving this thing....
@duff you were sooo right mate...
Overall so far, this is the vape of the future.... Dyna-fucking-Vap Ladies n Gents!!! Here they come!!

I went to friends last night, took the M and also grasshopper and solo. Grasshopper and solo didnt get used all night!
I really didnt mean to be negative about dynavap yesterday, apologies if it came across that way.
Does anyone know if the free postage offer is likely to apply to international orders? That might convince me to pull the trigger on an omni...
I can totally feel you dude... I'm owning one as well and it hasn't been touched since yday... I'll have to keep an eye on the batteries so that they don't go dead out of idleness
Sad news for me, the envelope with the Ms I ordered for two friends who always liked my Omni but couldn't justify the price got stolen from my mailbox. This leaves me very angry as I'm pretty sure it's been one of my neighbor and I'm cautious about going to the police given the nature of the products inside my goddamn purple envelope...
Anyway, I shoot a little video of a session to show my bubbler setup to a friend, I guess I'll leave it here as well:
Wowww... duuuuude!!! that's what I'm talking about... Nice milky ones!!! Loving the setup!!! Very scientific one!!

Reg your envelope.. since we're living in countries with similar laws on cannabis, I think that you can go to the cops to report your loss since VC can easily be described as an e-cig or a tobacco vaporizer.. I know it will be weird, but hey.. a cunt has just stolen your envelope.. may the Vape God curse him for the rest of his life!!!