Have any of the cappers here have vaped something else besides the usual suspects in their cap?
Since when it's not possible to elevate I like vaping tea for example. It's a nice flavour, I can highly reccomend it. (peppermint, citrus tea, herbal mixes, st-Jan, camomille,...).
Do try to avoid pre-bagged tea, stick with pure loose tea since I discovered some brands have something artificial in there, a kind of micro plastic looking pill that caramelised in my heating pan, when I tasted an un-vaped sample it was super minty, (try guessing which tea it was) it seemed an artificial flavour enhancer and was a pain in the ass to clean afterwards since it became rockhard.
But out of experience with my vapman, tea often has a lower heating point than our favorite flowers, so is it possible to vape with the vapcap on lower settings (so not making it click) without messing with the system? Since I heard overheating it pushes the temp up, so the click comes at higher temps, messing up the cap for good.
I was wondering when the dynavap thread will recieve it's 'best-of' thread. I was not around when this thread started but I can already mention some names of people here whoms posts can really be considered valuable and worth consulting quickly.

And since dynavap is booming so quickly...
Anyway, I would not be in favour of creating such a thread if that resulted in an activity drop of this thread because what the hell would I be reading every day?
Can't wait to order
Edit: how the hell does the pop in the cap actually works?