
thoroughly vaped
Yeah finally! Matt and George can know have some rest ;)

But, less for us! I can't stop looking at that page. I want EVERYTHING! VCAS was bad enough looking at great pics spread out through this thread. Now? With all of them laid out to view in the same spot? It's almost painful to resist. But, must! My mantra for the next week... Gifts for others first. Gifts for others first. Gifts for others first. Gifts for others first.

Barely working! "Gifts for others first." Keeps morphing into mmmmm.... vong burl; mmmmm carbon fiber body in my head. Must resist! How bad of a person I would be if I gave my 93 year old aunt a beautiful handcrafted vong as a Christmas gift, only to trade it from her with the hat and gloves she'll give me that I'll never wear? Bad, bad nephew! :disgust: Must stop.

Gifts for others first. Gifts for others first. Gifts for other.... vong burl, mmmmmmm. Must resist! Hopefully, moving all of my VC toys into a smaller storage box will make it look like I already have enough. Or, that long awaited order that should arrive today/tomorrow will keep the VCAS at bay until next payday.

UGH! Taking this battle back into my own head. :tinfoil: Stay strong fellow VC'ers!


Recovering Idealist
I got my Ti-Woody S on Tuesday and I am super glad that I chose to order it before my OG even got here. For my experience, the Ti tip is a significant upgrade over the og. I have never used the old tip, so I am unable to compare the two. However, I find the Ti tip an improvement over the glass in the following ways:
  1. More even heating. I find with glass it is easier to get a dark spot than the Ti.
  2. Greater airflow. I like to draw mostly with the carb covered and my Ti tip provides much better airflow that way than my og. Greater airflow provides me bigger clouds too if you're looking for that.
  3. Hits low temps more easily. I find I can get a nice low temp session out of the Ti easily, but I find the load heats much more quickly in the og. This can be seen a negative or a positive for either one depending on what you are looking for. Thankfully, the Ti can also give a quick session, so I give it the nod for versatility.
  4. The wood/ss structure of the Ti as opposed to glass is obviously much more durable. For a klutz like me, this is important.
  5. Aesthetics. To me, the wood looks nicer than the glass.
  6. The fact that you can make the Ti bowl smaller. I have used an extra screen and placed hemp fibre between the screens. This makes the bowl slightly smaller but the vapour is cooler and less harsh.
  7. Seems to require less cleaning. My og looks like it needs cleaning after a few bowls. I find the Ti still looks quite clean after more use.

I also got a triple lighter with my package, but the flames aren't all even. One works well, one mostly works well and the other is taller and less sharp. Any advice on how to fix that?

Shoutout to Matt's customer service for being willing to add products to my order that hadn't shipped as well as getting a potentially confusing order correct.


Well-Known Member
But, less for us! I can't stop looking at that page. I want EVERYTHING! VCAS was bad enough looking at great pics spread out through this thread. Now? With all of them laid out to view in the same spot? It's almost painful to resist. But, must! My mantra for the next week... Gifts for others first. Gifts for others first. Gifts for others first. Gifts for others first.

Barely working! "Gifts for others first." Keeps morphing into mmmmm.... vong burl; mmmmm carbon fiber body in my head. Must resist! How bad of a person I would be if I gave my 93 year old aunt a beautiful handcrafted vong as a Christmas gift, only to trade it from her with the hat and gloves she'll give me that I'll never wear? Bad, bad nephew! :disgust: Must stop.

Gifts for others first. Gifts for others first. Gifts for other.... vong burl, mmmmmmm. Must resist! Hopefully, moving all of my VC toys into a smaller storage box will make it look like I already have enough. Or, that long awaited order that should arrive today/tomorrow will keep the VCAS at bay until next payday.

UGH! Taking this battle back into my own head. :tinfoil: Stay strong fellow VC'ers!

Why don't you just ask for some VC bodies for Christmas? :D - "Auntie these are for a science project! If I win they'll give me a scholarship to Princeton!"


Well-Known Member
Im quite humbled at how great the guys at dynavap are. I received a kind message from George last night, he saw my post about my broken OG body. Well, today my Ti Woody is ready and has been shipped off to me, and the great guys at Dynavap added a new OG body to my package for me. They didnt have to do this, but they did. And even more noble of them, they contacted me and did this all on their own.

I am so happy right now. New Ti Woody on the way, a new body for my OG. Thank you George and Matt, you guys are great.

Loyal customer for life now. Cant wait to show off my Ti Woody and convert all my friends to Vapcap users.


Lonesome Planet
Looks like George had to raise the bar a bit on prices after the BF sale.

OK by me, wish I had anticipated it during the BF event! Que sera. :2c:


Well-Known Member
I've had about a day to play with everything now and I have to say these new tips are great. On my Omni, I used to have it adjusted close to, or at, the shortest setting, but now I've adjusted it closer to the longest. Still easy to draw on, and thick vapour. Omni is definitely the way to go.

I also got a proper VonG stem (blackwood). I'd tried the fat mp on the OG and the Omni, but it never worked that great for me. VonG works 10 times better. The vape can get pretty hot and harsh in the quest for clouds, but not through a VonG. VonG is definitely the way to go.

BTW, I'm using the VonG stem with the XL condensor and wood mp I got with the VapCap S. This would make it a TiVonG XLS. I also received a TiBurly XLS. They both feel so much better in my hands than the others. That fear of spontaneous human combustion is now a few mm further away, which is a good thing. If you have big hands, XLS is definitely the way to go.

No more e-cig girls on the website? I've been doing some test shoots at home with my TiBurly XLS, and I think that sexy models wearing luxurious, exotic, fur is definitely the way to go for @VapCap.



That look you get when you stop the belly rubs to take a picture.


This happened a few days ago.


Ever since I cracked the glass body I'd been using for a TiGlassy S, I've only been using the Omni, and I was getting "bored" of it. I carefully put the glassy back together and it seemed sturdy enough that I gave it a try. Dry hands on slippery glass are not a good combination. Right after the click, it went flying. The cap picked up a carpet of microfiber, but it burned off after a few cycles.

I'll be watching Boxing Day sales for a new couch cover. Are there any particular designs or fabrics that repel dog hair or hide VapCap tracks?


Well-Known Member
@phattpiggie and the folks - well Piggie, I did as you suggested with my tight draw resistance Ti Woody:

1. Tried five different caps on it....they all provide identical draw resistance
2. Took the condenser out and the draw resistance with the cap on was the same as with the condenser.

So, its definitely the cap/tip interface.

Best I can describe it is that my Ti Woody with the carb open draws like my OG with the carb completely closed off. The Ti Woody with carb closed is like sucking on a rod...my eyes get crossed from the effort.

I think there is nothing to do at this point but order one of the new and improved Ti tips and perhaps matching cap and see if that doesn't fix the issue.

But, and this ONLY my direct experience and may not apply to another VC in existence, my OGs function WAY better than my Ti Woody. Its not even close.



Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@Baron23 there's something not right there, I can draw thru mine without much effort.

I've spoken with George a bit about manufacturing processes and the caps should be all very very close toleranced, which explains why there's no difference with any of the others you tried.

The tip you have will be one of the outsourced ones and even tho a CNC machine can replicate the same piece to high accuracy numerous times, it only takes a small piece of swarf to be in the wrong place and dimensions change.

Thanks for taking the time to try ideas out, I understand now why your Ti experience hasn't been a good one. I look forward to hearing from you when you get to try a properly performing tip.

George will look after you, this is a rare case and even tho my memory ain't the best I have never heard of this before.


Well-Known Member
Best way to do it IMO. How I, and many others, got here. Just make sure you have a few bucks in the budget for an upgrade when you get your shipping notice. If like most of us, it won't be long until you're ordering something a few steps up.
Haha, yup! That's why I decided on the cheapest one to start. I'm planning on jumping to an OmniVap Titanium next, if I like the style of lighter powered vapes. It'll be cool to have such a durable and easily cleanable unit for on the go.

I like the idea of being able to pack up a VapCap with a little hemp fiber and a fat dab, and be all set with some relatively smell-free sleep aid on-the-go, without needing to set up my e-nano and bring the separate glass pieces. I don't even use concentrates very often, but the option is always welcome, especially on a portable.


Well-Known Member
@Baron23 there's something not right there, I can draw thru mine without much effort.

I've spoken with George a bit about manufacturing processes and the caps should be all very very close toleranced, which explains why there's no difference with any of the others you tried.

The tip you have will be one of the outsourced ones and even tho a CNC machine can replicate the same piece to high accuracy numerous times, it only takes a small piece of swarf to be in the wrong place and dimensions change.

Thanks for taking the time to try ideas out, I understand now why your Ti experience hasn't been a good one. I look forward to hearing from you when you get to try a properly performing tip.

George will look after you, this is a rare case and even tho my memory ain't the best I have never heard of this before.
yeah, @phattpiggie - As far as I can tell, this is only my Ti VC. Everybody else seems to love them and they work great for them. As I may have mentioned (or may not have as I can't remember shit at my advanced age LOL), George did send me another tip about...or maybe four months ago. Also from outside contract manf (well, I guess that's obvious). He said it was a slight variation with the walls a bit thinner I believe. Same, same. Impossible draw resistance.

But, we agree....George is a real mensch and I'm sure we will work this out. I'm quite willing to buy a new in-house manf tip and see if that will do anything for me. I wrote to George and Matt, gave an overview of our history with this particular device, and asked their opinion re: new tip perhaps rectifying my issue.

I'm sure I will get a responsive reply.


Sexual Maven
I was starting to think it was impossible to combust in this thing (as long as you respect the click) until last night I combusted... then cleaned up everything and then did it instantly again (I should have gone to sleep a few hrs earlier, so maybe a sign). Is it bad to pack as much as humanly possible? Or is it the hash that I'm putting in the middle? Or possibly heating too low in the attempts to get that super thick vapor.


Could have sworn the VapCap has a lifetime warranty..

However, I got the cold shoulder twice when I contacted them about it through the website. Went ahead and just bought a replacement body, but that's pretty shitty customer service to just ignore me like that.


Enter the Dragon
I found a description for the vapcap, correct me if im wrong but for me its the pound for pound best vaporizer out there and ive tried a few.

I have called this the Jimmy Wilde of vapes. A small flyweight knocking out much, much bigger men. P4P or standalone the VapCap is a monster.

Could have sworn the VapCap has a lifetime warranty..

However, I got the cold shoulder twice when I contacted them about it through the website. Went ahead and just bought a replacement body, but that's pretty shitty customer service to just ignore me like that.

Where would you get the idea that a thin walled, glass vape that costs thirtyfivefuckingdollarsforfuckssake would ever come with a lifetime warranty? You want lifetime? Buy a Omni & accept the fact you may need to replace the cap & O rings once in a while. A Omni, two caps & two packs of O rings can be had for $200 & will last for years.


Man is a universe within himself
Could have sworn the VapCap has a lifetime warranty..

However, I got the cold shoulder twice when I contacted them about it through the website. Went ahead and just bought a replacement body, but that's pretty shitty customer service to just ignore me like that.

Have you read the thread and realized that you are the only one being so aggressive?
Did you realize that you are shit posting on the best customer service out there, just for a delayed response?

Instead of getting the cold shoulder, maybe try to PM @VapCap here or shout and email to Matt@dynavap.com, then read the thread and realize that you are behaving like a spoiled child against a man who's doing everything for his community and beyond.



Where would you get the idea that a thin walled, glass vape that costs thirtyfivefuckingdollarsforfuckssake would ever come with a lifetime warranty? You want lifetime? Buy a Omni & accept the fact you may need to replace the cap & O rings once in a while. A Omni, two caps & two packs of O rings can be had for $200 & will last for years.

I've read from multiple posts and on reddit that the VapCap comes with a lifetime warranty. Guess that isn't the case.

Have you read the thread and realized that you are the only one being so aggressive?
Did you realize that you are shit posting on the best customer service out there, just for a delayed response?

Instead of getting the cold shoulder, maybe try to PM @VapCap here or shout and email to Matt@dynavap.com, then read the thread and realize that you are behaving like a spoiled child against a man who's doing everything for his community and beyond.


Uhh, ignoring customer's messages through your website doesn't equate to "THE BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE OUT THERE." Sorry, I don't live in your warped reality.

One message through their website should be more than enough to receive a response. I shouldn't have to go through numerous outlets to get a simple answer to a simple question.
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Man is a universe within himself
I've read from multiple posts and on reddit that the VapCap comes with a lifetime warranty. Guess that isn't the case.

Uhh, ignoring customer's messages through your website doesn't equate to "THE BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE OUT THERE." Sorry, I don't live in your warped reality.

One message through their website should be more than enough to receive a response. I shouldn't have to go through numerous outlets to get a simple answer to a simple question.

You know, bugs bound to a new mailing system and a complete new website are pretty common in the IT world, even in my wrapped reality.

Again, read the thread and realize that you are the only one making a war for a lost mail, while everyone here is happy as hell :D

However this is my last answer to you, send a mail to Matt@dynavap.com or a PM @VapCap, otherwise enjoy your day.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
accidentally dropped my OG after a heat cycle and it shattered

I understand your frustration with not hearing back from @VapCap and I know it makes no difference to you if the team are busy fulfilling orders etc, etc. They are normally very good at getting back to people.

But at the end of the day your OG didn't break because of any manufacturing defect it broke because you dropped it. I cannot see how any warranty can cover your mistake.

EDIT. Given the number of times we've tagged George and Matt once they start their day at work they will be well aware of your situation. I know George reads the thread on a regular basis so nothing ever goes unnoticed.
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