I currently have a lot of concentrates (Something I never have) and would like to use them in my Ti Woody. What is the best way to do this with the vapcap? I have organic cotton, wire mesh, screens. Looking to get the most out of, any help appreciated.
After experimenting with a few bowls I've discovered that with the draw resistance all the way up I can milk some clouds that rival my evo and sticky brick. I was surprised with this(in the best way possible) to say the least. On the downside the vapor is a lot harsher than the evo or sticky brick when I draw these big clouds but there is no helping that since the vapor path is so short.
@Squiby @natural farmer I'll have to try that method out for sure. If it cools down the vapor I'm definitely in! I've never puffed on a cigarette to be honest so I don't really know the method but from what your saying it seems like your recommending just letting the vapor sit in my mouth for a little bit before drawing it in to my lungs to inhale? Please let me know if I'm misinterpreting because I'm keen on trying this.
@Squiby @natural farmer I'll have to try that method out for sure. If it cools down the vapor I'm definitely in! I've never puffed on a cigarette to be honest so I don't really know the method but from what your saying it seems like your recommending just letting the vapor sit in my mouth for a little bit before drawing it in to my lungs to inhale? Please let me know if I'm misinterpreting because I'm keen on trying this.
Yes, I wouldn't recommend removing the CCD screen for cleaning.I broke my OG that way, so now I simply soak the glass and screen assembly with some iso in the tube it comes with. Works great and is much easier anyway.
Do these S series VapCaps fit in a normal Dynastash or do you need the XL?
Your English is wonderful. Glad you are enjoying your OG, its a winner.Ok, i have the OG since almost 3 weeks now and with all the pictures i've seen on this topic I have to own one! (Omnivap)
Such a beautiful device with a wood/carbon/damascus/glass body.
I love the OG using it for microdosing but a bit harsh on 2nd cycle for me.I'll try differents approach to tweak it.
Need to save more money 'cause i dream of a Dynastash too^^
Thanks guy for all infos and feedback on this topic.
Sorry again if my english isn't perfect
Wow what set up is that and what wood is the stashSo the day finally arrived. My new Vape has shown up in today's mail!
Haven't had a chance to use it yet, although I will be shortly as soon as some visiting family leave.
@SuperLuigi This was done a while ago but I never did anymore, I don't like the holes and should have left it complete.
The 'carb' on the OG would have to filed down to allow a wood sleeve to fit or a groove on the inside of the wood for the pucker in the glass. This is a piece I had cut and drilled myself.
Anything used will need to be kept away from the cap end to avoid charring or off gassing.
So a friend was let loose on my cap and heated quite a way past the click. Now my cap combusts before the click. Gutted. That's all.
You probably need to take it to the second click. Most caps (at least, all the ones I have) click twice on heat up and cooldown, and stopping at the first click gives very light vapor for me![]()
Anyone have any advice on usage? I'm using ground material, spinning it while lighting, stopping at first click... not really seeing much vapor at all. It's working, I can tell you that, but don't see much of anything. Also how many times should one have to re-light, before your material is a dark color? Because I find myself lighting it a bit, and it seems to be taking awhile.
Anyone have any advice on usage? I'm using ground material, spinning it while lighting, stopping at first click... not really seeing much vapor at all. It's working, I can tell you that, but don't see much of anything. Also how many times should one have to re-light, before your material is a dark color? Because I find myself lighting it a bit, and it seems to be taking awhile.
Thanks for the heads up! Also sorry for your loss
I'm suprised their isnt some sort of protective rubber type accessory. Something like: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81cgszPrB8L._SL1500_.jpg
I wonder if i can find something like that that would fit the vapcap.
HI @phattpiggie - very interesting picture. I'm an OG fan. Love my Ti Woody, but seem to be able to mind meld much better with the OG. But it would be nice to have a wood VONG sleeve to go over the OG for putting it on glass. Yes, the silicone MP will seal a 14mm joint, but a wood WonG (wood on glass?) would be way cool.@SuperLuigi This was done a while ago but I never did anymore, I don't like the holes and should have left it complete.
The 'carb' on the OG would have to filed down to allow a wood sleeve to fit or a groove on the inside of the wood for the pucker in the glass. This is a piece I had cut and drilled myself.
Anything used will need to be kept away from the cap end to avoid charring or off gassing.