@Alexis yes the barley twist sleeve from @phatpiggie is easier to twirl while heating, partly because of the twist in the wood, and partly because it is slight wider than a regular Dynavap sleeve. That being said, I've never found it difficult to twirl any of my Vapcaps, but I don't struggle with dexterity problems.
I hope you enjoy finally being able to hit your new vapes, I actually think I'm looking forward to you trying them more than you are

. I think you're really gunna like them. And in regards to your question on essential oils, have you thought of putting a few drops of essential oil on a piece of tissue, inside of a small glass jar, and add some hemp fibre/cotton to the jar and leave for a few days? Then you could try vaping some of the hemp fibre in the Vapcap?
Or even soak a little bit of hemp fibre/cotton in a water/essential oil dilution and trying to vape that. Just a couple ways I thought you could try.
Thank you for those warm sentiments and suggestions. I have to say, I am totally real and genuine and not superficial in any way. We live in world whee it seems that nobody gives a shit, except our nearest and dearest, most of the time.
But I get the overwhelming feeling that so many like minded genuine people on this forum genuinely care about others, and everyone seems so open minded and accepting and very intelligent.
I think that is what makes this forum such a great place, not the subject but the people.
Right, I cracked last night and tried my omnivap the first time. It was gone 10 pm, I had potatoes baking in the oven to go woth some organic mince and peas (my dinner is always very late due to allergy demands and food issues).
I was already very stoned from too much abv coconut oil and I needed a rest. I just couldnt resist trying the omnivap though. Aftr all the speculation and anticipation, it was a very rushed affair. I a,ways need time after vapor to manage the allergy respiratory symptoms before I eat, so I wanted to vape very quickly so I could eat as soon as.
First I washed and dried the omnivap. I put anout 0.1 gr of the auto durban poison in my new unused santa cruz shredder. I loaded about half of it in comfortably, still quite a coarse grind.
Now, my brain and senses are not working close to optimum due to extreme exhaustion and long term sleep deprivation. I also had a mishap in February which caused an injury to my optic nerve which damaged my vision, but also heavily affected my brain function, thinking, confidence and memory, imlairing my ability to use my senses and intuition to do basic tasks, loke cooking etc.
A really horrible experience. A viral infection in my nervous system jumped on the emotiomal trauma of it and stopped it healing, until my homeopath tested me in June and explained how the virus was preventing the optic nerve from healing.
She gave me remedies for everything and the optic nerve immediately started healing aftr 4 months no improvement. I started being able to read again and feel bettr all round. However, there have been several setbacks since reinjuring the delicate nerves. It is better than before but not fully healed at all, yet, it takes time after each re-injury.
This is relevant to my use of the vapcap. I also anticipated difficulty spinning the vapcap to heat it, due to very delicate hands and wrists etc, and structural weakness that where I have to be very careful how I use my hands, consciously and subconsciously.
This report will be foggy and in no order my head is a blur today. I used George's triple lighter. I did have enormous difficulty actually rotating the vapcap, and keeping it level and the flame aimed at a specific area, but I did my best, always stopping on the click, aiming for the tip intially.
What I didnt anticipate was an equally big problem actually using the torch. I can twirl betyer with my right hand, so torched mostly with my left, but my hands cant cope with that triple torch, the design of it puts enormous strain on my hands and thumbs. I would need 2 hands for it and very special attention. The quad seems a much better design for me, easier to click down and hold, so I so glad I picked it up, I will try that next time.
I was in a hurry to vape the load quite quick. I did struggle with the draw resistance. I dont like high drag tools or vapes. Despite having read the first 95 pages of the forum, I think my brain was bamboozled by so many different variatios of techique so I just kind of jumped in blind with foggy recollections and guidelines.
Results varied throuhout the bowl. I did get very good clouds several times. Tried with airflow right open slow draw, fast draw, aiflow closed right off (mouthpiece screwed right in) as well as covering and feathering carb, intermittently etc.
It was not a controlled experiment with data recorded and assimilated right. I also have the optic nerve issue and extreme tiredness retarding my brain function and memory.
The hand issue with the spinning, and even more so the lighter was a big problem and affected my hands a lot. I also struggled with the restricted airflow. Dea,ing with my al.ergies takes all my energy and when I vape I like it to be little effort, so I really need to k ow exactly what and how to use the omnivap to extract safely and efficiently with the least effort and inhalations possible.
I wasnt expecting to master this right away, but obviously this will change.
I definitely charred my loads. I couldnt see properly in the dim light and I wanted to make sure I had a proper dose, and with the effort it was taking, vreathing wise, and hand wise, in the end I just threw caution to the wind to finish the bowls.
I always stopped at the click, but was heating nearer the digger outer afyr some hits seemed not worth the effort it was taking (for me personally I mean).
So I got some hih temp hits. The load was very dark, as dark I think as I have seen images of, but Im pretty sure I didnt combust.
Here is a befre and after, the first load next to the second one unvaped:
So I took it way too far, the darkest abv I have seen for many years, but it used to get like this in my original "master blaster" vaporizer, which is pure conduction. Not my convection vapes in recent years though.
As a result, my chest was pretty bothered by the high temp hits and charring, but notning like smoking would be. I did the second load, tried to take it less far but went almost as far:
As you see, very dark. I start of at the top end and adjust down though, naturally. They used to say "an underdose is worse than an overdose". Notice though that it is very even, no stirring on first load on left, and second one I did crumble down eventually.
The effecy, was really good. I really liked it, a great satisfying and strong high from only 0.1 gr durban. And more full than some otner vaporizers where it can feel like a little something is absent, due to the vapcaps complete extraction.
By then it was late and I had to rush to deal with symptoms to eat, which took several hours. Finished food by 3 am (it takes me hours just to eat sometimes due to inflammation and mucus in my throat, lungs and mouth, chewing and swallowing very difficult).
I did my steam after dinner, and by 4 am was ready for more vapor, but I didnt want to go back to the vapcap until I am in better shape to figure it out and configure it better.
I have just had a 32 day break from vapor. I really wanted to try out my new D-2020 bubbler from Dhgate, so I decided to try it with the herborizer which is tried and tested and more straightforward.
I also wanted to give my new santa cruz shredder a proper try with a decent amount of weed. So I put about a 3rd gram of the auto white widow in it and into the herborizer bowl. The weed has been curing for 6 weeks now. It smelled strong, and this white widow is very very strong stuff! Heavy indica, powerful physical effect.
With the herborizer, the vapor is always invisble in dim light, so you dont know what you are taking in until you shine a light on the exhale. I probably didnt need any more weed agyr the edibles and the vapcap trial, bit had to stay up to digest my late dinner.
I hit the bubbler pretty hard to give it a good try, and I got carried away without realising. It hits surprisingly hard for a small piece, the D-2020. I properly stiched myself up.
I had way too much of the powerful white widow without realising in the dim light.
After I unplugged it I knew right away I had gone too far. I felt a whitie coming on. But it was much more than that, I had a very extreme reaction to the excess weed. My nervous system is very sensitive and my tolerance is low. My mind can handle any amount of weed, but my body cant.
(Out of space, will need to double post below to finish very sorry mods not often this happens.)