Hey folks. I have a hugh hope that the vapcap will be able to help me manage my allergy symptoms more easily and be of far more use than a great vaporizer.
I started using quality essential oils to deal with excessive, abnormal lung congestion in 2009, and it changed my life. It was the first time I was able to make an impact and actually clear the mucus from my respiratory system.
I basically put 2 or 3 drops of peppermint oil onto my palm, rubbed my hands together, cupped both hands over my mouth and nose, and inhaled deeply. Then aftr a while I would repeat with rosemary or eucalyptus oil.
It brought massive relief every time. It still took a bit of energy and time, but no preparation or setup required, and could be done any place or time. I just neede to wash the oil off my hands afterwards.
I also began using the oils at the same time to do steam inhalations, by dropping them onto boiled water and inha,ing deeply with a towel over my head. This method is far more effective than the palm inhalation, but it is very cumbersome and takes more time and energy, and set up, preparation and clean up is a bind.
It also takes me away from anything else I am doing, like a time out. For example,I cant continue to watch a movie, relax to music, or browse FC while I do the steam.
So I only used to do the steam at certain times, like in the morning after heavy vaporizing. Then for the rest of the day, after meals etc when mucus is especially bad, I could just inhale oils from my hands for relief. It was so much more convenient, quick and easy than the whole steam inhalation routine.
However, in 2013 I developed major problems with my hands, thumbs, wrists and forearams due to infections in my nervois system and resulting injuries- tendonitis, repetitive strain knjury, and mild structural deformity.
Ever since those problems developed, I had to re-train the way i do everything with my hands to minimaise aggravation. For a few years I couldnt type at all. I can manage to better now, but am just very careful, which is why I make so many typos!
I had to completely stop juggling, which I used to love. And importantly, I could no longer do the essential oil inhalation from my hands. Just cupping my hands in that position massively flared up the problems in my hands, right up my arms. It was really crippling.
So I had to adapt. The only way, ever since, that I have managed to cope with the excessive mucus, is to do steam inhalations every time I need the essential oil inhalation, like after every meal, and every time I vaporize, when I could have just inhaled oils from my hands before the injuries.
The steam is way more efective and the ultimate method to clear the lungs of congestion. But it takes at least 40 minutes with preparation and clean up, and is thoroughly unenjoyable and exhausting, not to mention incredibly painful. I just dread it, every time I eat food now, or vaporize, I know as soon as I am finished, I must tear myself away from where I am, go and set it up in another room, boil kettle, perform, and clear up.
Then I am free to do what I want, except the film I was watching is nearly over for example.
If I could just find another effective way of managing the symptoms with essential oils it would change my life. If I could inhale from my hands again, I could relax in one place and leisurely deal with it.
I have tried everything I can think of, like different vessels to inhale oils from etc. I do use an essential oil diffuser which I inhale directly from. It pumps oils i to the air. I dont use it plugged in, just filled with oils, I just inhale from the nozzle. It does help a lot, but not enough. Not a patch on the steam. And not even close to the palm inhalation method.
So here is my hope: I am wondering if I can use the vapcap to somehow inhale essential oils for relief?
I'm thinking maybe stuff the bowl with hemp fibre, and drop 3 drops of peppermint oil into it, then heat the cap very gently. Or something like that. I feel it may work. I did actually try the "smoke bubble" vaporizer once, cheap off of ebay, which is similar to the original Eagle Bill glass pipe, but in the shape of a lightbulb where you hold the flame undrneath to heat the herb. Conduction purely.
But I think I held the flame too close and burned the essential oils, it tasted wrong and caused big irritation. I still have it so I could try it again but keep the flame much lower. Just a case of "once bitten, twice shy".
But I seriously wonder if the vapcap would work hee as I suggest with the hemp fiber. The steam is so much more effective than palm inhalations for a few reasons. The steam itself helps a lot, it also carries the oils into the lungs, but essentially, it is the heating of the oils that is a big factor too.
I also wondered about the pyrovap. I dont actually know how it works yet. I dont expect to use it for cannabis oils any time forseeable, and I certianly wont ever contemplate e-juice.
I need to be able to use small amounts of essential oil effectively each time, like 2 or 3 drop doses of each.
I will certainly ask George himself about this, but I just wondered if anybody here has any thoughts on this first? A very big thank you to all who have read this.