And this is mine:
With a beadblasted body
Ah that's like mine too, I actually have been having trouble with the whole airflow adjustment thing. Realized only later that the mp wasn't supposed to screw out, but stay in. Hard to tell the differences, was still preferring the OG somehow, but the omni is just so sexy...
I mean: keep your stuff in your church, this isn't Milana thread, and from all points of view I cannot see two more different vapes, yet you manage to put them together twice in a couple of days (also on another post on last page - 243)
putting it (Milana) on the thread of a successful vape as VapCap will not help sales of your favorite; on the opposite it irritates and it underlines differences even more.
I don't think anyone else cares but you man, she mentioned E-Nano too and was describing her take talking to someone else based on their own post. It's an offhand comment you're drawing attention to by complaining. People mention other vapes all the time, this wasn't even much of a comparison (where idea of "churches" come from, it's about keeping focus on the vape at hand). Her experience is with these vapes, her favorites after trying many many,
@little maggie has a been a contributing member here for a while now, in almost every thread. I for one respect her opinion and think it speaks highly of the vapcap that it is one of her ultimate favorites, basic is not a bad thing, basic is effective and simple, she specifically is praising its ease of use along with those other vapes, at most a point of reference for what she finds easy I suppose... I think you need to chill a bit personally, though I know we have our differences, no reason to get upset about mention of another vape, even if it gets under your skin for some reason. Live and let live

Oh yeah
@vapen00b awesome collection bud, and everyone else (that puffitup omni was stunning), always such great imagery here,
@PeteSeattle love all the glass work too btw. One of the best vibed threads here (though now there are many, we are spoiled) so let's try to keep it that way? Oh and we do praise VapCap in the Milaana thread too
I look forward to a proper fitting CCD for the Ti tips, nice cramming that one in
@*plainlazy* it working better than the ceramic? I love the CCD in my OG. I dont think that's my issue with the Ti tip though, my biggest problem is likely my torch(ing) though sometimes my draw. Occasionally I don't do too well with either, but sometimes I do really well with both. Regardless it's damned fun and still effective, simple basic easy, but unique as well... I still haven't tried a VapMan among others, but this really seems like the best way to do conduction, (almost) all glass, albeit also hybrid heating