@DataRocks, I like!
@Winegums, it's heartening to hear that even you combust ... as misery loves company.

Somehow I thought that you would have been close to
@Squiby's record of having never combusted.
@asdf420, as I hate to hear about you not thoroughly enjoying your vc, just a thought: As you're having such a difficult time with the draw, maybe you would do better with a larger carb hole as you wouldn't have to pull hard.
See my post here:
My lung capacity stinks so I only draw for about 10 or a few seconds more. Even for that short amount of time, if there is not enough air intake, the draw is too hard for me.
You can always have Dynavap, Winegums, phattpiggie, Eds TnT or stardustsailor make you a custom body for your M condenser w/ a larger carb or even contact Dynavap & ask if they would be able to enlarge the carb hole for you for a nominal charge.
@stark1, am I correct in assuming by the look on the cat's face that you are not happy with the ceramic donut? I also assume that since the vc isn't touching the sides of the donut, you're just getting direct heating on the top of the cap so maybe you're not getting sufficient or even heating throughout the tip like the IH? I'm assuming, like w/ the IH, you have to stir. Boy, did I just 'assume' alot, & you know what that does.

With the looping of the kanthal in an rda, both the sides & the top of the cap are touching the wire so the cap is being heated evenly throughout.
Lastly, can anyone tell me in simplistic terms what the lure of using zirconium metal for a vc is? I did see a post yesterday(?) mentioning that it doesn't get hot. Terminology-wise, isn't it zirconium & not zirconia we are talking about? Thanks.