formally cwheezy
Shit, I just realized with the tighter cap I can let the cap hang off the tip a little more. I feel like it heats up the tip a little fast because it's more exposed as I hit my torch quite close to the poker and may help save my stem from splitting
. I'm really finding that the tip takes a lot longer to heat up but a load will retain most of its flavour. I really love the flavour from this TI tip. I
This thing works amazingly well with a hydratube. If you have one you must try it. I'll have to get some video of that, it's pretty fun.
Gotta love how my sweaty stoner hands protect me from the cap. I just tried pulling it off to early and heard the sweat on my fingers just sizzle, just kinda thought that was hilarious.

This thing works amazingly well with a hydratube. If you have one you must try it. I'll have to get some video of that, it's pretty fun.
Gotta love how my sweaty stoner hands protect me from the cap. I just tried pulling it off to early and heard the sweat on my fingers just sizzle, just kinda thought that was hilarious.
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