thoroughly vaped
I have the opposite experience as my Omni produces reclaim at a fastest rate than any other vape I tried. It's also a very dark and sticky one with a pretty strong smell. I need to clean the condenser quite often to avoid bad taste and some seriously smelly pockets.
Single torch at home to heat it as slowly as I can and triples outdoor for the opposite reason.
All of my Ti tips produce a good bit of sticky goo in the condenser. I scrape what I can with a small Ti dab tool and vape it up - usually with nano or WS.
I usually don't worry much about the smell, as the doob-tube keeps it down. Though I did recently do a super cleaning for air travel. Used M a good bit while away, and cleaned easily with a Q-tip and ISO before I flew home.
Good deal.....that makes me happy to hear!
One other question I have is with using some sort of particle screen/fiber. I am reading a lot of mixed reviews for using hemp fiber or cotton. I am just worried about using the vapcap straight up with out being used with a water unit. I do not want any added taste/smell or extra cleaning to do from that addition. Can you adopt a tiny round screen to put in instead of fiber material?
Both hemp fiber & cotton should work well. I've played with hemp fiber with good results, but not cotton. A screen will keep the smaller particles in the tip, but probably not the most effective to keep condenser clean. IMO this is not a bad thing. It is super easy to scrape out goo, and clean (or just clean and forego the tasty wand hash). A Q-tip with a bit of cotton removed and dipped in alcohol will clean it up in no time.
If you're just looking for lighter/less harsh vapor, you can achieve this by learning how to feather the airport/carb to your liking.
...hello everyone
Does anyone have any advice/experience w/ moonrocks in they're VC?.
....i have an M w/ a Ti tip and an xl condenser w/ spinning m.p. setup especially for concentrates....i removed the stock screen and put a nano stem screen in....fits nice and if ever using say an SSV pick there's no worry of it coming out...this is at the loss of posistioning of course....but I intend on using a cut down mesh chunk in there w/ another reversed nano screen possibly to enclose it.
I just know what a mess this can potentially be using shatters or oils...which is my go to.
From what I can gather im on the right path w/ the mesh...i just want any advice on getting the cleanest possible experience all around w/ the gooey stuff
I haven't used purchased "moonrocks" in mine, but have used many various mixes including shatter, kief, flower, wand hash, and even a little thick oil (designed for pen vape) from a mess I had on a leaky tank. I use @Squiby 's two CCD (screen) hemp fiber sandwich for this and have had great results! A similar sandwich with CCD/hemp/screen should work just as well. Mess stays in the tip, and depending on trate type and how my mix is, VC can give MANY hits. Last time I did this was for a smallish outdoor concert and preloaded 2 VCs with my homemade moonrocks (gooey trate, rolled in ground flower, then live resin, then gooey trate, then kief). Was a mess to play with, but damn the hits were sweet! I also had my MVT for just flower and it got a good bit of use, but was hitting and sharing both the VCs for the whole afternoon. I ended up having to finish them off the next day, because 20 or so hits off of each did not! Be sure YOU control heating and RESPECT THE CLICK for best results.
I prefer mixes like this under a log vape at home, but IMO VC is the best way to do this away from home. Be forewarned, you can't vape too subtly like this because your exhales will probably be thick and very smelly. A great smell for sure, but you don't want to be within a couple hundred feet of a cop! Turn on a few friends with some hits of this, and they'll follow you around like a lost puppy.

@GreenHopper beat me to the punch here, but he is spot on, too!