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What a beautiful view you have to gaze upon as you partake.
Losing that little nug was worth the shot, artistic sacrifice. You did at least take a look see for it, right?

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You guys are doing a good job of convincing me to drop the extra cash on a dynastash...
If you do get one, something that I find really useful is that I spent an extra 5 dollars to get a matching stash tool. Normally they are dabbers, but I had mine made as a flat head so I always have a tool to adjust my lighters with.You guys are doing a good job of convincing me to drop the extra cash on a dynastash...
For me it really enriched my enjoyment of it. It streamlines the whole process.
At first I only really liked my Dynastash. Untill I modded it to suit my needs.
Now it has become one of my favorite things about vaping.
Alright, that may be a little much....but they are pretty sweet.
Could someone please help me out on what the difference is between a body and a stem? I know ones longer but is that it? I've been trying to find out by using their comparison chart and its all becoming clearer except that detail.
Only first heard of this vape yesterday but after a couple hours researching I've purchased the blackwood omnivong, also a ti omni body and a wenge dugout.
Eager to get my hands on this one all of a sudden .. Been watching for the ghost mv1 but bailed when I started reading trusted members on here talking so highly of the vapcap.
Thanks everyone
Didn't the lighter stash take over the bud stash on @SloJimFizz 's DS? I don't think a standard DS has room for 3 compartments (other than the tool hole).
Thanks for the links. Where is the window in it? Is this more a cigarette lighter or a torch? Do you like the way it heats things up better than using a 2 or 3 flame torch?
The window is below the on off switch.
It is a single flame torch. You turn the gas on and roll the roller wheel to ignite.
I do prefer it over the triple flame and other single flame torches I have. I have yet to try a dual.
Takes a couple weeks or more to arrive from China.
I've vaped peppermint in the OmniVap and in the M and it's really tasty and refreshing. I mostly use it if I've accidentally combusted (like last night, dammit) - and need to get rid of the ashtray taste/smell: dismantle, soak in ISO with dish soap, rinse thoroughly, allow to dry, reassemble, load with peppermint and vape lightly. Reload and repeat a couple of times.Has anyone tried other herbs with the Vapcap? How is peppermint?
Thanks for the links. Where is the window in it? Is this more a cigarette lighter or a torch? Do you like the way it heats things up better than using a 2 or 3 flame torch?
I have a question about the Dynastahs. There are different letterings, which are also placed at different places. Is that simply coincidence, or has the lettering changed in the course of time?
I use mesh 300. I cut the mesh in screen size and put it on the screen. This works wonderfully. There are no particles that could land in my lungs. In addition, I can use Kief without further precautions.
Hash I always wrap in organic cotton. Oil as well. Works great, and my Omni stays clean.
I'm happy every day that I have a VapCap. Incredibly great device.
I think it's in the bowl, that you are looking down into. Doc
The V3 wins on flavor, but the V3 can sometimes outperform my enail for flavor so that's no slight against the vapcap. Like others said it's a trade off between convenience & flavor. I sometimes overload my divine tribe v2.7 & puff on it for a while, but I use a lower temp so I'm just sipping. You can do a similar thing with the medium sized donuts in the v3 but you could probably still fit more in a vapcap with some sort of pad.
It's been a while since my last post in this thread, but read everyday all the updates.
I own the OG and M. At first I wasn't very impressed with the M. From my point of view, the OG gave me better vapor quality. But after owning the M for a couple of months and perfecting the heat up ritual, I enjoy the M more. It's not only more robust, but also vapes my favourite herbs more evenly. The M also feels more 'classy' than the OG.
A very big pro of the VC is how foolproof it is. My girlfriend used it a couple of weeks ago for the first time. She blew clouds like a dragon!
I have a question about the Dynastahs. There are different letterings, which are also placed at different places. Is that simply coincidence, or has the lettering changed in the course of time?...
VC's are SUPER easy to use. Respect the click, and all should go well.
But with so many new VCers getting their VCs soon, might be a good time to point out that it can take a while for it to really "click" with you. I had my OG for about 6 weeks (using it here and there) before it all really fell into place for me. Would have been less time if I was using it more, but that's how it worked for me.
As with most vapes that require some user input (not oven vapes where you set and hit), it takes a little time and practice to get them where they are perfect for you. And, in many cases perfect for me might not be perfect for you.
Best thing is probably to get it, run loads through it, and once it becomes almost like second nature, start playing with it. Try ground/unground, work on your feathering for air intake, move the screen around, heat for a second past click, use the old 1-2-3 overheat, whatever - or none.
It is a most awesome vape! But, you'll notice subtle differences with these changes and others. For best results with most, IME it's still very important to get a solid feel for the basics first, and move around from there.
Lettering on DynaStash (and pretty much everything) has changed over course of time. I've had mine for a while so don't look at them enough to see the subtle changes as they occur, but notice different updates as people post pictures here.
On whether or not to get a DynaStash... I do really love mine, but honestly use it mostly at home this time of year. I just like going with a few doob-tubes (one for stash and one for VC) and a lighter. It's easier to pocket and lighter weight while not wearing a jacket. Also, it does NOT seal in smells like a doob-tube. With warmer westher, I find this more of a concern.
At home? Would be tough to adjust my routine to go without a DS just because of the magnet. I cool & reload while out with no problem all the time (any metal surface can be used to draw off heat), but while sitting on the sofa it's easiest to just use DS.
FWIW I have a couple DynaMags (DV magnets) in other places. One is on an altoids tin that I'll occasionally take out. It works OK, but nothing like a DS for good hold and stability.
I also have one on side of my fridge that I use often. If you like to VC while cooking or cleaning, I highly recommend this. Take a hit or 2 and pop it back on there. Not so much for cooling, but keeping track of it with other stuff coming and going from counter, doesn't get food or other splashes on it, and a good part because it is so cool having it hanging on side of fridge - never far out of reach. Still need a way to keep better track of the lighter here, though!