Dyna-shipment touched down today...worst part is I think I'm going to grab one more before the sale is up...i don't know what has come over me...i have to hide it too...as the other half of this operation thinks I need to try new things instead of buying the same thing but slightly different, they don't understand is all...
The production M's look really nice and the new Ti omni Body is beautiful as well...would be SUPER DOPE if they had a Ti nonavong body
@flotntoke that sounds like an awesome time! I just have a hard time sharing my VC's unless I'm controlling the situation, I commend your ability to 'let go'!
What do you all think...spinning mouthpiece and ti tip for modulation OR Ti woody XLS to mix it up (I want the XLS)
Soooooooo, BEAUTIFUL!!! Thanks for pic. Helps while I wait for my order!
Sometimes hard to share my VCs, too. I stay close and watch closer unless they've proven their ability to respect the click. Plus, I left all my engraved caps at home, just in case. Strong beers help, too! Mostly IPAs of 7% or more ABV.
Just another one of my tales below. Thanks to all for letting me indulge, but most VC discussion all above. If you're in TLDR mode, or find my stories boring, might be best to skip along to next post now.
.... Had many good beers! Hence my walking everywhere after 6 yesterday, and waking up on an uncomfortable and dog hair covered sofa! All good. I like the dogs there, and would have been driving home with one eye closed while way over the limit. Something I haven't tried since my idiotic young 20's. And, kind of like the fact that the pupps woke me up early so I could get home to mine before regular morning feeding time. Actually, kind of wondered if my dog called them to send me home until I got that first cup of coffee in me. Got to love good friends who kind of expect you to make a pot if you have time and come wandering out to join you once they smell it going - even if it is shite coffee in a drip coffee maker. Yeah... unfortunately I've become a coffee snob, too. Add that to vapor, vapes, strains, beer, wine, and more types of food than I care to type. But, keep all that to myself and am grateful for whatever while I'm visiting. Good friends are the best, even if they did give the futon I usually crash on to a couple who was staying over. I sure as Hell didn't notice or have any troubles at all when I finally crashed out!

And, managed to grab the sofa before my poor bud that ended up in the recliner.
We vaped so damned much I'm kind of surprised we didn't melt anything or combust more than once. For much of the evening, we were sitting around one of those old metal outdoor tables with the umbrella hole in the middle, so got everyone into putting the cap down to it for better/quicker cooling. Worked great and highly recommend this if you find yourself in a similar situation. Forgot to mention in post above that what shut down the VCing late in the evening (midnight or so?) was lack of butane. Had my 3 favorite lighters, all topped off and we went through all of them enough to get to sputtering. Pulled everything out for cleaning a little while ago, and man, things are gooey - especially condensers. Might have to try to reclaim some, even if just scraping out. I usually don't bother trying to reclaim with these, but every plastic tube I opened offered its own distinct sweet scent. Shit got a little crazy with strains and mixtures once most wanted to vape instead of roll one up or hit a bowl. "It's so smooooooth" was repeated all through the night - first about vapor, then about damned near everything as we got more tuned up. Think everyone knows how silly phrases can become the shit when things get like this!
Funnier still is how much us late nighters that could hang in, coughed once VCs were done and we were hitting a couple fatties. Yes, I did partake in a bit of smoky combustion and felt it in my throat this morning. Kind of hard not to at that point when the party is winding down, and everyone is 3 sheets to the wind. Knew it would be harsh for me (always is), but was surprising how much the regular combusters got hit hard with the smoke after only a few hours of vaping instead. Another cool thing was that once a few people started hitting the VCs (and Mi until we went thru 2 batts), almost everybody wanted to vape instead of smoke. This was an odd development that I haven't seen at parties before, but was awesome for me and a good friend who is a regular vape fiend these days now that I've finally got him off the smoke. Usually find a few people who will vape, at least a few hits, and some that want nothing to do with it. Not so this time, as the particular party mentality with this great group of people took it to vaping all the way. Was so cool watching others talk people into it, even those who usually don't partake at all. Only one out of about 15 or so of us, took a couple of vapor hits and said - this is shit - I'm going back to my bowl. And, he can be a bit of a whining downer anyway, so no real surprise.
Good friends, old friends I hadn't seen in a while, new friends, happy dogs, fireworks, burgers, hot dogs, chicken, beer, way too much weed, great music from the stereo and the couple acoustic guitars being passed around, all kids somewhere else (thank you grandparents around the world!). Good times! Really, good times! Best 4th I've had in quite some time.
Hope everyone else enjoyed theirs, too!