been thinking about this "M" that is on sale. i am wondering if i will like it? being all stainless steel, will the tip by your mouth be hot since you have to apply heat to the bottom? i know the Omni with an adjustable airpath sounds so much better, but seriously... i can't afford one. the M is about all i can afford at the moment
No, not at all in my usage. I guess if you did load after load after load as quickly as you can, it could get warm, but it would be a lot. I've run 6-7 loads through mine in pretty rapid succession (in group giving everyone their own load x 2-3). The body did get pretty warm, but not too hot to hold. Mouthpiece didn't heat up at all.
You have to let it cool a little in use (heat to click 1, hit, cool to next click, heat again to click, repeat) and if you get things too warm inside, a minute or 2 to let it cool may be necessary. You're always working with retained heat after first load (more so first hit on load), so if you are trying to tax it too much, you'll get reduced performance and possible combustion from overheating. This is most likely going to happen long before MP gets hot.
Ti acts a bit differently in use (biggest factors compared to SS are heating faster and not retaining heat as long), but isn't a huge difference IMO. I will say I almost always use my Ti tips, but think that is because I am more used to their behavior. FWIW, a Ti tip (purchased now or in the future) will fit on the M body and other components.
"M" is a great vape for $40! But, if you can swing it I'd advise a Ti-Woody at $68.
Wish I could get one for $20 but that is for existing customers. $40 for us newbies
If you get in now, you'll qualify for better discounts next time - if we're lucky enough to see them again. And, while many of us are picking one up for ourselves - the intent with the $20 "M" is for those of us who already know the glorious wonders of VCs, to buy them to pass along to friends so we can cheaply turn them on to vaping (and create more VC addicts!). There are more than a few besides me doing exactly this.
Also would like to mention, think my recent order takes my total DV purchases (over past 15 or so months) up around the $1,000 mark - and am sure there are others here who have spent much more - addictive fucking vapes that they are! That includes several I've already gifted out that were purchased at full or regular sale prices. I've got a few more expensive vapes, but don't think any have caused me to rack up so much in purchases (including a couple nanos and all the associated parts/accessories I've bought over 4+ years). So I've got no guilt, and expect no grief from those just joining the club, about the incredible $20 "M" deal.
Same as I don't bitch when I see my bartender pass a regular patron a free beer, nor do I expect any bitching when one lands in front of me. He sees me weekly (at least) and knows I'm tipping around 25% every time for the occasional free beer, and the always great service - beyond what I'm actually paying on my tab. I truly appreciate it when loyal customers are rewarded, and dig the whole "we'll sell you one at cost (or about that), so you can turn someone else on to them."
I succumbed to the pull of the 2 jet lighter also. Orig had trouble with it being much more than the triple flamer.
Anybody have the 2 jet? It looks like it MIGHT be a much higher quality piece, is it??
Bought so much that I thought, so what's another $16
Anybody else that was waiting for the XL Omni but not sure about the new twisty swirl Ti effect? I like basic scientific glass over the fancy-arse worked colored pieces and like more traditional VapCaps vs the swirls. Might get used to it BUT hoping for a traditional XL Omni in wood or simpler Ti form.
I kind of like 2 jets the best if not looking for quick heat (while trying to be more discrete in public), battling wind outside. Anxious to try this one out. Does look to be a bit higher quality, and last I looked for this one elsewhere price was over $20 everywhere except e-Bay (and think that was 19.95).
@Squiby .... I waited a long time for your expected response on a couple of these before writing. Think we hit "post" at about the same time.

I'm napped up and keeping my 2nd wake and vape of the day on VCs rolling along. Really should get to work outside, but so damned hot out there today. Nice and cool and vapey inside!