Last time I used my Omni, I tried putting a sort of loose shaped hemp,fiber disc under the screen in the bowl with no screen in, then put the screen on top and pushed it down into the lowest groove. I want the full bowl capacity. I have previiusly been pushing a sort of ball of hemp fiber into the tip underneath the screen, from the condenser end.Hemp fiber filter placement in M???
@Squiby, I think you said you add a hemp fiber filter between two CCD screens.
I'm a newbie and have an M. I'm thinkin' it only has a notch/ spot for the one stock SS CCD screen or ???
I hate to even take out the stock screen yet.
Would cutting down a regular generic round wire screen to fit at the bottom of the small M chamber work: tiny round screen / hemp fiber / stock CCD screen?
After reading a lot of pages here, it seems the only real maintenance items are the tiny O-rings as they can catch/grab/tear etc.
So, I disassembled the unit and gave them all a light touch of coconut oil.
Then I washed everything in Dawn detergent as it's a great grease fighter, to remove any machining oil.
Then another light touch of coconut oil for O-rings and the two "fittings" on the condenser---not sure what they are made of??
Note: in the small wash container I found a tiny tiny SS burr, like what might have been hanging inside the carb hole after it was drilled. It's like slightly smaller diam than the carb hole.
It's good to wash any new metal items and IMO, always go with lowest level first so I did Dawn instead of harsher ISO.
My only Butane is 10 year old Ronson sooooo, thinking I need to wait until I get cleaner butane, based on reports here about Ronson purity, or lack thereof......
However, it wasnt working as well as I wanted, so I tried it this new way, after trying to do the sandwhich between 2 screens method and finding it a bit fiddly getting themminto correct place, then getting stuck together at the bottom of bowl.
Anyway, it seemed to work, except I did have the condenser screwed 80% of the way into the mouthpiece to allow better airflow.
You have indeed raised an interesting question here, how ro employ the hemp fiber filter in the new M tips.
Let the experimenting begin!

Edit @MinnBobber , just make sure thatmetal burr you found is not the clip that goes on top of the screen to keep it in place.