Well, they are beautiful and efficient objects d'art. I ordered a Cocobolo Omnivap + matching DynaStash, a replacement glass body for the OG and a bunch of spare screens, o-rings etc. And THAT'S IT!! Cost me more than my DaVinci Ascent but I'm thinking it has to last me a lifetime
They are so very very beautiful, also they work really really well.
So far not only am I happy with the $$$ I've spent on my OmniVap, I'm happy to spend more $$$ on them.
Currently waiting for blackwood NonaVong's to appear on the site, then I'm going in for round 2
That's not even considering the £££'s I'm gonna spend on a custom
@phattpiggie stem which I know I'm going to be happy about.
I have two GrassHoppers so why not 2x OmniVaps, an XLS and a normal. Seems like a perfectly sensible bit of logic and self delusional consumerism to me