@Squiby since you got a new OmniXL, have you got a new tip with that? Would love your feedback. I haven't read much feedback on the new round-grooved tips to validate similarity to my DIYtip.
While I'm at it, I've been even naughtier with the click lately. With my 20cm stem, lighting the cap while I inhale isn't so intimidating since it's not so close to my face. I mentioned that on occasion I dare boost the tip temp before the cooldown click - my new trick is to boost the tip temp while I'm inhaling. I heat the tip till click, inhale, Exhale, and inhale again. If I don't taste/feel much vapor, I'll boost the temp a bit. Flavor is my feedback, and my DIYtip is pretty forgiving due to less cap contact, so it's been working pretty well for me. instead of having 3~4 heat/up down cycles with a puff or 2 in each cycle with some cool-down wait which can take 2~3 mins all in all, I can kill a tip-full in about a minute or so

Still refining the process, and YMMV. click-out.
edit: It works great while mouthpulling. I have also only used my single jet torch, a triple would be too risky. Just short flame bursts between pulls/puffs to keep the flavor/density in the zone.
Let me know what u guys think
+P.S Inspired by the discussion a few pages back about other butane vapes that don't have clicking caps.
edit: + Damascus is great but it's even better when being used! Beesewax has been worked into it for protection and it looks great as is. However, I love that when in use, the damascus warms up just enough so that the beesewax gets a little translucent and the textures just pop! I really like having this piece, but an FYI in my opinion it's more of a novelty piece than a practical one. It needs a bit more care and doesn't suit every occasion as well (ie, I wouldn't want to take it out when it's too cold out, humid, or rainy. it's slightly heavier, etc), but it's return on the care you put into it is great