
There are other Worlds than these
The vhb carbon mini also looks like it'd meet my needs. One-handed use is a key factor for me.
I have a VHB carbon mini and love it. I have a dime bag fanny pack and it fits the mini, a Madheaters reload with extra container, and a Simrell slimstash. Great to take with me on hikes, or to just have it hanging from the headrest of the passenger seat.


Well-Known Member
The fact that you can handle it like a torch as opposed to most IH's being designed to rest on a flat surface?

Yes pretty much! That simple difference allows for a whole world of on demand adjustment for any setup. The price you pay is the simplicity of setting depth and just dumping the DV in every time.

Well worth the trade off in my opinion, you just have to bare with it as you learn the “muscle memory” of the correct depth

Also.. the VHB wants you to hold the button down until the click, unless there’s been a new model since I owned one. To be honest there’s not a whole lot of quality IH with pressure switches, which is irritating.
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I like the CaS, or Cap as Switch, that Fluxer's Flite introduced. I have that in a home-built as well and prefer it over any other actuator. Just dip and cook.

Of course, HotShot and Brute still have the tactile switch in the chamber. The solid wooden landing zone has worked very well with these. No dented caps anyway.

And I still have a stop at the bottom of my Wand which I didn't think I'd like. 7/8" wooden disk with an adhesive cork dot. One double click and you could take your session to hands-free mode ...if you beat the timeout. I see the Wand more as a torch than a table-top device though.


Less soul, more mind
I don't understand how someone can be done with a once beloved company because of the stuff they *also* sell. We don't have to buy everything, do we? Also, I remember DV introducing devices made out of „precious metals“ for several 100$ etc. a while ago, wouldn't that have been a more appropriate time to be „done“? :-)

The price of an M sets the bar very low too, it's one of their cheapest devices and that tip obviously a fan / collectors item.

So please.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand how someone can be done with a once beloved company because of the stuff they *also* sell. We don't have to buy everything, do we? Also, I remember DV introducing devices made out of „precious metals“ for several 100$ etc. a while ago, wouldn't that have been a more appropriate time to be „done“? :-)

The price of an M sets the bar very low too, it's one of their cheapest devices and that tip obviously a fan / collectors item.

So please.
I agree wholeheartedly and I would hate it if they abandoned these fun/collector's items. On the other hand there's obviously a lot of pressure to do dodgy things for $ so I think the public kvetching has a place insofar as it pressures businesses to think twice. DV seems comfortable wearing some level of egg on their face, which is necessary I think in the effort to try new things, but there's no harm in slapping down cash grabs so bald they undermine the brand. I can only guess why the 7-fin is so pricey, but I bought one anyhow to try out. Not a revolution or a revelation, but it works just fine, maybe cools a little faster. Not worth the price in the strict sense, but if you like the looks you won't find performance deficits imo.


Well-Known Member
Now DV introduced the Polar Blast. Aggressive marketing and selling practices, with new items pop out constantly.



Less soul, more mind
I can only guess why the 7-fin is so pricey, but I bought one anyhow to try out. Not a revolution or a revelation, but it works just fine, maybe cools a little faster. Not worth the price in the strict sense, but if you like the looks you won't find performance deficits imo.

I think we see a lot of companies (not so much in the vaporizer world, though) splitting up their portfolio into entry level (M, BB6), advanced (VonG, Omni) and fanboi stuff (7 fin tips, reissues, special colorways etc.) to serve various kinds of customers. With a crowd like us typical Dynavap users who often spent fortunes for 3rd party stems, stashboxes and the like it would be weird if they wouldn't try making money off more rare items. And it apparently works well (to a point, not sure how successful those bling bling Dynavaps were...).

The 7 fin tip doesn't promise anything but having seven fins. It looks a bit different and that's probably all what's it about. It's not pricier because it's better or even because it using a tad more material when being produced, but simply because it's different – to some that's enough of a plus. And I totally get that. Others seem to think that a higher price means better value or better function and for those kind of items that's just not the point; if they would sell for example those seven finners for the same price and in the same quantity as the regular ones it would be a different thing, because then everybody and their grandma would be able to have a seven fin tip.

Edit: oh and by the way – seven fins = more mass, so shouldn't it hold heat longer and thus cool down slower? Just asking.
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Well-Known Member
Edit: oh and by the way – seven fins = more mass, so shouldn't it hold heat longer and thus cool down slower? Just asking.
That's what I would think, but if so it's marginal. So's the cooling. I really don't see much difference either way, maybe a bit less likely to overheat than a std Ti tip? I just noticed it was cooler to the touch than I expected.
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Less soul, more mind
@coolbreeze – Ah, you're right of course, it's not only more mass, but also more surface area for cooling. Since their ratio is probably the same as in the regular tips, it should be about the same, maybe indeed a bit cooler.


Well-Known Member
Now DV introduced the Polar Blast. Aggressive marketing and selling practices, with new items pop out constantly.

They seem to love these big, goofy bongs paired with Vongs. I love/hate the big, goofy Blaze rig they sold me--produces enough blowback to put an eye out, but it really cools the Vong!


Active Member
Also, I remember DV introducing devices made out of „precious metals“ for several 100$ etc. a while ago, wouldn't that have been a more appropriate time to be „done“? :-)
The mall ninja stems were the beginning of my cynicism about Dynavap. They looked like something I would have found in a headshop in the eighties. I get that they were trying to appeal to a younger demographic but the two that were meant to appeal to different tastes weren't any better. One looked like a knick-knack my nana would have owned back in the day and the other was shaped like a literal twig. The 24K gold mouthpiece that would have dented and bent if dropped or hit was mystifying. If I had bought any of these at the prices they were asking my wife would have asked me if I'd lost the plot. Customers were asking for improvements to their product to make it easier and more comfortable to use and this is what we were offered. It made me look before I leapt in regards to their products and business.

I still own my 2018 M but at this rate it's probably the only Dynavap product that I'll ever own. These days it seems like they're more interested in making collectibles.


Less soul, more mind
@Goneja – I totally get your points; I myself had a few moments of utter disappointment when looking into a Dynavap newsletter over the years and even more so in the last few months. Bundling leftover Dynavaps with neon plastic grinders etc., that's not my style. But the promotion approach of the Dynavap crew and their attempts to create some kind of pseudo quirky branding has lost me quite a while ago anyway. In the past there was much more emphasis on explaining things and exchanging ideas, that was long ago. But I don't feel cynical about that at all. Sarcastic at best, because it *is* a bit laughable sometimes indeed.

Sarcasm is nicer in my humble opinion because it doesn't blind us as much as cynicism sometimes does. I haven't purchased a Dynavap in quite a while now, but that's mostly because the stuff I bought from them years ago (and was able to couple with various 3rd party items) still makes me super happy. There's a ton of stuff Dynavap releases that I don't like and need, but there's also some stuff that I really really like. And need.

As long as they keep making those few things they have a place in my heart. I just don't really give a fuck about their promo bullshit or some weird ideas they come up with – I also don't see that they would be „more interested in making collectibles“. One thing I definitely give them credit for is how they keep their range of products wide. Sure, we all remember those gold mouth pieces (and the twig, indeed haha), but this project basically flopped while the M, the Omni or the VonGs keep being refined (of course, some would dispute those refinements → hence they came up with „The DynaVault“...).

My point is: I try not to identify with a company too much. If a company is cool, that's cool. But they're not my friends, they're a company who have to come up with ways of making money. If I had to remove every item of my life based upon some companies promotion strategies I would have a few books, a pair of sunglasses and maybe some cat food (but I'd have to check on that).


Well-Known Member
and maybe some cat food
or mints?

Anyhow, it's nice to see the Hydrovong out there again, and I know people will miss the OG Omnis when they're gone. My new '18 M is a bit of a blunt instrument compared to the newer ones, but sometimes you really need a hammer. Now I got a hammer. And a 7-fin tip, whatever the heck that's about.
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Back to the FMJ, I am using it for 10 days with satisfaction. I got a big, single jet torch and my question is:
Provided I use half bowl, do I adjust the torch for lower fire setting for slow heating, or it doesn't matter how fast I heat it and adjust the torch for heavy fire and faster heating/click?


Well-Known Member
Aloha fc,

A couple of months ago (our baby makes the time perception fade) about when the glass L lime was introduced on the EU website only, George told on tea time that EU customers would have access to some exclusive stuff, that would not be offered on the US market.
Since we are in serious sleep deprivation, I haven't followed up on the tea time episodes, but thus far I haven't noticed any exclusives on the EU website.
Because of new challenges that expansion brings, has there been a delay or change of strategy that you know of?
Has George mentioned it in recent episodes?
Keeping my hopes up for a 17m...

Thanks for your input.



Well-Known Member
Regarding the criticism of DV in this thread - I do think they’re in a weird position of trying to draw new customers while appeasing the old. It’s not always easy to straddle that line.

With that said, I think they’ve often shown themselves more than willing to cash in on their hard earned goodwill from years gone. The 77 7fin is only a recent example of this. I think it’s easy to wave it off as growing pains or say it’s okay because they also offer cheaper product, but this is only encouraging the behaviour. I mean come on, you can keep pulling examples of this from recently and years gone. This isn’t a novel thing by any means

There’s an awful lot of crappy behaviour and business practices in the DHV industry and I feel that us consumers don’t really push back on it enough, further emboldening these people to carry on. I’m sure I come off as a moaner and that’s just fine - if I’m laying down my hard earned cash I expect at least some standards from these people

Then again, I also think proclamations of being done with the company on a forum they’ve long abandoned doesn’t do too much either ;)
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Well-Known Member
shown themselves more than willing to cash in on their hard earned goodwill from years gone. The 77 7fin is only a recent example of this. I think it’s easy to wave it off as growing pains or say it’s okay because they also offer cheaper product, but this is only encouraging the behaviour.
But I think this assumes that there's something wrong with the product (I'll concede the lack of internal taper) other than the price. It's not like a bait-n-switch, or the replacement of a loved part with an inferior (the originals had been off the market with no plan to return). I think the introduction of current the 7-fin was a fiasco and showed poor forethought, I think it's fair to compare its performance to other tips including previous 7-fins, and I still can't justify the price, but if we were talking about a titanium "M" body for twice the price, it would be seen as a nice collector's item, there'd be some moaning about price and other 'inauthentic' behavior, and a bunch of people who loved their Ti Ms.

I guess what I'm saying is it feels like we're making a mountain of the $77 molehill, and if I may mix my cliches, it's become a bit of a beam blocking our eye from the sweet second chance to purchase the most loved versions of our fav vapes at a price commensurate with their original price squeezed through the reproduction process (which importantly is the only opportunity many, many folks will ever have at these items).

So, for the confused, don't take our pissing and moaning* as a reason not to buy the DV you've always wanted during the brief moment you can!

*Beware the 7-fin, though. It works fine but there's not much besides aesthetics to justify the price.
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Well-Known Member
But I think this assumes that there's something wrong with the product (I'll concede the lack of internal taper) other than the price. It's not like a bait-n-switch, or the replacement of a loved part with an inferior (the originals had been off the market with no plan to return). I think the introduction of current the 7-fin was a fiasco and showed poor forethought, I think it's fair to compare its performance to other tips including previous 7-fins, and I still can't justify the price, but if we were talking about a titanium "M" body for twice the price, it would be seen as a nice collector's item, there'd be some moaning about price and other 'inauthentic' behavior, and a bunch of people who loved their Ti Ms.

I guess what I'm saying is it feels like we're making a mountain of the $77 molehill, and if I may mix my cliches, it's become a bit of a beam blocking our eye from the sweet second chance to purchase the most loved versions of our fav vapes at a price commensurate with their original price squeezed through the reproduction process (which importantly is the only opportunity many, many folks will ever have at these items).

So, for the confused, don't take our pissing and moaning* as a reason not to buy the DV you've always wanted during the brief moment you can!

*Beware the 7-fin, though. It works fine but there's not much besides aesthetics to justify the price.
With respect I’ll have to disagree, man. As I’ve said to you before there’s nothing wrong with the 7-fin, it’s literally just a slightly more massy 5-fin. Not worthy of the mythical reputation it has but not a bad tip at all. Even if you take the price in a vacuum, it’s a buyers market and all that.

What’s at issue here is DV tried this stuff before - then quite rightly they got a lot of push back and played the “lol jks they’re free really” card.

Why now sell them for 77? Why not sell them for the same price as the 19m tip which is equally mythical? It’s like they apologise and then wait to try again once the initial wave of pushback has died down.

A few months back they tried cashing in on the 19m love by selling old C-vaps (which are meant to be free) for more than the price of the original 19m. I guess I’m just fed up with the profiteering

But focusing on the 7fin part of my comment also ignores the wider point, which is that this industry has a lot of this sort of behaviour and an alarming amount of it goes by unchallenged because “limited edition shiny”


Well-Known Member
Anyone want to recommend me a tip? I had a cocobolo ti woody s that I sold a few years ago. When I sold it I sold it with the tip from my omni. Reason being the ti tip from the woody was machined or made somewhat out of spec. It won't hold a screen in anything but the lowest position. I wanted the buyer to be happy so I gave them the new omni tip. I thought trying a new screen might help as the original had been torched and shrunk a little. No luck there.

I only just now realized or maybe I knew and forgot that this tip is just bored straight through with no tapered seat for the omni condenser. I have been using it for years like this and it's really fine but I was thinking of getting a new tip for the omni and moving this one over to my oww wpa. I already need to get a captive cap and a fmj (or I will make one not sure yet). So this gist of it is what tips have the taper for use with the omni condenser? Anyone know of any deals I might want to check out? I need a tip, cap, and fmj.
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