For me good folks here, with a few modest decades of vaporizing under belt plus all forms of cannabis use in time, and a good range of the "best" vapes around...
plus OG Omnivap user, almost daily, still, since 2016.
Pipes OG induction heater, lovely man him, but, that design was a pure letdown.
No matter how, the torch never satisfied me.
Since Ispire month ago. Wow. There are so many ways of tiling the extraction and heat up in to get totally different types and levels of vapour and extraction and affects consistently it takes a bit of concentration is in a way almost more of a process but is for the most part about 80% more consistent in terms of producing the precise result and hit and extraction you seek.
I never expected anything like that it has turned the average or below average quality vapour and general experience and affects of the Omnivap into literally the best way I can simply turn my medicine into The most incredibly pure fragrance tasteful fully potent and never even slightly harsh or unpleasant to the point of literally not feeling anything going in or going out but consistently exhaling world record Vapcap Clouds every single time if I just focus on what I'm doing with the heat up.
I can also fully fully extract all of the actives and Turpines from a full packed 0.1 g bowl into equal absolutely gigantic hits where there is no scorching no unpleasantness and really smooth and tasty and So so potent it's literally the closest I've ever felt to dabbing flower but that takes a specific technique of dialling in the heat up and beginning to inhale as well.
there's no way I could ever have attempted such a thing with a torch without there being too pretty horribly harsh it's because it starts off at an unnecessarily high temperature and drops off quickly whereas with the Ispire, it's uncanny how long the virtual exact same temperature is maintained like 10 or 12 seconds before it drops off then five or six seconds stable more each time and beautifully smooth consistently all the way.
I was gifted with this particular vaporiser model in 2016 because it is a unique one for me because I'm not allergic to the device and it's vapour production in anyway so suddenly transforming it into a considerably different vapour producing machine of more than 50% better quality in every department I put forward has been a joyous discovery.
like I say it does take some dialling in but honestly even if I did not have the allergy problems I have 30 other world beating desktops I have in house now and have tried through time this would be drawing me to it morning noon and night because I can achieve something with the right approach to the extraction that I don't feel I have ever actually experienced from any particular vaporiser set up or even cannabis inhalation device before.
I just wanted to share that because it's a genuine testimony and I'm absolutely loving the incredible experience that this particular way of induction heating the vaporiser continues to be for me.
Hope you are all okay it's been a crazy time but I still care about all people including all of you and some of you may remember me and know that I don't generally mind what people think that I do care of course for learning sake and mediation....
lol. Because it's not the norm to be nice and friendly you see people think you are just being weak and flattering and I try to dispel that in my own natural way is the reason I make the point above.
lol. That Ispire and Omni, wfecked me. See,spelt wrecked wrong lol!
But I absolutely had to share this experience because it blew my mind away being able to dial it soon and make an appraisal of it versus all else I have experienced I just have not been anywhere near well or capable enough to do this any justice.
Keep spirits up members here. This particular thread has always been one of such a pure light and joy,
I'm sorry I have not been present often enough to offer a little of that myself but I try this tonight in my still weekend but significantly greater condition sorry for the random choppiness of it all but I think I've got my message across.