Warning: this may turn into a rant.
After extensive use of the new captive cap I understand how it performs and can better express my disappaoinment.
I think the captive cap acts like the low temp cap - AND I DO NOT LIKE THAT.
Here's my theory: The new cap is clever marketing for a dumb public.
George, the one who exerts the most influence on the design and execution, has repeatedly and vociferously advocated to RESPECT THE DAMN CLICK!
When the low temp cap was first introduced on YouTube live it was explained that the low temp cap was George's original design. He changed the cap design to click at a higher temp in response to a market that demanded clouds over flavor. And it still does.
Dynavap tells us over and over to respect the f'ing click. Reviewers, YouTube videos, this forum, other forums, even Retail Josh, and (I think) most users treat the click as an early warning system and not as the stop sign it was designed to be.
Dynavap distracted the Dynaverse with the silly, unnecessary, novelty of this ridiculous "captive" garbage that I frankly don't even give one shit ahout at all. The distraction's purpose was and remains the same - get us talking about the ever-present danger of nuclear hot caps flying into the eyes of orphaned children. Won't someone please think of the children? Did we all juat ignore the fact that the damn thing clicks at a lower temp and is annoying loose and noisy?
This theory implies a marketing conspiracy by Dynavap. I'm using sativa today. So, I'm in a full-on consiracy theory mood
They can't make you people respect the motherf'ing click so, they just lowered the temp where it clicks. Mission accomplished.
What was the mission? Make the user experience as pleasant as possible.
Combustion sucks. The VapCap was designed to eliminate combustion. But, smoke has become an "oops" moment for many Dynavap users. If they blow past the click and occasionally combust with just a shrug of the shoulders and, "oh, well", then why have the click at all?
Dynavap's marketing conspiracy to slip in a low temp cap as the new standard is for our own protection. With the click at a lower temp one gets to have their cake (bragging like a jackass, "I went 9 seconds past the click!") and eat it too (not combust).
They got sick of people blowing past the click and telling everyone else they do it and telling newbies to do it. It became the standard. Every time there's a new batch of users (new M release) they learn from the videos, forums, and other users to "go past the click". This will inevitably result in combustion and a lower user experience. Lower the click temp and... Voila! Happy stupid users ignoring clicks.
How do you retrain the masses? You don't. You just make it harder for the newbies to not combust by lowering the temp where it clicks and not telling them.
Why does piss me off? Because I already have a low temp cap. I love it. And my low temp cap doesn't rattle. This captive thing is basically a loose low tem cap. Fail.
If your cap fell off or was loose - squeeze it. This was, and remains, neither rocket science nor brain surgery. Seriously, was anyone so f'ing stupid they couldn't do that? I gotta deal wirh this new captive POS cap 'cause some moron lacks the ability to squeeze their thumb and index finger?
Why else does it piss me off? Because I haven't left the house in 2 weeks and everything's pissing me off, dammit!
That was cathartic. I feel better. Hope you do. Sorry if you don't. End of rant.
I will be giving my Karmavap recipient their complete Karmavap with an additional low temp cap which I'll explain is "The new standard cap for dummies who think they're badass 'cause they go past the click and dont mind loose caps that rattle".
Ok, now end of rant.
Switching to indica.
Edit: wow! That was long. Sorry. Ignore the old guy yeling.