Just another "Person Of Interest"
I'm going to stick with the DynaWorld FB group, they have a picture of a camera and that's all the effort I need to post.
it's cool. I 61 and a disabled vet and medically retired. I don't like computers but you almost have to have one now. I bought a doll house for my granddaughter and instead of instructions, it came with a website for the manual. my patience comes from a flower, l'm wired a little different but l've learned anything that starts to bother me, I walk away and get stoned. I don't want to put any more effort than clicking on a botton and post. keep it green my friend
I'm a medical marijuana patient and I medicate for insomnia and destructive temper. what I can't control, I don't. when I've had enough I walk before it gets ugly. and the asshole in me can really come out so l've learned when to hold them and when to fold
we went thru hurricane Michael in October, my mom is 85, just finished her second round of radiation in a year, her mind is going. I've got medical issues i'm ignoring right now because I don't have the time or will power to deal with them too right now. every day I find something else I need to deal with because mom just stopped doing it. not a pity parade, I have no regrets where I am and and wouldn't change a thing. my mom ALWAYS had my back, now it's time to return the favor. I have all the stress I need without stressing because I can't post a picture. keeping it green, loving life the best I can
Sooo... I, for 1, hope you don't go.
Frankly, you seem like a really nice fuckin guy to me, and you may or may not have noticed, but we DO like you.

Embracing the world of tech and computers was originally a struggle for me as well.
Those who have known me for years will tell you that I'm very old school about most things.
And like you, I absolutely hate it when you buy something and the damned manual for it is a site online instead of a booklet that came with the thing. LOL
Such is the way of the world these days. They don't put toys in cereal boxes anymore either.
Instead the kids go to a website and punch in some code for free songs or some other such bullshit. LOL
As far as the back-to-back posting and problems with posting pictures, I think I can speak for virtually everyone in this forum when I say, we've nearly ALL done it before.
Some of me... umm... I mean, some of us, more recently than others.

All I can say is it gets easier as time goes by and you do it less and less. At least that's been my experience so far.
Whether or not you continue to share with us in this forum, you're a top-notch guy in my book.
Keep your head up, Stay Green, and keep on beating the struggle!
Happy Vaping!
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