spock's katra: I am using lucienne. I have not used a whole can yet but it seems to be decent quality.
Last night a friend and myself shared many loads out of my OG Vapcap.

I had asked him if he wanted to get one too when I got mine and he declined. He tried to buy mine on the spot. He said to name a price.

Maybe I should have and used some of the cash for the woody.

I like my OG though, for sure! I don't want to get rid of it. It is fascinating at how simple and intuitive the design is.
I think I will get an XL condenser and mouthpiece next if he wants to go through with it, and save some cash on shipping. It does look like the XL will fit into an OG stem (maybe longer through the mouthpiece?). Please correct me if I am wrong but I searched and that is the impression I got. I like the wood mouthpiece a lot!
It was funny last night I was explaining how it reminds me of an old bat/dugout and he pulled a bat out of his center console. Not an old school one, but a bat nonetheless.

The omnivap and a dynastash would be awesome.