Just my two cents. A few months ago I bought a Shadow M and a single flame torch. I just wasn't digging it, hear me out. I got great clouds and heavily medicated. But I combusted a few times and thought it wasn't worth the effort. So I tried a triple flame and still combusted, and it was difficult to spin. So I set it aside and went back to my Fury 2 and Tera V3 mostly as well as my Proto Pipe. Well last week I got a Caldron induction heater from Pipes, and it is a game changer. I highly recommend anyone holding out, just do it. You won't be sorry. I wanted to see what Dynavap was coming out with but couldn't wait anymore. Pipe's Caldron is so consistent and easy to use. You're in control so much more than any torch. You can wait for the click or hold 1,2 or 3 more seconds, to fully extract everything. I also never grind, just a nug. It's easier and tastes amazing. Works great with CBD flower as well. I believe my two cents is up, thanks for listening. I hope everyone and their Dynavaps have a great weekend.
Nearly identical circumstances here. Hated my shadow M initially (The airflow on that particular 2018 stainless steel tip is really really tight for a noob, in my humble opinion because you'll instantly think your tip is bad! Especially in the wake of the 2019 M tip Fiasco.)
BUT... it DOES make for a great learner device because it really forces you to LEARN the techniques and various flames and do it CORRECTLY or else you simply won't get good results.
Then I got my "Caldron" induction heater from
@Pipes and just as in your case, and so many other people's, a Game-Changer! Was like being able to relax and take a break from the hard work and complications of using torches, and simply being able to fine-tune and enjoy my vaping experience!
Then I got my NonaVonG XLS and instantly loved the whole set up even more! The titanium tip is definitely my preferred tip, over the stainless steel tip.
The stainless steel HAS its advantages under various circumstances, but if I had to choose ONLY one, it would definitely be the titanium tip.
Next up, I got a Glass Charlie long spiky stem which I broke a spike on cleaning it the first night I had it and basically gave it an "air port". LOL
Last but definitely not least, I recently picked up a 4 inch "OG Chillum" glass stem and it's become my new daily driver!
Cool vapor, reliable, my titanium tip fits perfectly, The "Honey resin reclaim" after a week is awesome in a cup of coffee using OG stem as a stirrer/straw, and a good sturdy safe feel to it!
(Plus ONLY 4 or 5 Dollars for one, on average, it's pretty hard to beat!)
Coupled with The Cauldron, my torches as well as my other Dynavaps sit stored away on vacation. LMAO