What an interesting day this has been. The whole indienogo thing was a bit of a downer, but oh well. At this point I am considering if funny. In fact, rather funny, as as I was discussing the campaign finishing with a friend last night, and that all that was left was the wait for the funds. I remember saying it was 99% done, as the campaign had completed. Well I guess I am in the 1%

Not exactly what I was hoping for, but, whatever. I will do it without them.
So enough of the negative. I much prefer to be happy, so how about some happy things?
VonG anyone?
This is a 14mm VonG stem with a Bi Color Red Mallee Burl mouthpiece. And yes it fits in the DynaStashER without the mouthpiece.
Here is a closer look at the Mouthpiece. It has some real depth!
So moving on across the VonG options, here is the cocobolo 14mm VonG Stem.
And the same VonG with an experimental OmniVap XL variable flow mouthpiece. I would like to know what your thoughts are on this one.
Next is where we add some class to the situation. The 14mm and 18mm VonG bodies (45mm.) These are designed to work with a mouthpiece and the 14mm ones will fit in the DynaStash with the mouthpiece in place. This one has a standard OmniVap mouthpiece and variable flow condenser.
This one has a bit more girth. Welcome the 18mm VonG, with variable flow.
And last, a his and hers cocobolo VonG set. Isn't it awesome?
So there is essentially the VonG lineup. I only had a few made, as I wasn't sure if there would be much interest.
Finally, to clarify a few things:
The term body (in the VapCap world) means the middle section of the vaporizer which is 45mm long.
I hope this helps.