checked out newvape. Seems you can get pieces for 350 - 500$, that would leave you with an incomplete set, it seems a complete setup would run about $15-$2500? Sneaky Pete's site has a big promotion for 'the nug smasher pro'. looks easy, cool, and not so crazy... Again $2500.... The more I look into Rosin, the more I'd like to try some.. Expensive though
@FlyingLow can you please link me to the dab press thread? I'm not finding it with ease
Nugsmasher mini $500... Much more research needed.
Def check this out. Hands down best bang for buck anywhere to get a top performing setup for the lowest cost. Dabpress are not profiteers. They make a living, get by. But never at the customers great and unfair expense.
Roger, Dabpress creator, is genuinely the nicest, humblest, most caring guy you would come across. He absolutely passionately cares about his customers and wants to offer the best products possible for the best prices available to make pressing available to everybody.
He has also designed many different presses with variable features and at different price points so that there are so many options for people to choose the set-up which suits them best personaliy.
Free worldwide shipping, and unbeatable customer service.
Also, Newvape use Dabpress controllers with their top line models. So there is no compromise on quality with the Dabpress products.
The thread is an excellent resource, and company representation is second to none thanks to our very own super knowledgable and great guy
@psychonaut (easy dude!

I can only say good things about Dabpress- the products, prices, customer service and personnel.
For the cost of a NS mini, equivalently priced Dabpress options will blow it out of the water in terms of quality and performance.
Also take into account the free shipping and very minimal customs so there isn't effectively any extra expense on top of the purchase, whereas with the Nugsmasher Mini, it personally would have cost me something like an extra £400 in Shipping and Customs to get it to the United Kingdom.