Well-Known Member
Let me know what you think.
my thoughts

the universe vapcap expands

the new article derives from the fusion of the tip and the lid

a new tip? ...... a one filter for concentrates?
... a ring that governs all the vapcaps (ops! I am high

Maybe I'm just a miserable old git but these sort of teaser trailers just piss me off. It's in a companies best interest to let consumers know what products they have to offer, life's too short to play guessing games
always respecting your opinion and beliefs, it does not seem bad to me;
it's another way of knowing what people want
the waiting time is less than 24h (bearable for the most anxious)
I do not think it's wrong for me! add some fun ... I could also reward some people who guess and participate in their conjectures ... hee hee! (yes ... @george is a hint

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