@Summer Yeah I feel ya on shit got up to back in the day. I played with warm lead, like clay, from the spillage as my father was reloading ammo. I frequently licked the cows’ salt-licks out in the fields. At the age of five, I found a mess of golden worms in a rock wall. As I collected them in an ancient coffee can to show to my family, a couple of the little rascals bit me! Baby Copperheads.

Dumb kid!
I wouldn’t recommend any of those things today. I was only pointing out that wax & parchment aren’t the same thing and that any concentrates that are still distributed on paper, it’s parchment. Not wax paper.
@Campos Many moons ago, a ancient* prophet named
@Dynalowrider was among us, as he still is today, he evangelised the many wonders of “anhydrous glass” paired with the vapcap. First I’d read of it in the thread, but not the first nugget of dyna-knowledge he’s dispensed. You might not even know him, he doesn’t post here as much as he did, but when he does I’ve learned to listen. This is a no bullshit example, I read his post about the Ti car axle/ramrod in the wee hours this morning (my time); I went to eBay and picked one up for 5 quid. Just sayin’. Stick around and you’ll see the same knowledge runs in cycles here.
*my son, at 5 announced anyone over 30 yrs. was an “ancient”. At 16, he still holds to this belief.
EDIT: Some of y’all gotta remember when moulded wax was a “candy” WTF?! Loved it for a time!