Grey hair
Flop shot guru
Nice round back Ovation (?) case.three different caps; one unused, one old and one modern..
..i need black ???

Nice round back Ovation (?) case.three different caps; one unused, one old and one modern..
..i need black ???
It is a Nitriding process. If you google it it should answer your question.
While that may be true it wouldn't have informed you (or me) about the process. More information is nearly always better. Thanks @HollabackatchaTyping that assuredly took more time than just writing a simple yes or no, right?!
Did you swap out the black Viton orings with the grey ones it came with? I think I might do that...
It surprises me that George would go to this effort for a one off. And clearly, as @Summer suggested, I would think this product would be a winner. The only reason I can imagine not keeping it in the line would be if it is too time consuming to produce or too hard on his equipment like the LEtip turned out to be...And, can confirm, the Shadow M is limited edition, same as the sandblasted. The ad design was not a clever trick![]()
It surprises me that George would go to this effort for a one off. And clearly, as @Summer suggested, I would think this product would be a winner. The only reason I can imagine not keeping it in the line would be if it is too time consuming to produce or too hard on his equipment like the LEtip turned out to be...
Dang, all this peer pressure
Doesn't look like Vaposhop have it![]()
I suspect both the sandblasting and the anodizing are easier, less time consuming and less expensive to do. The Damascus steel is a bigger deal, but I think they did only a few pieces of that, not a whole run of 100 or more. They are gonna sell the shit out of this black one I think...Same can be said for the Sandblasted M, or the Damascus steel, or anodized parts![]()
This fucker ripssssssss.![]()
I have not see this type of cloud production with a VC... very impressive@Bananiq if you can't get a nice fit with the cap you're having problems with contact DV I'm sure they will look after you.