What an intense few days this has been!
Many good things coming together. I am finally putting the pieces in place to allow for better and faster production. I hope to have almost all of the current VapCap orders out this week.
There are actually 50 VapCaps in this box.
The Ti Woodies are lagging a bit behind as they are more special, and require some extra special parts and a bit of TLC to put together.
I have some good news though. I was hoping for this, but wasn't sure if I could pull it off, but it seems to have worked out fine. The XL condenser and mouthpiece kit does fit onto original VapCaps, and rather well at that. This configuration allows for some mid range functionality improvements as well dressing it up a bit. Oh and just to alleviate any concern, the length doesn't change and it will fit into both the airtight tubes and the DynaStash or DynaStashER in either configuration.
So in addition to the much nicer looking mouthpieces, they also spin freely which makes it easier to rotate while heating. In addition to this, the position of the centering O-ring can be adjusted to partially restrict the air/vapor ratio port allowing for a set it and forget it arrangement and hands free operation during extraction.

I think we will call it the VapCap S (Spin or special)
Also, after much thought and deliberation, I will be offering a 4$20 special. I will offer a VapCap 4 $20 all day on 4-20 This will only be available on 4-20 and the price will return to normal on 4-21. To keep this simple my 4-20 special will begin at midnight where I live in Wisconsin Central Standard Time and continue until my clock reads 4-21. This offer is also good for anyone of my awesome customers who are patiently waiting for their goodies. You may add a VapCap 4 $20 to any existing un-shipped order. I will have an add to existing order option in the shop.
I very much appreciate all the support I have received here for the development and release of the VapCap.