@Hackerman i would open a new thread (if it's not against the forum policy?!?), Dynavap will always be my go-to choice for that form factor but information is the reason why we come and exchange our point of view and opinions on this forum.
Knock-off products were expected, everything is copied nowadays. (they even make Da Vinci IQ knock-offs...)
I would take it as a motivation for improvement, keep searching new solutions, like the M17 was really a big leap for Dynavap (and for the Human race...

at least for those humans that we could define as "civilised"), and i wouldn't be a bit worried for Dynavap as the copiers are always far behind you.
It's also a good sign: if it's copied, that means you are on the radar of vaporisers' market EVEN in China!
If you want the "real" stuff, if you care about your health (Chinese can use any kind of metals for those products), and if you like to reward the people who brought you this remarkable vaporiser you will never buy a Chinese knock-off (except for curiosity and only after possessing at least a real one) even if it is half the price or a third of the price.
edit: just saw the counterfeit section, thank you VaporWare!