Well-Known Member
So beautiful

Hi everyone (again),
Even though I have said nothing for months, I have more or less followed this thread. Today I'm posting because I have a couple of concerns you may help me with. Some months ago, I happily became a Dynavaper. Today, some months after, I must admit I'm no longer that happy. In my very personal experience, the Dynavap has two issues I'd really like to solve:
1. First, the experience outdoors is 10x worse than it is indoors (at least to me). This Dynavap is awesome indoors (probably close to perfect), but it has a rather weak performance outdoors (particularly in windy conditions). My outdoors sessions are way shorter than they are indoors, and I get too dark abv material too often in a very short period of time. In sunny conditions, I can't see the flame of the lighter properly and thus I don't know how I'm heating the device. In windy conditions, I can't heat the cap properly and uniformly. Could anybody provide any hint in order to get better outdoors sessions? Mine usually suck so much that I no longer carry my VapCap outside my house unless I'm going to another place in which it is possible to vape indoors...
2. Second, the titanium screen falls off waaaaaaaaaay too often. I'm FED UP of losing Titanium screens when emptying the abv material from the tip. Does anybody know any trick to avoid them falling so often? I'm seriously thinking to use a hammer in order to make the tip slightly oval; that should help the screen stay in place for longer periods of time. Does anybody have a piece of advice that avoids hammering the tip?
Thank you all very much in advanced.
Stark, do you mean these titainium stems https://sdsvcstems.blogspot.com?Nina, there prolly are shops in ye olde Angleland carrying them, if not, try Amazon.
Damn @stardustsailor that first one on the far left, black and red, is gorgeous!
@Nina I thought I've seen a price list for @stardustsailor but I just looked and didn't find it. No they're not on Amazon, Stark1 was talking about another item, but this thread moves so fast.
I would suggest you PM, or DM, whichever way you roll, stardustsailor and tell him which one you want and he will give you a quote. He's in Greece so easier shipping for you I think.
Stark, do you mean these titainium stems https://sdsvcstems.blogspot.com?
these are available on Amazon?
Click on ***** - Ouch !I thought I've seen a price list for @stardustsailor but I just looked and didn't find it
In a way that is true, but the Wands are straight glass tubes with no condenser or air holes so it is more like @stardustsailor's condenserless stems than a full on VapCap. They are all glass and wider than VCs, of course, so with more negative pressure on the tip have greater airflow and killer flavor.Was going to get an OG vapcap, but since getting my @DDave custom, I feel like I already basically have one... might still get one just to round out the collection.
Oh oh. That sounds very familiar. It sounds very much like words we have all said. Watch your CC...Was sad to see the Cocobolo not being used, but the pre-2018 M wasn't doing too badly. Still think I should treat myself to something shiny, though.![]()
Looks like Pixabay doesn't want to play with us either. This image is showing now but will likely disappear...
Very very nice...
all the action in this thread this week, curious if the Planetary/Celestial Bodies (Mercury, Mars, Chiron, Uranus) going Retrograde have something to do with it?
I am pretty sure this is why it has been so hard for me to get to work on time for the last month since I started going backwards![]()
Vaping would have some Neptunian rulership though...doncha think?curious if the Planetary/Celestial Bodies (Mercury, Mars, Chiron, Uranus) going Retrograde have something to do with it?
I understand, Stu, and I was not meaning to usurp your role, my intent doesn’t matter.I'm not going to ban you. You brought up some very valid points but you do deserve a warning point for crossing the line and getting personal and I will apply it now.
Let's keep it civil folks. We are here to have fun and learn. Personal insults are not my idea of fun, so please report any posts that you find rule-breaking....The ignore feature is available for all to use if they find a member to be too difficult to deal with. Feel free to use it.
Thank you.
Not just here but at large....Inbox me if you wantall the action in this thread this week, curious if the Planetary/Celestial Bodies (Mercury, Mars, Chiron, Uranus) going Retrograde have something to do with it? Solar/ lunar Eclipses happening, strange days ahead it appears....
...kinda rude, man.
The ignore feature is available for all to use if they find a member to be too difficult to deal with. Feel free to use it.
But of course there might be a few "weirdos" that would prefer their VC to be heated in just half a sec ( within 500 milliseconds ) .Then yes ,a IH unit with an electrical power of ~ 1KW ( aka 1000 Watts ) would be more appropriate for this - rather unusual - case .
I understand, Stu, and I was not meaning to usurp your role, my intent doesn’t matter.
FC - this thread in particular - I treat as a chance to go visit other bright minds and souls to catch up, keep up, and learn new things. In the process I’ve developed a real friendly feeling for this place and the people I find here. I’m an old man. Most of my friends have died. I don’t get out much. This place matters to me
This space isn’t a space, except as we inhabit it. It’s not anyone’s living room but everyone’s. I feel like a guest in the homes of each of you when we interact, and I try to conduct myself accordingly. We’re we all together in the same physical space, and a similar situation occurred, I’d be very likely to stand up and say much the same.
Being the old southern hippie-freak that I am, I sometimes grab the 2x4 instead of the bell. On this occasion I grabbed lumber, and for that I am sorry.
My apologies to you my friends: I knew I was approaching the line. I will do better.
And thank you, Stu: great respect for mods, hate to give them work. I accept my warning without complaint.
Not just here but at large....Inbox me if you want