Salutations LesPlenty,
What the fuck do you keep going on about...
Thanks for proving my point entirely.
I've demonstrated beyond normal patience awaiting
simple answers to
simple questions. Instead what i get is some topic steering going from an IH-focussed universe to what's supposed to be accessible or not to Egzoset, while i notice that you've got an instant admirer in the person of a plain-fresh newbie who didn't exist before this morning. That's peculiar at best.
At this level of "social" content i decide you join my
[ IGNORE ] list as it's clear cooperation ain't on the menu. Hasn't been for a long while.
The question remains absolutely valid in an IH context:
what's the susceptor weight. E.G., lets not ask for another reader to wonder about it again. Then
what's the IH power output. Only then we can talk somewhat seriously, but right now, thanks to my "Plan-B" experiment implementing Fig. 11/12 of VaporGenie's patent #US 7434584 B2 (with a twist: my LAVA concept added 1 SiC layer), euh... M'well, i'm telling you that during the years when the NoFlame still remained to be vaguely evaluated nobody could even suggest the right Hybrid Core topology which would later fuse in complete harmony with my favourite "Prototyping Platform", a dozen of those actually (FIY, 2 more units arrived last week, that's ~ 400 $ CAD spent to serve a higher purpose)...
Anyway, back in 2013 an early assumption was that
opacity thickness would be an "educated" start, though it turned out
many "iterations" were necessary between 4 mm and the final 3... Each time months were required to acquire new operator skills adapted to a newer configuration, trying to decide what's next half-way between valid and reject attempts.
A minimum of 7 generations in such iterations was to expect, i may be closer to a dozen in the end, which explains why my findings only crystalized this spring or so. In other words, back in 2013 ~ 2014 i couldn't propose a Bi-Energy solution, e.g. one where one can safely assume that it doesn't matter what energy source raised the metal core to its nominal "pre-charging" temperature... My "Plan-B" (butane) scenario being manual/analog in nature this corresponds to an approximation of Heat Charge injection as if performed using an IH-driver, but mine goes red-hot at the surface of my SiC Front Puck - and i've been doing it with increasing precision all along, adjusting my layout ratios until i could no longer sense need for a next tweaking.
So, what you and peers have rejected is no less the fruit of patience fueled by confidence in IH alternatives which i started to express weeks after the creation of my 1st FC account, at the end of 2010's summer. ~8 years ago.
So much for diversions, instant troll rewards under the cover of multiple identities...
All i want to read is about gramms, Watts, etc. Spare me theatrical distractions demanding justifications, instead just remember i've asked for IH answers while i got my "Plan-B" fine tuned quite in time for October 17 anyway...
Don't even say thanks for what i offered publicly, with all due credentials mentioned. Free for the taking, no strings attached. The configuration to try, once again, in a 13 ~ 14 mm (dia.) conduit à la VG Classic (for maximized aroma/taste appreciation using a "Micro-Bursting" ritual), in case you couldn't find out:
Cut a pair of Silicon Carbide "Ceramic Filters" as suggested then emulate these layouts:
My Bi-Energy-compatible (LAVA) "Plan-B" concept has been tweaked extensively over the years but Induction Heat remains a challenge reserved to the attention of true pioneer spirits looking for a virgin top niche!
[ http:// ]
Fanboys and their worshiped/installed gurus can be expected getting busy writing hostile correspondence via private messages instead (...), so maybe it's quite about time to find out why.
This maximizes the chance to realize Hybrid Cores with appropriate complementary "characters", directly defined by a
SUSCEPTOR's MASS, to be exact. Feel free to give DynaVap's CCD Screen a fair try when in lack of a closer emulation.
But you can't help it, there's no way to avoid thinking of Egzoset at the moment, right?? While sharing hateful PMs in the background perhaps?
Wondering... For example, why don't i join the IH bandwagon personally? As if that's your business.
Many times before i saw near-to-zero receptivity for inclusion of
Inlet Water as a requirement - which is an
essential feature that made me spend real money on more Customized VG Pipe transformations no later than last week (i repeat, last week...): i chose clean-burning butane instead of some 3rd-party ready-made IH driver (that would work as an excellent casing for Pipe's modular approach, by the way).
In any case there's going to be
ZERO toking for me without the additional benefits of Inlet Water and i've spent years on FC illustrating how i came to this conclusion. The thing is it turns out the additional boilers/evaporators required would translate as more workload and hence the need to rationalize its energy budget early at the conceptual stage. For example, here comes my idea of a DynaVapsule - also rejected silently, in appearances:
You can view it as pre-emptive long-term planning... I'll be ready when you are, i guess!
Now please spare me additional manifestations of similar attitute as yours today, i'm not here to take selfishly, i'm here to give away. No need to add to nearly a decade of mocking, which started when an insider of the MLFB clan declared that IH power had been tried and
M'well, what do i know!
Good day, have fun!!