Thanks, lots of good choices here. Shipping about doubles the price but it isn't crazy.
Somebody needs to come up with a manual or a video that explains how and where all these parts go and how they operate.
I've read this thread from the beginning and I am so confused. This thread is worse than the Grasshopper thread. You can't tell what's what.
What is the deal with all the holes? Is it a vape or a piccolo? Do you blow across the holes to get sound?
I'm just figuring out how to work with one hole, and then you throw another one in there. What does that one do? High C?
I have a care package from George coming. Hopefully I will get my routine down pat. I'm down to combustion every sixth or seventh time. So I'm improving my technique. Wish me luck. Doc
I am processing more orders tonight. I still can hardly believe how many orders are coming in. So thank you for helping me get the word our and helping rid the world of smoking!
Spent some time in the studio today with video Ben.
I have some new videos. Let me know what you think and please post these on reddit or anywhere it might be helpful to others so they can better understand the VapCap.
VapCap video
Ti Woody
OmniVap changing clothes
OmniVap adjustment
VapCap cleaning
I hope these videos help everyone understand what these little units look like and how they function.
I ordered the Dynastasher a while ago. Does anyone know if it fits the same size as the dynastash?'m giving my second OG to a friend who has no need or interest in the DynaStash. (Really?)
But I would like to give her a decent magnet for handling (and cooling) the cap when hot. I really like the way the magnet in the DynaStash works.
Anyone have an idea for a decent sized (half dollar size would be good) magnet with no plastic or rubberized surface? I haven't had much luck.
Added: I should say I am finding lots of them in quantity from China but I only need one, but would buy a few more if I needed to. I wouldn't mind gluing one down near the vape station, or to the console in my car.
I'm on the vapcap website it says "We appreciate your support! Our next projected shipping date for new VapCap orders is April 7. Ti Woody and Ti Glassy and PyroVap orders may take additional time. Thank You!"
If I order my Ti Glassy today, it will ship some time after Arpil 7th, but roughly when?
Yea, I also used the magnet in my grinder...worked very well.The mini 2 peice santa cruz shredder works as a good magnetic stand.
So now we go from this...
To this...
To this....
I am really liking this modular system! Then the cool little 1017s in so many different woods, I have just been grinning all night as I was assembling them. All very hard wood and polished to the point it had optical qualities if you know what I mean.
I hope this makes it easier to understand the whole XL condenser thing and how the mouthpieces integrate. I would like to think it is elegantly simple, or something like that.
Just a compression fit oring to hold it all together.
I hope to have these up in the shop this week. I also am on track to get another large shipment out this week.
Thank you everyone for your patience. I know they aren't shipping out like amazon prime, but give me another month or so to gear up production and we'll see if I can keep up.
I am meeting with my website guy tomorrow, so hopefully my shop will look a bit better here soon too.
Thank you again for the support!
Or get a dynerstash@VapCap
The silicone container included in the dynastashER kinda looks like the absolute garbage kind of silicone containers.
I don't mean to be offensive, I just think its a huge sore on what's otherwise a high quality material prouduct.
MyIs that it should be able to fit a oil-slick brand container(or other highly respectable plat. silicone container maker) or perhaps a little glass container.
I have been thinking about picking up a Woody to go along with my OG, and I am wondering if anyone has any feeling about the lack of a mouthpiece. Being wood I would think that the moisture it may pick up from your mouth might cause a little decay or discoloring of the part where a mouthpiece would be. Has anyone using a Woody for a while noticed this?
I thought I might add a MP but then it wouldn't fit in my Dynastash...
I have absolutely no change or discolouration on my ti blackwood. The polish and the wax stop any marking. I also give it an ed's tnt wax every so often but i don't think this is necessary to stop decay or discolouration.
I also really like the feel of the wood directly on the lips. It is smooth and...i just realized how weird this sounds so i will just stop there. But it's good. No problems. Much better than the OG mouthpiece.
I also recall @Dan Morrison writing about why he uses blackwood in the Okin. To paraphrase (poorly, no doubt) he noted that it was used as the mouthpiece in instruments and pipes specifically because it has properties which are very resistant to moisture and saliva. I believe Cocobolo is a similar species so i assume also has this advantage (hopefully )
Edit-to add living proof...latest photo