Looks used like it should.Hey guys.
Let me start by asking, does everyone's cap & tip look like this? I've managed to clean the cap a bit more than shown in the picture, but it feels like i've overdone it with regular flame back when i didn't have the proper equipment yet?
I'm always cleaning with isopropanol, and this is the state it's in from before i begun to do so.
Are there any sensible solutions for cleaning this, to make it look brand-new-ish?
In this video the guy uses whink rust stain remover, and it restores the titanium from being anodized, and then anodizes it as i plan to do with the parts after cleaning.
as i'm from EU, the product he uses is not in reach, but i'm looking for an alternative of sorts?
I've looked into it and i see it uses HF acid (i'm a chemist so don't try to teach me about it ty <3)
any safer alternatives?
what do you guys do, if in fact it is restorable?
Oh okay then. I was wondering how it looked used for a year, as it's always marketed brand new.Looks used like it should.
Now what was the question?
My tip can look like your’s or it can be relatively new looking depending on effort. I’ve found a firm brush like the ones that come with vaporizers dipped in baking soda and a bit of time can do a great deal in scrubbing off soot and dark carbon stains. I usually follow it up with another session of scrubbing with toothpaste to give it a nice sparkle. With the cap I just give it an iso rub down with a wet Q-Tip, I don’t mind the war wounds one bitOh okay then. I was wondering how it looked used for a year, as it's always marketed brand new.
Original question was if yours looked the same, because i had second thoughts, thinking mine would look this way from overheating or carbon from regular flame (candle, normal lighter...)
My tip can look like your’s or it can be relatively new looking depending on effort. I’ve found a firm brush like the ones that come with vaporizers dipped in baking soda and a bit of time can do a great deal in scrubbing off soot and dark carbon stains. I usually follow it up with another session of scrubbing with toothpaste to give it a nice sparkle. With the cap I just give it an iso rub down with a wet Q-Tip, I don’t mind the war wounds one bit
Why?I think it's wise to clean the insides of the cap
If there's a thin layer of something that appears to be brown gunk buildup, I don't think burning it over and over is a good idea.Why?
Love this idea !! @phattpiggie always stepping up your game .Made this glass Omni sleeve the other day and figured it was worth a quick video on how the internals work.
What the fuck are you lot talking about??
If there is a "thin layer of something" on the inside of your cap than it is coming from your goods. I don't think that is likely a problem as we are all here TO CONSUME OUR GOODs. At least that is why I am here, to find new and interesting ways to consume my goods and to see how others do it.If there's a thin layer of something that appears to be brown gunk buildup, I don't think burning it over and over is a good idea.
Made this glass Omni sleeve the other day and figured it was worth a quick video on how the internals work.
After reading all the comments above, then seeing your reply, I just about fell off the couch laughing. Hahaha. This freshly ground salad of Purple Hindu Kush mixed with Cannatonic I’m flying on right now, enhanced the hilarity hahaha you sir, win the internet for the day.What the fuck are you lot talking about??
Okay I am deleting the CCDs....I dont need them and I am eating the free delivery....7 bucks...oh well....
@DDaveI selected the steel tip option. What's that for? Can it only fit one tip or the other? Thank you
Finding the ti tips MAY be slightly smaller than the SS. Also, there's a diff between the black vs. grey orings.
I have a thread right now in the medical section, to go along w/ that a simple question. For micro dosing, is it worth upgrading to the TI tip on the M? Or is it just as easy to take 1-2 pulls from the M standard SS, and go back to it if need be? Thanks
Extraction will be more complete on the SS tip earlier on. More conduction helps to retain the heat longer.
I have yet to try my M with water. That’s on my list. I just go closed carb and direct lung pull from click to click. I imagine it’s way smoother with water lolTrue, but for those of use who only microdose a couple of hits & don't finish the bowl, the ti will cool down faster, thus not continuing to cook your herb so when you come back to hit the same load again, there will be more left to extract. Personally, to me, it's 6 of 1, 1/2-dozen of the other as it's so negligible. The reason I like the ss tip is for using through water. I want the tip to stay hotter longer as my draws are longer to make up for less (direct) potency through the medium.