Greetings fellow cappers!

I haven't had much time to check the thread lately, just been playing catch-up right now.
Tomorrow marks the 7 day Mark since I got my 2018 M, my first vapcap ever, my introduction to the dynaverse if you will

and I am extremely proud and happy to say that I have not combusted once, cut my herb consumption in half, and already convinced my SO and 3 bandmates to grab one!
My coguitarist in my main band has been using an mflb for around a year and he basically told me aside from reducing the smell factor in his apartment and helping to conserve small amounts of herb, he much preferred smoking in most situations. I gave him a couple of solid hits off of my vapcap and after he finished coughing ( because he was not expecting that big of a cloud

) the first words out of his mouth were "how much is one of those?"

How did I avoid combustion while letting friends try it? Simple, I didn't let them torch it

, I just passed it over like a Doobie right after the click and told them to puff as hard as they want and use the carb like you would on a pipe. My girl just finally ordered one though so I'm gonna have to take her to DV gym and get her spin technique on point before her package arrives

As for the overall experience, this is literally the herbal vaporizer I've always wanted. the learning curve was pretty minimal for me thanks to awesome YouTubers and the helpful folks in this community, I basically knew exactly how everything was gonna be before I even had it in my hand. Pairing it with the ID silo has been the perfect work day companion. I used to bring a joint for my lunch break to work most days and I was always rushed to eat, have enough time to smoke, and get back to work on time on a half hour lunch. Not to mention the extra time it took to pre roll before work and find a reasonably smellproof way to hide it, and the fact that I work in proximity to quite a few other people in a call center, some of whom ( although tbh, a minority at my particular workplace) find the after joint stank a little offensive on someone sitting right next to you.
Now I simply grind up a little nug (what i would consider to be around half to 3/4 of what I'd normally put in a joint)before work, pack one bowl ready to go in the VC, Throw that in the main silo tube, and loosely toss enough for 2 more bowls in the silos stash compartment. With that and my vertigo zplus 2flame, I have enough time and bud to vape a capful on even my 15 minute breaks if I want

and a completely odourless and discreet way to carry it all around! That said I don't usually end up needing more than one bowl during a work shift, but for those extra stressful shifts it's always nice to have that insurance stash

. best part is when I go home, I usually still have capful or 2 waiting in the silo and I don't even need to grind anything else up most nights! In 7 days I've gone from an average of 2g herb per day to 1g using only the VC for the last quarter oz I bought, minus one or 2 group session joints I pitched in for at a friend's birthday party last weekend. And really, my favourite part is it doesn't even feel like I'm using less. Every other herb based portable vaporizer I've tried has fallen short in this category. With my hebe Titan 2, I would vape a bowl just to get some nice flavour on new strains, and then smoke a joint or a bong to actually get high because it just wasn't putting out like I thought it should. After 2 quick caps on my VC, the last thing on my mind is a joint!! It is still a different high from smoking, but with the VC, I think I finally understand what vaping herb is SUPPOSED to feel like, and I think I much prefer it.
In summary, I couldn't be more happy with my vapcap. I am now an ambassador to the dynaverse and will continue to switch every smoker I know to this amazing piece of mechanical genius. Already planning my next order this weekend, I'm thinking TI tip and TI standard condenser, maybe another torch or 2 for good measure

I'm thinking for the coming summer months, having the quicker cool down and heatup of the ti, plus all the other awesome benefits of a ti airpath that
@stardustsailor explained, would enhance my experience that much more. then, once we come around to winter time again, I'll switch back to the SS tip so I get that extra heat retention outside in the cold... But let's be honest, I'm probably going to have 2 or 3 more vapcaps in my collection by winter anyway