Author, Teaming Series of Organic Grow Books
Yes, the high is extraordinary! Really.ALMOST too strong!
Wow I am super late to the party. 125 pages to read. The og vapcap looks amazing, definitely ordering 2 or 3. Can I get a rundown of what going on with everything else? I plan on reading all 125 pages but it might take me two weeks, if I could join in sooner than that I would love toeven if you just give me a few specific pages to read, or a link to any relevant sites. Anything is appreciated, sorry if the request rustles any jimmies.
Yes, the high is extraordinary! Really.ALMOST too strong!
Speaking of which...VC left me feeling great this morning, I decided to give Taco Smell breakfast $1 menu a visit, lets just say I spent more money on breakfast for myself than what I make in an hour at work, fuk I had the munchies! I was day dreaming about that pre-ordered OmniVap while shoveling breakfast burritos down my black hole, dang I'm pretty excited, I'm going to be a proud owner of all three flavors of VapCaps, I don't have access to oils so I have no need for the PyroVap yet. I realized I spend more money on vapes and munchies than I do on herb, lol!![]()
Wow I am super late to the party. 125 pages to read. The og vapcap looks amazing, definitely ordering 2 or 3. Can I get a rundown of what going on with everything else? I plan on reading all 125 pages but it might take me two weeks, if I could join in sooner than that I would love toeven if you just give me a few specific pages to read, or a link to any relevant sites. Anything is appreciated, sorry if the request rustles any jimmies.
I watched the video and have a couple of questions. It seems like the omni clicks more quickly than the others or is that just because it's on a video. Also, since you have other versions, do you know if the omni is interchangeable with the them?
Friend was round recently who got an OG when I got my BK. It was clean. Nearly unused looking. He had to admit it was too strong for him.too strong!
This where I am with the VC high.The high is absolutely fantastic. Not just with the Omni, but with any Vapcap you choose.
Another day of warm iso soaking finally cleared up the ashtray smell, took over 2 days for it to go away. I did the mp in hour long increments, took about 3 hours of soaking. Now I go back to age old battle of deciding between using my vapcap or lily.I need to try this. I combusted once pretty bad when I just didn't hear/feel the click and the ceramic screen end still smells like an ashtray after 24 hours of iso soaking. If worse comes to worse I'll just get a new glass body for $10, everything else seems to smell normal again.
Does anyone know what the processing time is on an order?
I guess I'm following the pack. Or I couldn't find my OG last night so I ordered a woody. OG is now found. I haven't ordered the omnivap yet. I am glad that these work with water because I have COPD and don't do well with harsh vapor.Buy an OG (or 3), fall in love with the whole concept, then order a Ti Woody and be wowed, then salivate over the OmniVap until it arrives. I think that's pretty much the routine, unless you also want to add a Pyrovap to the mix, and maybe a Ti Glassy so you can watch the vapor. So many choices!
....... I'm assuming that the woody is not ok in the dishwasher but want to check on that.
*impatiently waiting and regretting being the first to brag*
Guys, the wait on this thing just might kill me. My VAS is pre-Vapman levels rite now.
The ship can'nay handle it, Cap'ain!