same! Hey all this is actually my first post. Very much new to vapcaps and butane vapes in general, my work buddy told me about these things on 4/21 (we work in a call center so we work weekends) and I'm sold lol, been lurking this thread and binging youtube vids all week! I've already been vaping ecigs far longer than most people to replace my nasty cigarette habit, and that has been successful 100%, but I've always had a hard time with the battery powered porta vapes for 420 I've tried lacking performance and portability, especially comparing to ecigs...... although that's obviously an unfair comparison if we're talking specifically about dry herb.
Anyway before I start rambling on more about that, all my research points to the fact that my vapcap will crush all my preconceived notions about portable vaporizers and help me fully appreciate my herb and my lungs and fuck combustion right the fuck out of my life for good! Super excited to see this company has such an awesome online community behind it.
1 week after paying and still no shipping is a bit of a bummer but, I used to work in shipping for an that was a startup at the beginning and I understand what retail Joe must be going through right now

. Praying to the gods of shipping that I get an email tomorrow and possibly my package by Friday, but even though I only got the 20%off and free shipping, I'm in Canada and the price I paid from DV even after exchange is closer to 40% off what the Canadian sresellers would've cost me after shipping and tax, (provided that I don't get any customs fees) so I think it's well worth the wait to give the company more direct support, so they can grow to handle our hugely growing demand

Also, while I'm here I do have a few questions that I might as well throw out there.
1. Torches:
I've seen George himself recommend dual flame for new users, originally I was thinking I would grab a triple flame and a single flame and start off with both options, but I didn't realize the world of torch lighters was so varied in price and options. I'm thinking i do wanna start offwith one solid torch but not go crazy on price and I'm seeing benefits to all the different flame types so I'm asking: what would be your expert reccomendations for e solid model/brand for around the 25-50$ range (I'm speaking in USD but if any other Canucks out there could give me CAD prices that would be awesome too) as a torch to start out with. I'm open to single triple or dual flame, I feel like quad seems excessive. I want to be able to get a substantial size hit but still have a quick enough heatup for outdoor use to maximize the stealth factor. I realize technique also plays a big role but want to have an easy time getting the technique down. Alternatively if anyone can recommend 2 solid torches with different flame setups that would cost me the same or less I'd be into that too, I'm most likely gonna try to order the torch and butane from somewhere in Canada just to minimize border weirdness or see if I can pick up in a b&m. In the mean time time I do have a chef torch that I can manage with for home use, I'll just be very careful.
2. Condenser milk? How does that work.... Is it actually effective at cleaning and consumable? Sounds like something that would be up my alley

3. Concentrates
What different methods are there for using concentrates in these things? I've seen alot of reviewers say the VCs handle concentrates super well but I haven't seen any demonstrations of this being done, if someone can link me to a video or any post on here that explains it that would be awesome, I know there's something to do with hemp fiber or sandwiches?

I ask because I have been primarily a bud guy forever but have recently been getting into using some 510 based ecig attachments for concentrates and having a pretty good experience, better than what I've previously experienced for herb vapes but still not the full on dabbing experience I expected. Wondering if the VC can just get 2 birds stoned at once as they say

, if so I'll have a second one coming my way in not too long.
I've been on forums for various other hobbies in my life before so I'm sure all of these topics have been exhaustively discussed in the thread before but id greatly appreciate any helpful links that could be sent my way, sorry for posting an amateur novel as my first post too but anyway, I'll be sure to update once I get my order!