I dropped my newly acquired M the other day and it dented the groove on the tip of my Vapcap to the point where it wouldn't stand up on the Dynastash, I was crushed. I placed a wooden dowel in the cap and tired to gently straighten it out so it would stand, but now there's no cool down click, heat up click seems OK. The M looks indestructible and having this type of damage to the cap never occurred to me. Is this common if you drop it? Is there anything I can do to fix it? I can't justify a $27 new cap (w/shipping) at the moment. Thanks.
Yeah, I mean, I guess it could hurt it but it's slammed itself at high speed into all kinds of surfaces and it's never damaged it. And I have several spare caps anyway, so I can't bring myself to worry over itThe cap is definitely the weakest point of a metal VapCap and should be handled carefully. I've made little dents in a couple of my caps when I was a Dynavap newbie, but never to the point where it couldn't stay upright on a Dynastash (though even the slightest deformity to the flat disc will weaken the magnetic attraction strength).
So I do wince a little every time I hear about someone dropping their VapCap, and couldn't approve of playing catch with it (@Kalessin).
Yeah, I mean, I guess it could hurt it but it's slammed itself at high speed into all kinds of surfaces and it's never damaged it. And I have several spare caps anyway, so I can't bring myself to worry over it
Anyone using a j hook with their cap? Guessing a vong would be the way to go right? Make it easier to pop it on a IH then put it back on the hook.
You know I meant you.
Yeah, I mean, I guess it could hurt it but it's slammed itself at high speed into all kinds of surfaces and it's never damaged it. And I have several spare caps anyway, so I can't bring myself to worry over it
Nope, I've never had anything fail on a vapcap other than an o-ring when I got my first. It is a wood, and blackwood which is supposed to be one of the most durable woods, so that may be a factor I suppose. I am fairly careful with it, despite how I might have made it sound. Back when my spring was strong enough to throw it all the way across the room I was very careful to make sure it didn't happen after the first goof or two. Nowadays it will still bounce it a good bit, but it's more like....bouncing on a trampoline than something being shot from a slingshot, if that makes sense? It can hit a foot and a half of air, maybe 2, and I'm so in the habit of making sure I plug the hole with my finger when I open it normally that it's been over a year probably since I've had it get away from meGood to hear! I suspect that might be because you are using a Woody ? The additional mass of an M is quite significant.
Especially once a person owns a few caps, wooden VapCap parts are what need the most caution and care, IMO. No significant wood damage to report either, I hope ?Cheers!
You know that @phattpiggie is working on a design currently. The plan is to have a pipe that works with whatever heat source you want.Yup, what Doc and @beyond6strings said.
And you don't have to take it out of the j-hook, unless your one of those weirdos that puts water in a j-hook.
The IH made the pipe shape very doable with a vapcap.
a J-hook/anhydrous is the way to go, I digress,
Classical Conditioning is a process by which an animal associates one event followed by another event without the animal having to do anything (think Pavlov) as a dog salivates when it hears a bell ring, it could be suggested that when one hears the VC click, ones mouth begins to salivateregardless of reward
Me thinks G. has tapped into another science altogetherThe "M" being behavior Modification in counter conditioning in order to create positive associations.
I think I hit that last cap too hard.
Not had my 17 M for much longer than a couple months (my first ever vape), but the free Ti tip with the 18 has got me itching.
I know i'm asking in the right place, so here goes- should i pull the trigger on this great pre order deal?
Not had my 17 M for much longer than a couple months (my first ever vape), but the free Ti tip with the 18 has got me itching.
I know i'm asking in the right place, so here goes- should i pull the trigger on this great pre order deal?