Hey there everyone! FC newbie here... I just really wanted to share a few words (after lurking for over 2 weeks reading and checking back and forth). I received my M (2017) a weeks ago from
@VapoShop and I already knew that all the info here was absolutely thought out and accurate. I had no doubt that this was going to be exactly as described.
I've been a smoker since I was 15 up until a month ago. Started smoking weed at 18. I am now 33. At around 2006 a friend talked to me about his experience with the Volcano and the effects of vaporising vs smoking. I was shaken to the core. However my mild, and even heavy at times, depression, kept me from quitting smoking weed... I must add that I'm coming from a country that mixing tobacco with weed in a joint is the norm. So you can imagine that for 15 years I 've been treating my lungs like crap. To my defence I have never been a heavy smoker... but still...
A few years ago, after a great loss of weight due to heavy depression (I'm 5'10.5'' and I weighed 114lbs), I started getting sick a bit too often. The smoking didn't help my already fragile immune system. I got acute bronchitis about 7-8 times and even a lovely case of pneumonia. The last 3-4 years I managed to get quite a bit healthier through diet, exercise and lots of "soul-searching".
But the smoking continued and I still felt like I had a bit of weight in my lungs. So after a few scaredy searches on vaporising I decided to purchase an x-max v2 pro... used it for 2 weeks and then gave it away to a friend. My problem was... I hated the whole electronic-battery powered-little oven under your mouth aspect of it all. It didn't feel organic at all and was extremely uncomfortable to handle and sip. Too hot, too clunky... too post-modern (felt like I was in the cast of Brazil)
So after a lot of "studying" on this thread I knew that this was the vape for me. I'll probably be repeating things that have been previously posted in here, but man alive this thing is just stupefying. It's size, simplicity it's ritualistic feel, excellent performance and mere intelligence have me in awe. in risk of sounding a tad dramatic, I think that the vapcap is going to be an iconic device (if not already). They way the company operates and understands the needs of its customers is beyond impressive. You can see there's passion,love and dedication to provide a top of the line product.
But to be honest what made me take the leap on getting a dynavap product was the amazing fan base. I don't think I have ever witnessed any other forum with so many well spoken, intelligent and helpful people.
I'll let you guys be now. Thank you for enduring my rumbling and forgive my -possibly- weird english (not a native english speaker) Thank you so much
@VapCap and FCers for helping me literally change my life. And
@Squiby , you are magic. Thank you so so much for all the invaluable info (that hemp filter is pure genius ) My lungs are already feeling the love!