happy camper....
@fcmember - I microdose and usually consume my daily dose of .07mg of flower over the period of several hours. That is why I love the OmniVap as it is a true on demand vape. Take a toke when you want and the rest of the flower will be waiting for you when you need another dose.
The Titanium OmniVap cools quickly so that your flower is not degrading like session vapes.
I also start heating the cap at the Top and work my way down to the bottom over four heating cycles.
With regards to a DynaVap specific concentrate pad, George emailed me several weeks ago indicating that they are working on one and it should be available in the near future.
I think a good name for it would be the Dyna-Trate-Pad.
A real Dynavape concentration pad....that gives me hope!

Can you please tell what kind of J hook are you using?
I honestly feel that my coughing has to do with the temperature of the vapor. I either need to find a way to cool it, or heat it less to begin with..but without sacrificing the satisfaction or quality of the vape.
I am using the hemp fiber filter and doing mouth pulls only, but still, at times maybe the vapor is too hot. I find that I dont cough as much if I do the mouth pull, and then inhale with my mouth open so that theres a lot of fresh air going in at the same time. But still, its not the perfect technique and not very satisfying. I must find a better way to make this work.
Seriously, google “Vapor Lung” and make one of those. And look on YouTube. I find the vapor plenty cool and very easy to see. That Vapor Lung is like having a $4 Volcano vaporizer...really unbelievable. Good luck finding a cooler vape...that’s just what I needed too.
Hash wrapped in hemp fibre needs longer heatings. ok.
lets say 1-2´ after the click.
how can you tell that you have combusted hash?
herb is quite easy to see and smell.
it gets black AND grey and falls into dust-small particles when touched.
not not mention the smell. disgusting.
worse than combustion that one knows, somehow.
what about hash?
I know there are different varieties out there. From black and oily to golden kief sift.
Is there an indicator to tell if you overdid the heating ?
especially darker hash is hard to inspect.
If you can see the vapor, you can tell the difference between that vapor and ‘smoke’....when combustion happens you will know what I mean. The smoke is obvious and curls around and around...you don’t see that happen with vapor. I wasn’t sure that first time so I inhaled and was very sorry I did. Won’t let that happen again!