Who received their TI MP shipping confirmation by now?
ME!!! I did! 2 days ago I think; maybe yesterday though?
So very happy although its ultimate purpose won't be fulfilled until later. Only a Special MP could be worthy of a SDS creation from my homeboy. Speaking of
@stardustsailor - if you don't know, he's in the process of acquiring new, fancy tools. He posted a sexy photo on his thread; I'm so excited to see where this takes him, considering all the shapes, textures and patterns he was creating with just a mounted drill! When he's learned all this new tech and what his new capabilities are, watch out! I get even more excited to see where his personal vision takes this next generation of SDS Creations!
2018 just keeps bringing new developments and signs of growth here in VapCap land! I'm trying to add just 2 custom VapCaps (phattpiggie&SDS) this year. Two. And somehow, I'm trying to sell it (to myself) that this represents real self-discipline on my part. "Just the two decadently luxurious stems for me, please. I'm roughing it this year." What a Spartan! I'm asking you all to hold me to this years resolution, fellow Capheads. Not that you can actually stop me doing something stupid, but you
can promise to shame/mock me publicly in perpetuity.

What if George drops something amazing in July or August? What of the usual Black Friday madness? Lots of opportunities for me to screw this up and you all have front row seats!
I come from Scottish Highlands stock. Every time I buy more Vape stuff, I hear my grandfather's brogue in my head, "A fool and his money are soon parted"

lol! Thanks for that, Grandad!