Just a dude
^+100!^ So true, the "package" matters imo. I will pass on an item that isn't pleasing to have, hold, look at. Taking function into account, I still buy with my eyes. It's best when function informs the design imo.I know I know, I am quite picky.
But the IH would sit on my desk and I like looking at beautiful things.
thats why I buy 10 years old lcd displays because I prefer this particular design.
something like this would be very welcome
I'm sure (hopefully?) they simply aren't at that stage of development yet. If they're busy nailing down features, function, and lay-out then I don't believe there's need for concern. Anything between thesize of device in your pic and the device @stark1 posts would be lovely on a desk/table and still fit easily in any of my manbags for on-the-go. And in walnut (or any of the species George mentioned a few weeks ago) would be gorgeous! If not a wooden casing, then I think the way to go would be a sleek alloy. Or a combination of the two??

@NizzyJones Preach! Your post express my thoughts perfectly, all due respect to @Dynavaper of course! I feel the difference in feel, fit, finish and function is markedly different to that of the M. And for my buck, it's a better, more-refined experience. @Dynavaper beautifully illustrates this with the wine & spirits analogy.
Also there are connoisseurs of most luxurious items, I'm thinking cigars and even that

@Vapoleon The M is a Marvellous Machine, absolutely functional and fit for purpose. The Omni or OmniXL won't get you any higher. Using my omnivap is pleasing to my senses every time, beyond its function. I still find myself marvelling over the ingenious elegance of its design. The more I use it, the more I marvel!

I asked the same question once, and I think you should get the M first, learn it and love it. It's freaking awesome! But most most most definitely, IMHO, the Omni>M! You can always buy the Omni later or never.
I truly wonder of those who own both models, if having to pick just one, would honestly grab the M over their Omni? I simply cannot imagine, given the choice, anyone here passing up their Omni for the M. If such a person exists, I've got an M in excellent condition that I'll trade for her/his Omni. PM me!

Hiya @vapshift Gotta say, my man Video Ben, you have handled the technical problems and challenges like a freaking PRO! I've been there, so many times when tech has let me down in real-time live, and know what a stress-test it is. Especially when you're working with star talent, right @VapCap?

Thanks to Video Ben, George, Arielle & ALL at DVland for putting forth the extra time, effort and expense to bring us these fun, informative livecasts and the extra special bits, oh and it seems these "flash sale" things you've been having are really popular with all the cool kids! That's the word on the street.
I'm sure the hard work will pay tremendous dividends in the form of new users with filthy lungs!