Abysmal Vapor
Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
I am really diggin the looks of te DLXone,i have DIY-ed myself something something like DLXpro few weeks ago for my DIY test tube,but it looks like Quasimodo compared to the level of craftsmanship of the Dreamwood vapesNice write up @Hagbard ! I'm testing myself a beta unit from another company but very similar in form&function to the DLXOne, works like a treat!

The only thing i am not diggin about it is that u inhale the jet steam.I have used similar method with a vapocane ,and i find it impacts the taste compared to the indirect method.I know butane is supposed to burns clean when it is combusted but does it actually combust at 100%,i dont have trust in most of the cheap torches to do that job,are there any models recommended to use with that kind of vapes ? Do you inhale the visible flame directly into the tube or r u try to suck the hot steam created infront ?(invisible part)