It is kind of a ritual to me, that I try a new vape in the morning and sober, to really get a un-tainted first impression of it. Therefore, I had to wait until now to give them here
First, I have to repeat, that I love how the dobby feels in the hand and how the wood has it's own smell (or maybe it's the wax or polish they seem to use to finish the surfaces off).
I packed a nice little bowl, not half full, but a bit less. Used the original glass stem it comes with and gave it a try... First thing I realized is, that you seem to have to aim the jet flame more direct into the heat intake, than compared to a sticky brick runt ( sorry, if this is not wanted here, but it's the only comparison I can make

). And it seems way more forgiving too... I'm pretty sure if I would aim the torch, like I did with the dobby, with the runt, I would combust.
It will surely take some time for me to dial it in, but first impressions are totally positive

Love these wooden vapes!
One thing, I have to say, I could taste the wood pretty good during this first bowl...but I guess this will get lost with time and use. I wouldn't say it was a bad taste. It was there, for sure...but not unpleasant. Actually it had a bit of a fruity taste to it, combined with a bit of a sharp woody taste ... If that makes any sense
The dobby will have his place in my rotation for sure! Definitely a candidate for my all-time-favourite-vapes-list