dotleaf arrived this afternoon and I'm absolutely floored. I had low hopes but high expectations, and am not disappointed. Everything that dotmod could have designed right they did, imo. The fit and finish of everything is premium, and I do not understand how they could do all this for $160. Things like pass through charging and easily available 18650s is a game changer. I have at least two on hand already.
Packaging looks great. If this was on the shelf I'd think it was a premium product.
Opening it, the first thing that struck me was how small it is. I was expecting small from pictures, and this is about 30% smaller than I expected.
Use of it is simple, and it heats up really fast. To answer the big question; the oven holds .13 to .15, with a light pack. ymmv with different loads and packs. I started on mode 2 and, even though I love full spectrum high temp vaping, I was startled at how hot the vapor was from the mouthpiece. It's not bad, just surprised me first time. Not painful like the thermavape t1, for sure. Love the high temps this device does, and will probably use it on mode 1 on the go. This also means you can rip it hard through glass because of the higher temp ceilings. Very happy with that.
Effects, even from weak CBD, is like being hit by a bus. You are blowing clouds from 2-5 second draws, and happy with it. Flavor has been really nice so far, but it's a bit toasty. Not smooth like my EVO, but I don't mind. It IS very easy to blow through massive amounts of material with this, so I wouldn't recommend it for microdosing.
I love the modularity with the POM adapters and 510 mouthpieces. dotleaf is tiny and stealthy on the go in the pocket, but I love switching it up on devices/glass. These adapters have a tendency to stick to the glass joint, popping them off the device. It's annoying, but maybe can be improved with some beeswax.
These are a few of my favorite things:
Great size with Jhook
Smooth, cool, tasty, tornados!
The 18mm adapter is everything since I also just got an evo.
It looks like it's wearing a gnome hat!
The dotleaf instantly white walls the calyx!!!!!! O_O
So yeah. I couldn't be happier. I'd like a smaller chamber down the line, or a reducer. But for now it's perfect.
Packaging looks great. If this was on the shelf I'd think it was a premium product.

Opening it, the first thing that struck me was how small it is. I was expecting small from pictures, and this is about 30% smaller than I expected.

Use of it is simple, and it heats up really fast. To answer the big question; the oven holds .13 to .15, with a light pack. ymmv with different loads and packs. I started on mode 2 and, even though I love full spectrum high temp vaping, I was startled at how hot the vapor was from the mouthpiece. It's not bad, just surprised me first time. Not painful like the thermavape t1, for sure. Love the high temps this device does, and will probably use it on mode 1 on the go. This also means you can rip it hard through glass because of the higher temp ceilings. Very happy with that.
Effects, even from weak CBD, is like being hit by a bus. You are blowing clouds from 2-5 second draws, and happy with it. Flavor has been really nice so far, but it's a bit toasty. Not smooth like my EVO, but I don't mind. It IS very easy to blow through massive amounts of material with this, so I wouldn't recommend it for microdosing.
I love the modularity with the POM adapters and 510 mouthpieces. dotleaf is tiny and stealthy on the go in the pocket, but I love switching it up on devices/glass. These adapters have a tendency to stick to the glass joint, popping them off the device. It's annoying, but maybe can be improved with some beeswax.
These are a few of my favorite things:
Great size with Jhook

Smooth, cool, tasty, tornados!

The 18mm adapter is everything since I also just got an evo.
It looks like it's wearing a gnome hat!

The dotleaf instantly white walls the calyx!!!!!! O_O

So yeah. I couldn't be happier. I'd like a smaller chamber down the line, or a reducer. But for now it's perfect.
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