

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
dotleaf arrived this afternoon and I'm absolutely floored. I had low hopes but high expectations, and am not disappointed. Everything that dotmod could have designed right they did, imo. The fit and finish of everything is premium, and I do not understand how they could do all this for $160. Things like pass through charging and easily available 18650s is a game changer. I have at least two on hand already.

Packaging looks great. If this was on the shelf I'd think it was a premium product.


Opening it, the first thing that struck me was how small it is. I was expecting small from pictures, and this is about 30% smaller than I expected.



Use of it is simple, and it heats up really fast. To answer the big question; the oven holds .13 to .15, with a light pack. ymmv with different loads and packs. I started on mode 2 and, even though I love full spectrum high temp vaping, I was startled at how hot the vapor was from the mouthpiece. It's not bad, just surprised me first time. Not painful like the thermavape t1, for sure. Love the high temps this device does, and will probably use it on mode 1 on the go. This also means you can rip it hard through glass because of the higher temp ceilings. Very happy with that.

Effects, even from weak CBD, is like being hit by a bus. You are blowing clouds from 2-5 second draws, and happy with it. Flavor has been really nice so far, but it's a bit toasty. Not smooth like my EVO, but I don't mind. It IS very easy to blow through massive amounts of material with this, so I wouldn't recommend it for microdosing.

I love the modularity with the POM adapters and 510 mouthpieces. dotleaf is tiny and stealthy on the go in the pocket, but I love switching it up on devices/glass. These adapters have a tendency to stick to the glass joint, popping them off the device. It's annoying, but maybe can be improved with some beeswax.

These are a few of my favorite things:

Great size with Jhook


Smooth, cool, tasty, tornados!


The 18mm adapter is everything since I also just got an evo.

It looks like it's wearing a gnome hat!


The dotleaf instantly white walls the calyx!!!!!! O_O


So yeah. I couldn't be happier. I'd like a smaller chamber down the line, or a reducer. But for now it's perfect.
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Well-Known Member
@khelek41girl Any issues with the o-ring at the top of the chamber that holds the herb tank? I am only one bowl in and somehow managed to tear it pretty good. :doh:

I think the sharp edges on the herb tank lid, combined with my clumsiness, are to blame.

Otherwise, I am pretty impressed with the dotLeaf on its initial run!
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Accessory Maker
@khelek41girl Any issues with the o-ring at the top of the chamber that holds the herb tank? I am only one bowl in and somehow managed to tear it pretty good. :doh:

I think the sharp edges on the herb tank lid, combined with my clumsiness, are to blame.

Otherwise, I am pretty impressed with the dotLeaf on its initial run!

That's one of the things I talked to them about, because mine ripped too. As annoying as it is, it does not affect performance, and was only designed that way to insure a perfect seal, which they found out later in testing, that it didn't need. If you reach out to them and let them know, they will send you a replacement when the new gasket design is finished, along with an updated oven bowl with an updated lid that doesn't hit the gasket wrong. Their customer service has been stellar so far, so don't be afraid to reach out!

Edit: I forgot to mention that I used a dremel to mod the bowl lid sharp edge off and that helped, though the damage on my airpath gasket is already done. I'm waiting for them to send out the updated gasket and oven whenever they are released :)
dotleaf arrived this afternoon and I'm absolutely floored. I had low hopes but high expectations, and am not disappointed. Everything that dotmod could have designed right they did, imo. The fit and finish of everything is premium, and I do not understand how they could do all this for $160. Things like pass through charging and easily available 18650s is a game changer. I have at least two on hand already.

Packaging looks great. If this was on the shelf I'd think it was a premium product.


Opening it, the first thing that struck me was how small it is. I was expecting small from pictures, and this is about 30% smaller than I expected.



Use of it is simple, and it heats up really fast. To answer the big question; the oven holds .13 to .15, with a light pack. ymmv with different loads and packs. I started on mode 2 and, even though I love full spectrum high temp vaping, I was startled at how hot the vapor was from the mouthpiece. It's not bad, just surprised me first time. Not painful like the thermavape t1, for sure. Love the high temps this device does, and will probably use it on mode 1 on the go. This also means you can rip it hard through glass because of the higher temp ceilings. Very happy with that.

Effects, even from weak CBD, is like being hit by a bus. You are blowing clouds from 2-5 second draws, and happy with it. Flavor has been really nice so far, but it's a bit toasty. Not smooth like my EVO, but I don't mind. It IS very easy to blow through massive amounts of material with this, so I wouldn't recommend it for microdosing.

I love the modularity with the POM adapters and 510 mouthpieces. dotleaf is tiny and stealthy on the go in the pocket, but I love switching it up on devices/glass. These adapters have a tendency to stick to the glass joint, popping them off the device. It's annoying, but maybe can be improved with some beeswax.

These are a few of my favorite things:

Great size with Jhook


Smooth, cool, tasty, tornados!


The 18mm adapter is everything since I also just got an evo.

It looks like it's wearing a gnome hat!


The dotleaf instantly white walls the calyx!!!!!! O_O


So yeah. I couldn't be happier. I'd like a smaller chamber down the line, or a reducer. But for now it's perfect.
This basically matches my initial impressions exactly! The first hits were surprising, and the herb hits you way harder than you would expect, even if you're used to using it in other vapes! Nice pictures as well! You hit the nail on the head with this initial review!


Well-Known Member
That's one of the things I talked to them about, because mine ripped too. As annoying as it is, it does not affect performance, and was only designed that way to insure a perfect seal, which they found out later in testing, that it didn't need. If you reach out to them and let them know, they will send you a replacement when the new gasket design is finished, along with an updated oven bowl with an updated lid that doesn't hit the gasket wrong. Their customer service has been stellar so far, so don't be afraid to reach out!

Edit: I forgot to mention that I used a dremel to mod the bowl lid sharp edge off and that helped, though the damage on my airpath gasket is already done. I'm waiting for them to send out the updated gasket and oven whenever they are released :)

This basically matches my initial impressions exactly! The first hits were surprising, and the herb hits you way harder than you would expect, even if you're used to using it in other vapes! Nice pictures as well! You hit the nail on the head with this initial review!
Thanks! I’ve reached out to the folks at dotLeaf. I also removed as much of the air path gasket as I could, as anytime I put the tank back in, the torn portion of the gasket would squeeze into the air path. Good to know that it was found to be unnecessary.
Super cool little unit.

Update: Okay...maybe don’t mess with this gasket if it ain’t broken. It is required to exert enough downward force on the herb tank to ensure sufficient electrical contact. Currently, my dotLeaf is indicating that I do not have a tank in place. If I apply a wee bit of downward force on the tank, it is detected and heats up. But I cannot currently use the device without some modification. I’d imagine that a new gasket and/or a slightly thicker lid should fix this issue. At the moment, I will hold off to see what the company says.

I’d recommend carefully removing and inserting the herb tank to avoid damage to this gasket, as it’s more important than I first thought. 8 )

Update #2: I was able to jam some thin material in between the top of the herb tank and body of the dotLeaf to create the required electrical contact...but it also created an unintended cool air intake nullifying any chance of success. It appears the gasket creates an air seal between the mouthpiece and the portion of the tank lid that surrounds the ceramic chamber. Without said gasket, outside air rushes in....and I just went ripping away at it after I notice mine was torn. Doh! That said, it was pretty easy to tear by simply sliding the tank in and out, as the inner and outer edges of my tank lid are fairly “sharp”. One should depress the herb tank downward when inserting or removing it to avoid damaging the gasket. Lastly, replacing this gasket doesn’t appear to be as easy as I initially thought it would be.

My first chamber was awesome!...then I did a stupid. Hopefully others learn from my mistake. @khelek41girl I am pleased to hear that there is a remedy on the way, and unlike some of the other companies I’ve purchased from, good customer service will be a nice change.

Apologies for the many words.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Thanks for the warning on the gasket. Mine already looks a little crushed but fine, and I'm taking so much care with the oven now. Gonna reach out to dotmod to tell them how awesome this vape is and get on a list for updated parts.

@khelek41girl would you mind posting a picture of where/what you dremeled so I can mirror it?

Also, the grav jhook with the dotleaf is pretty much what I always dreamed a chill gandalf sesh would be like. Non stop cool clouds.


Cognitive Dissonance D 5 +
Thanks to all the early adopters for taking the risk of potentially ending up with a device that still had many unwanted warts. Doesn’t seem to be the case with the dotLeaf as the creator has a solid history in the e-cig arena.

Before dotLeaf goes all in on final tweaks, now would be a good time to offer suggestions to improve an already sound vape before they ramp up production. Quality and good CS seems to be their legacy in the e-cig realm and have no reason to think anything will change in their dry herb vapes. Keeping an eye on Reddit, FC and other forums is in their best interest, so respectful feed back will always be welcome.

Ceramic dosing capsules and/or the option of purchasing a smaller bowl size for micro dosing would be my preferences. Not sure what the bowl screen is but SS would be preferred over aluminum.


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Accessory Maker
@Severmore that really sucks that your dotleaf seems unusable(??) now. If it helps at all, the stock seal has these dimensions based on my (shaky hard to eyeball) digital caliper measurements:

1mm protruding in from top of oven space
2mm total depth of the visible black part of the ring
10.6 mm outer diameter (really hard to measure this with such small space and I didn't want to disassemble mine)
9mm inner diameter

Material should be viton/fluoroelastomer to handle the high temps. You could probably get away with a 1mm thick sheet of it with a hole in it there.

I'm sure dotmod has a much better design coming up, and their oring is a custom size and shape. I'm just telling you this in case you want to source a stopgap replacement in the meantime. Thanks again for making me be extra careful with mine!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, as of now, my unit is non-functional...but I did quickly assist it to a broken state, by completely removing the gasket. Hopefully dotLeaf will get back to me early next week, although I do not necessarily expect a response until after the holidays.

If I were to receive a replacement gasket, it’s unclear how to go about swapping it out, given it appears to be pinched between the aluminum body and the metal insert for the 510 tips. Can this insert be easily removed?

Thank you for the measurements! @maremaresing

If it comes down to it, I’m sure that a DIY solution can easily be had. Maybe something like these?

Saw this last night...and got super jealous = )

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knowing is half the power - Gi-JOE
Accessory Maker
Realized the similar vapes ovens do not connect after contacting ais vape
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Well-Known Member
Quick Update.

dotLeaf promptly replied to my email and is sending me some new air path gaskets/o-rings free of charge. Further, removing the 510 adapter was super easy, as it twists out with a coin. Thus, getting back up and running should be a breeze...

@khelek41girl I am very impressed with the customer service that I've been shown thus far. Thanks for the advice! dotLeaf also confirmed with me as well that they are looking into a more robust gasket material and modifications to the heating chamber to enable a smoother transition in and out.
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IG: sunyata.woods
Accessory Maker
Well, order is placed. Kinda stoked to hop on this train rather early, and see how things progress.
Pretty tempted myself! Emailed their CS, apparently they are in hard launch now and the oven has been adjusted already. I asked them a few more follow ups (gasket, stuff about shipping...) but will likely order once I hear back


IG: sunyata.woods
Accessory Maker
Yeh saw that, although with shipping from dotleaf itself to where I am they end up being 5€ cheaper than dealing with dotleaf themselves, and in the case of a warranty claim I'd rather avoid having to deal with a random French ecig shop :\:lol: But then it also depends on where dotleaf themselves ship from/to :tinfoil:
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Well-Known Member
Pretty tempted myself! Emailed their CS, apparently they are in hard launch now and the oven has been adjusted already. I asked them a few more follow ups (gasket, stuff about shipping...) but will likely order once I hear back
Hope they’ve fixed the gasket issue. Please let us know. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
They just sent me out the new updated tank and gasket yesterday! I've heard from a friend who had the same issue, and already received his replacements, that the updated gasket and lid design change are way better than the original design, so I'm very excited!


Well-Known Member
Is there a way to distinguish the old from new parts? Just ordered but now hope I can get the updated items too.
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Accessory Maker
I am considering ordering from a uk site but this gasket thing concerns me. Have the retail units got the updated parts?
I think as long as it is coming from the official DotMod EU, you should probably be fine. If it's from a retailer, your guess is as good as mine.
Personally, with the variables in play here, I would probably recommend buying it from the official DotMod store

Is there a way to distinguish the old from new parts? Just ordered but now hope I can get the updated items too.
I guess the gasket is a thicker material that is more robust and lower profile, while the lid is sloped so that it doesn't snag anymore on the gasket. I'll post pics when mine comes in


Many vapes & accessories. Always happy to help
Hello fellow peeps,

I was officially allowed by dotLeaf to post a 10% FC code for our friendly crowd. It’s redeemable on their website supersecret10. Not affiliated or engaged in any way with them.
Also, they’re shipping their EU orders from France - so no additional tax or customs fees. Enjoy! :)

@khelek41girl Thanks for all the good info and communication. Can’t wait to see what they come up with in the future in terms of different heaters, micro dose ovens etc.

Wishing everyone wonderful Holidaze and all the best for 2021- back for some fun! :D
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Well-Known Member
Hello fellow peeps,

I was officially allowed by dotLeaf to post a 10% FC code for our friendly crowd. It’s redeemable on their website supersecret10. Not affiliated or engaged in any way with them.
Also, they’re shipping their EU orders from France - so no additional tax or customs fees. Enjoy! :)

@khelek41girl Thanks for all the good info and communication. Can’t wait to see what they come up with in the future in terms of different heaters, micro dose ovens etc.

Wishing everyone wonderful Holidaze and all the best for 2021- back for some fun! :D
I just used your code — thanks ! $167 for the device and an extra heating chamber. No tax to AZ, free USPS shipping. 💪🙏🏻
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How many vaps could a Vapman vap…
I just used your code — thanks ! $167 for the device and an extra heating chamber. No tax to AZ, free USPS shipping. 💪🙏🏻
Ooof, I got dicked hard on my purchase. 40$ shipping to Canada (really like 50-60 though) PLUS 70$ duty fee. Such bull. I didn’t have to pay no fucking duty when I got my FW7


Well-Known Member
I think as long as it is coming from the official DotMod EU, you should probably be fine. If it's from a retailer, your guess is as good as mine.
Personally, with the variables in play here, I would probably recommend buying it from the official DotMod store

I guess the gasket is a thicker material that is more robust and lower profile, while the lid is sloped so that it doesn't snag anymore on the gasket. I'll post pics when mine comes in
Merry Christmas All.
I just ordered the device and an extra chamber from Dotleaf on Wednesday. I’ll post pics of what they send me. I wont really know whether it’s the new version but I assume it will be as I just ordered it. It hasn’t shipped yet.
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