

Well-Known Member
@bulllee It takes an 18650 (not included). Very solid setup!

Thank you!! 🤗

Excited to hear more as well. I really like my vapman with station and my dynavap with induction heater, both conduction, but they heat up very quickly in my opinion compared to other devices i had tried, like argo, pax 3, etc. Otherwise between the first two i mentioned i use woodscents and tinymight. If that works similiarly as quickly as the vapman and dynavap, may have to pick it up. really do like the design.
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I reached out to them about the heating element on Instagram, and they told me they believe it's SS but will confirm with Engineering.

Has anybody else noticed the airpath no?
Although a lot of it may be Ultem, and some people dont like plastic, to me it looks very elongated and smart, and the air hits a good few very warm, then hot parts before entering the inner oven base. I think the air enters the top of the oven module and goes to the bottom through drilled metal baffles which would be heated.

Regular conduction just takes cold air from any place, so people might be surprised with this vape, they mentioned it has a punch!
It looks like I would need extra cooling than the mouthpiece, but at least they show using it with water, and supply adapters.
Nice starting price!

This was really helpful, thanks! The person I spoke to also mentioned that the metal which is visible in those photos is aluminum.


The Universe is our endless supply
@khelek41girl Got me tempted 😁. I know dot mod from the ecig side so it's definitely a classy refined piece. Definitely know for being higher end. I just questioned the flowermate style oven tho. Liking what im hearing tho. Does it include the hard case or did you get that seperately? How is the oven size? So many questions. I'll let you enjoy it before I drown you in them


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Alright, I'm still in bed so I won't go into a ton of details at the moment, but I just wanted to pop in here and say that after spending the evening with the DotLeaf, it has some pros and cons. Its not a perfect vape. But, I will say that it knocked me on my ass! I mean, I have a decently high tolerance, and this thing laid me out in quick.

The device can get warm, the vapor can get hot, and it is best used through a jhook or glass rig, but there are things you can do to cool the vapor. Like for instance, I have an adjustable airflow 510 drip tip from an ecig that made the experience much more pleasant. I'm still playing around with what temp setting I like best natively, so I'll get back to you on that. Temp setting #4 is just... Let's just say on that setting it's a HEAVY'S contender. If nothing else, it would make a great bong ripper. I would buy this thing just for that! I'll report back with more findings as I get more experience with it. Being forthright and honest, this vape won't be for everyone, but I'm glad I have one, and I have no regrets in purchasing it!


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Ok, to start out...

The DotLeaf requires a fully packed bowl to perform properly. Because it is conduction focused heating, it requires contact with the chamber, and the more contact the better. I have been using a medium grind, and because of the size of the holes in the chamber, I would not recommend using a fine grind with this. The herb chamber/heating oven is modular and removeable, so that can be a bit of a pain every time you want to reload the bowl, but because of the size of the bowl, and how many hits/sessions you get out of the one bowl of herb, I believe it balances out. Not to get ahead of myself, but this vape gets 2-3 sessions out of one bowl of herb.

Once the bowl is loaded and lightly tamped, you turn the device on with 5 clicks. The device has a dedicated button for adjusting between 4 temp settings, and there is a light ring around the power button that tells you which temp you are on. To start the session, you click the power button 3 times and wait for it to heat up. Warmup time is roughly 20-26 seconds based on what I have experienced, but this will obviously depend on the environment that you are in. When the devices is ready, it will vibrate letting you know that it has reached the set temperature.

I do want to point out that this is not a 10+ second draw vape. My hits ranged between 2-6 seconds long and I was more than satisfied with the hits. This is definitely a sipping vape, and the vapor just goes and goes and goes. Depending on how you want to vape, temp 1 provides solid visible vapor that is comfortable, flavorful (in a conduction way), and would be satisfying for those that aren't looking to get a punch to the face.

On temp 1, I got 20+ hits before the vapor died out. That was over the course of two full 3 minute sessions. When I checked the herb, it still had life in it, so I bumped the temp up to 3 and got another full and satisfying session. Now, I have intentionally been using the native mouthpiece for these tests just to gauge the comfort level of using this on the go. (There are other recent vapes that have come out that are designed to be portable, but fall short when the vapor is too hot to use natively.) So far, on temps 1 and 2, the vapor is warm but comfortable, and very tolerable from a temperature perspective. The vapor has more throat hit than I would say convection vapes have, but I believe this to be true with other conduction vapes too. Conduction just has that extra roasty punch to it.

On my sessions at temp 2, the vapor production doubled and was warm but still tolerable. I have been getting around 25 solid hits out of 1 bowl over 2 sessions on this temp setting, and when I checked the herb afterwards, it was pretty decently cooked. The DotLeaf cooks the herb very evenly and there is no hot-spotting or inconsistent heating. When I bumped the temp up to 3 to finish off the bowl, there wasn't much vapor left, so I stopped the sesh and emptied the bowl. (Temp 3 is not advised on a fresh bowl)

Temp 2 has been my favorite so far. It's a good tolerable temperature of vapor, and the flavor has a full and bold roasty taste (which I am really enjoying), very similar to the Vapman and MFLB. Because it has the ability to provide so many comfortable hits back to back over the course of multiple sessions, this temp setting is my top pick for on the go native use.

I briefly used temp 3 natively on a fresh bowl, and while some of you could probably use it just fine, it was a bit uncomfortable for me. The vapor is just too punchy, and borders uncomfortable. I say punchy because its a bit overwhelming. I don't really know how to explain it other than...its just too much conduction vapor to handle natively. So I would personally reserve temps 3 and 4 for glass rigs only. Like I said, some of you may be able to handle (and even enjoy) the punchiness of temp 3, but it was too much for me. Temp 4 is out of the question. I simply cant handle that much vapor without running it through a glass rig first.

So far, battery life is just ok. In all fairness, I have not been able to properly give 1 fresh battery a solid chance and count how many sessions it can handle. I will have to report back on that later. I found that the "activated heater" light indicator goes from green to blue when the battery level drops, and I would assume that it goes from blue to red when its time to charge. I have been getting the blue light after about 3-4 sessions, and I would assume you would get another 2-3 sessions after that before it went red...but once again, I have not properly focused on battery life, so this is all speculation at this point. I will report proper battery life later on. Also, as the battery drops, I have NOT seen a drop in performance.


Good travel companion

Great for group sessions

Has a big bowl that efficiently uses the herb depending on temps

Lower temps provide extended use from 1 bowl (multiple sessions)
Very compact device

Swappable mouthpieces (510 driptips)
Customizeable faceplates

Comes with literally everything you need...carry case, 14mm WPA, 18mm WPA, native mouthpiece, brush, stir tool, charging cable, and a set of extra orings

Removeable 18650 capability (18650 not included)

Modular heater unit

Passthrough charging

USB-C Charging port


Device gets warm (not uncomfortably hot, but definitely warm)

Higher temps are rather punchy and can be harsh

The bowl is very big and not the best for microdosing

Requires a full bowl to take advantage of conduction heating

Modular heater unit can also be seen as a negative for loading and unloading.

In conclusion, if I were to rank this device in how it stacks up, it shares a lot of similarities with both the Pax 3, but also the Crafty/Mighty. Since this vape focuses on modularity, I would suggest (to DotLeaf primarily if you read this), adding the ability to buy a heater with a smaller herb chamber for those that want to microdose. Outside of that, this thing just works. It has the ability to provide light wispy vapor, or ridiculously thick dense vapor that will knock you to the floor. Because of all the pros and cons, I would give this a 7.5 to 8 out of 10 as a session vape. It cannot really be compared against on demand or convection vapes such as the TinyMight, Milaana, etc. This is a different animal.

Bonus video showing a sesh through glass!


Less soul, more mind
Hmmm, I must say, this gets more and more interesting. This seems perfect for sharing (being able to just keep running & be hit with short draws). ~5 sessions per charge doesn't sound too bad at all, especially since the cell can be swapped when dead anyway. I will move this on my radar, I'm open minded for a small group / party vape (once the pandemic is finally done). Only downside still is the seemingly limited temp variety, but what it's able to deliver is still impressive.

Great review / 1st impression and demo video, thx a lot @khelek41girl!

Edit: @khelek41girl – Any info on what amount of flower the dotLeaf typically would take per session?


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Accessory Maker
Edit: @khelek41girl – Any info on what amount of flower the dotLeaf typically would take per session?
I dont have a scale, but it can fit a packed 1/4 teaspoon as much as a stickybrick if not more

Edit: Just found out that this is a soft launch, and that minor changes are still being improved upon based on early user feedback. There will be a slight design change to the lid of the oven chamber to improve longevity. So while this is available now, I'll let you all decide if you want to jump on board early or wait till the official global launch

Edit 2: Also thought it was worth pointing out that I'm just an early supporter and do not plan to actually carry this device on my own site or anything. I paid for my unit with my own money, and don't make anything off reviewing it. Just wanted to get the info out there for people since info is so limited right now
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New Member
@khelek41girl I've purchased this as a Christmas present, now I'm totally clueless when it comes to this sort of thing, when you suggest using a glass rig, what sort of thing should I be looking for?
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@khelek41girl I've purchased this as a Christmas present, now I'm totally clueless when it comes to this sort of thing, when you suggest using a glass rig, what sort of thing should I be looking for?
In regards to a glass rig, it could be something as simple as a glass Jhook or waterpipe depending on how mobile they want to be. Jhook is portable, waterpipe is more of a desktop setup


Well-Known Member
looks like this is being restocked on 12/18. This is very interesting to me, I usually tend towards artisian vapes - but I do need something for groups-once that can happen again - Thanks Covid! I was originally thinking of a mighty/crafty - but this seems better for sure. For a water piece - it seems that the Hubble Bubble from DT would be great (and portable) for this
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Heres a few video clips that I took for some friends. Apologies, I'm a mess. I wasn't intending to share these with the world lol, but heres a session that I did with a twax bowl of D8 and CBD...

There should be 3 video clips in the Imgur Gallery. You may have to click left or right to see them. This thing is great! All I can say is that it hits really hard, but it is not a microdoser. I don't really have anything bad to say about it, it works great! I'm with ya on mostly having artisan vapes. I'm the same way. This one is worth it though!


New Member
In regards to a glass rig, it could be something as simple as a glass Jhook or waterpipe depending on how mobile they want to be. Jhook is portable, waterpipe is more of a desktop setup
Thanks for your help, that's pointed me in the right direction.


Well-Known Member
how's maintenance on it appear, it kind of looks like just the drip tip and oven to worry about?

Heres a few video clips that I took for some friends. Apologies, I'm a mess. I wasn't intending to share these with the world lol, but heres a session that I did with a twax bowl of D8 and CBD...

There should be 3 video clips in the Imgur Gallery. You may have to click left or right to see them. This thing is great! All I can say is that it hits really hard, but it is not a microdoser. I don't really have anything bad to say about it, it works great! I'm with ya on mostly having artisan vapes. I'm the same way. This one is worth it
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Well-Known Member
gah! just ordered as a xmas gift to myself and post-vaccine friends! now to find a few different 510 adjustable air flow drip tips and sell my IQ2

It also just dawned on me that my shell shock vapcap stem will be able to borrow the 14 and 18mm drip tips from the dotleaf 8)


Well-Known Member
I'm picturing it being the size of the dotmod aio. Looking at some video reviews of the aio in use, it seems really small. Looking forward to hear your thoughts when you have it in hand.

As my heat transfer professor pointed out, all conduction heaters have some element of convection, just well below vaporization temperature. So when it comes to the language used in advertising it's not a lie to say convection is occurring. Just don't specify that the convection is not hot enough to vaporize the herb.

But that is a subject that could have a thread of it's own. I don't care how the heat is transferred so long as the user experience is good.
Live and learn! Thanks Farid!


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That thing is so tiny! Thanks for your reviews Khelek! I'm very tempted by this, but not sure if the price will stay at 160, or will go up after there are improvements.
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It appears to be exactly the same size and functionality as the Dotmod AIO except for the tank. What am I missing? Even the chip is the same?
Everything is the same from a physical perspective, but it does have a different chipset that is not compatible with the DotAIO. The tanks/ovens are also very different. Physical similarities aside, they are very different devices.

That thing is so tiny!

Its smaller than the TinyMight! Here's a side by side next to a handful of other devices...



Well-Known Member
Dang @khelek41girl thought I was done looking at vapes. You just pulled me back in lol. Looks like the heating chamber will be the reoccurring expense. How much for the replacement?
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Active Member arrived! First impressions are very impressed. I'm 2 bowls in now, and this think stomps! If conduction vaping isnt your thing though, I would look elsewhere. Just ran it through water....It milks glass faster than a Grasshopper. This is a HEAVY on temp setting 4, but dont even think about using it natively on that level. That really is for glass only. No stirring is needed AT ALL, and everything is vaping flawlessly even. Think S&B consistency. Ill report back later with a full writeup!
It milks faster then the Grasshopper ~ Sold ! Dotmod has a great reputation for higher quality products, and I just saw this thing in a video and it was crazy fast vapor. Excited to hear more on the DotLeaf. Cheers
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