

How many vaps could a Vapman vap…
I have been working with my sales rep on these. Asked about the tanks and why some are getting combustion. Hope this helps.

We're working on both currently. Regarding the combustion that is easy to avoid, we've insolated two ways that can happen. The first being that the contact in the device or on the bottom of the chamber is dirty, or second putting the chamber into the device while it is still very hot. Both of these can cause the resistance of the tank to be outside the baseline when installed into the device. We are testing possible firmware updates to prevent this.
in my experience, my problems don't stem from either of these 2 scenarios. I've been re testing my unit every couple days with empty chambers.

my process is this: turn on temp 3, unit heats up and I get the ready buzz. when that happens I turn it off, let it chill for minute and then start another cycle and this is when the unit enter into nonstop heating mode. note that the first heat cycle worked fine indicating a clean contact with the oven ( and trust me, those contacts aint anywhere near dirty) and I started the second heat after the unit had cooled a bit.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
"New black material" ... It looks like it is the same material used for the mouthpiece/adapters ? POM is also used in Flowermate Cap and can be reinforced with carbon fibers to up the durability. Let's hope it is peek,cause POM doesnt have great specs for high temps.


Well-Known Member
"New black material" ... It looks like it is the same material used for the mouthpiece/adapters ? POM is also used in Flowermate Cap and can be reinforced with carbon fibers to up the durability. Let's hope it is peek,cause POM doesnt have great specs for high temps.
I’m hoping peek, but it would seem that if it was peek, that would be a feature to market rather than the color :hmm:


Simple is the way
in my experience, my problems don't stem from either of these 2 scenarios. I've been re testing my unit every couple days with empty chambers.

same here. My last combustion experience. I call it combustion but I should be more specific and say “continuous heating without regulation” as I hadn’t even drawn on the device before I noticed it smoking like an overheated vapcap.

Anyway it was the 2nd chamber I ran through a freshly torn down and iso cleaned unit. I know for a fact my contacts were spotless. Also, it was the first hit of the day so everything was cold. In my opinion, either the cracking causes resistance changes, or they have larger FW issues than they think.

I still believe this is a great vape with just a few kinks to be worked out. Would really love to hear If the FW is user-upgradable or not.
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IG: sunyata.woods
Accessory Maker
So there's an AMA with dotleaf people on reddit later today at an as of yet unclear time. Maybe that'd be a good opportunity to try to get them to comment on those observations about the continuous crazy heating mode. And maybe even clarify what the black mystery material is, and whether we can source our own by ripping the insulation material out of buildings from the 1960s...


Semi shaved ape
So there's an AMA with dotleaf people on reddit later today at an as of yet unclear time. Maybe that'd be a good opportunity to try to get them to comment on those observations about the continuous crazy heating mode. And maybe even clarify what the black mystery material is, and whether we can source our own by ripping the insulation material out of buildings from the 1960s...
Asbestos is one HELL of an insulator.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Sure thing

Thanks!! Really neat to see the different mouthpieces and styles of usage we can have with this little thing.

Any ideas on what the"black material "is?

It doesn't look like Delrin/pom, though. The company seems pretty good about using safe materials so far, so I have faith.

I have been working with my sales rep on these. Asked about the tanks and why some are getting combustion. Hope this helps.

We're working on both currently. Regarding the combustion that is easy to avoid, we've insolated two ways that can happen. The first being that the contact in the device or on the bottom of the chamber is dirty, or second putting the chamber into the device while it is still very hot. Both of these can cause the resistance of the tank to be outside the baseline when installed into the device. We are testing possible firmware updates to prevent this.

The tank cracking is most prevalent for sure. We do have some new tanks using a new black material, however we have so few of them available that currently we are only sending them out for replacements to cracked tanks currently. We are rushing to complete a tooling to make them in mass. If any of your customers experience cracking with their tanks please let me know and we can send them one of the black tanks. As soon as we have more of them available I can send you tanks for any inventory you have on hand.

Please be assured we are doing everything we can as quickly as possible!

One of the reasons I picked this up is because my sales rep has been on point throughout the whole process. Anyone who has been around knows that buying a new product doesn't always launch smoothly but it's how the company reacts that matters to me. So far so good in my opinion.
Thanks for that info!!! I'm glad you are looking at picking it up. Any chance it will make it into the "heavy hitters" section? As expected, dotmod is running ragged to get this working and keep up with responses. Nice to see they are still dedicated. Hopefully they get the DOA peeps here sorted asap.

we've insolated two ways that can happen. The first being that the contact in the device or on the bottom of the chamber is dirty, or second putting the chamber into the device while it is still very hot. Both of these can cause the resistance of the tank to be outside the baseline when installed into the device. We are testing possible firmware updates to prevent this.
This ain't it. While I'm sure it CAN happen, and I'm glad they are engineering for it, it's not a scenario people here have experienced so far. If it's an "out of bounds" fault, they might just have a load of bad ovens in that batch.

I'm just making comment, and know you are just the messenger! :p FWIW, my first run ovens are still running flawlessly, and my second run oven has been running great with no cracks. So some of them work well at least.


Well-Known Member
Thanks!! Really neat to see the different mouthpieces and styles of usage we can have with this little thing.
I have just ordered some assorted screens and some glass screens to attempt to add some cooling (ALA BB9 x TM cooling unit screws/washers) to it. I love the size and it works great for the Dot Leaf - but I also use it for my hopper and it could stand to cool a little bit better :tup:


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Accessory Maker
Uhm well, they never got back to me just the automated store notifications for zero charge purchase and the shipping notification.

@Severmore ooooh first black oven to be seen in the wild. I wonder what the material is in these.
@Easywider are you located in the EU or US? I know this shouldn't be the case, but I have heard that DotMod EU doesn't have quite as good of customer service as DotMod US. I know DotLeaf is technically a different company, but if you are in the EU, it might be worth reaching out to the US team to see if you get a better response. I can't guarantee anything since I am just a consumer, but based on what I have heard and learned about the different regional departments, you might have better luck. Anywho, I hope it works out for you!


Simple is the way
@Easywider are you located in the EU or US? I know this shouldn't be the case, but I have heard that DotMod EU doesn't have quite as good of customer service as DotMod US. I know DotLeaf is technically a different company, but if you are in the EU, it might be worth reaching out to the US team to see if you get a better response. I can't guarantee anything since I am just a consumer, but based on what I have heard and learned about the different regional departments, you might have better luck. Anywho, I hope it works out for you!

Thanks for the heads up! Can't make all the people happy all the time. I have a new oven on the way so I'm hoping that will eliminate all my issues. I'm from Canada that probably makes sending a replacement more difficult and more costly.

I just went back and checked my original conversation (3 back and forths) with Alex B, "Director of Operations" and in Alex's defense: If I had been paying attention I would have noticed his signature at the bottom of each correspondence with his personal email and #. I could have reached out that way when the thread went dead but I kept replying to the same email.

The new oven is on the way, should only be a few weeks downtime. :tup:


Well-Known Member
So I asked on IG about the new ovens and how to get one. Mine arrived day before yesterday, like it so far. I had asked when I bought it whether I was getting the most recent oven. They assured me I was getting the most recent build. Their answer was that they were waiting on a shipment of the new ovens and they would be on sale on their site. I’m not crazy about having to already spend another 25 bucks on it. Hopefully the oven I got will hold up.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Uhhg. I was really hoping for something good to happen today; freakin' anything at this point. I just got home and noticed a package from DotMod. It's my replacement ovens! Except... they're the same ultem ovens as the original three. I am not thrilled.

'Not even going to bother trying them.
Some companies just put you in for another spin on the CS wheel until you give up.. Although I would still demand refund or try to get my money via bank/paypal.
Also i know not everybody is a princess like me ,but i would wait for them to disclose what is the black material used in the chambers,before i inhale.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@Abysmal Vapor for someone who is so adept at finding new/upcoming vapes from china, you've certainly made it your top priority to rain negativity in this thread.

@SixStringToker sometimes a company drops the ball and sends the mistake to the exact wrong person in the world who should get it. I've unfortunately been the person on the company end before that unknowingly ships the bad experience to a RMA customer. That blows and I'd be pretty pissed in any case, since you've had a hard time so far.


Well-Known Member
@maremaresing I'm thinking of picking up one of those Helix pre-mix chambers. How would you say the vapor for the dotLeaf compares between using just the pre-mix chamber, and using one of your AFC drip tips?
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Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
@Abysmal Vapor for someone who is so adept at finding new/upcoming vapes from china, you've certainly made it your top priority to rain negativity in this thread.

@SixStringToker sometimes a company drops the ball and sends the mistake to the exact wrong person in the world who should get it. I've unfortunately been the person on the company end before that unknowingly ships the bad experience to a RMA customer. That blows and I'd be pretty pissed in any case, since you've had a hard time so far.
I think it is you who is showing blind faith here from the beginning . I just post those models to enrich the database and for catalogue purposes. Any vaporizer model out there deserves a thread on FC,it is up to the users to decide and discuss if it is bad or not. Please show me one post where i advise people to buy them or how great they are ... I have done my fair share of inhalations trough Chinese vapes and i have seen the horrors inside. I advise everyone to not buy vaporizers with cracking or unknown materials in the airpath,no matter which company is behind . Since you and other people advertise Dotleaf to be better than those manufacturers, i expect people to get better experiences.
:)) Anyway sorry if my compassion to the customers that feel let down by the company is playing on your nerves,please dont let that stop you to still feel like you are getting 300$ performance.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@Abysmal Vapor No worries at all. I shouldn't get defensive of a company that isn't my own, just like I don't like when people do the opposite when they feel slighted by a company's actions and go on a warpath. Plus, it's good to have opinions from both sides of the issue, as long as they are factual.

I am VERY enthusiastic about things that I really like, by nature. In the case of the dotleaf, I've gotten such a purely incredible experience so far that I can't hold back from gushing about it at every moment. I've had a LOT of vapes over the years, and this one is really special.

@maremaresing I'm thinking of picking up one of those Helix pre-mix chambers. How would you say the vapor for the dotLeaf compares between using just the pre-mix chamber, and using one of your AFC drip tips?

I don't have an AFC drip tip yet, but I imagine it will provide similar benefits of introducing cool air. As far as the Helix pre mix chamber goes, and Helix glass in general, I'm as enthusiastic about it as I usually get. The neat thing about the premix chamber on a jhook is that you can watch the vapor production in real time. This is actually my barometer for a vapes performance, because you can visibly see how long it takes to get to peak vapor output, and when the heater can't keep up.

This barometer is actually what made me buy an EVO. I put my beloved enano on there and could see where in the hit that the vapor dropped off. Didn't like that so I got a heavy hitter evo. FWIW, the vapor NEVER drops off on the dotleaf. Hit after hit, it's always generating thick vapor consistently.

For performance, it's like taking a vapor hit dry out of a very large glass device. The spinning vapor really works, I guess. Feels like you haven't inhaled anything until you are coughing from vapor filled lungs. FWIW I rarely use the premix on it's own, so there is some extra cooling from the jhook. That said, a dynavap tip on the helix chillum hits cool as a large piece, despite the tiny size. It's absurdly good.

The 14mm premix helix can be used on a wide variety of vapes and glass, and is so cheap, I cannot recommend it enough. I'm going to get the big ol 14mm helix mouthpiece if it goes on 4/20 sale at grav, for sure.

EDIT: From DotLeaf, the black casing is made of PBT. IDK anything about it
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Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
@maremaresing Same here,dude :) ! All my respect to you and your passion. I admit it makes a bit angry to see people to continue recommend a product with know issues with hope that someone will make it right in the end. I always advise people to wait for such things to be cleared before purchasing .All my "negativity" is only purposed to save people from bitter experiences,i have already faced in my history of vaporizing :).Also i am paranoid by nature like many of us.
Thanks for sharing the material specs ! I love to read such things ! This material can also be reinforced with carbon fibre and glass,i wonder if it is the case.

  • Very high toughness, down to -40°C
  • Good heat resistance, up to 140°C
  • Excellent weatherability
  • Good UV resistance
  • High color retention
  • FDA compliant
  • Not suitable for thin wall design, due to its medium flow properties
  • Opaque
  • High shrinkage
  • Attacked by alkalis, esters, ketones and halogenated hydrocarbons

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Well-Known Member
The 14mm premix helix can be used on a wide variety of vapes and glass, and is so cheap, I cannot recommend it enough. I'm going to get the big ol 14mm helix mouthpiece if it goes on 4/20 sale at grav, for sure.

Thanks for the deets! Yeah, I was considering the big 14mm Helix mouthpiece, but it seems like it's kind of huge! I figured I could just use the pre-mix chamber as a mouthpiece, instead. Decisions, decisions.

dotLeaf replied to my question on their AMA; the new oven is made of a 'PBT material', and the firmware should be user-upgradeable using Windows, should doing so ever be necessary.


Well-Known Member
From the AMA on Reddit:

Score hidden·12 minutes ago

The "Black" tank is composed of a PBT material. As for software updates we do not currently have plans for that, however we did verify the programing was not causing any issues once we started receiving reports of device operation outside of normal testing results.

I'm not sure if the combustion that users here have experienced would be considered to be arrived at by using the device "outside normal conditions" (unless maybe those normal conditions are a non-cracked tank?)


Semi shaved ape
From the AMA on Reddit:

Score hidden·12 minutes ago

The "Black" tank is composed of a PBT material. As for software updates we do not currently have plans for that, however we did verify the programing was not causing any issues once we started receiving reports of device operation outside of normal testing results.

I'm not sure if the combustion that users here have experienced would be considered to be arrived at by using the device "outside normal conditions" (unless maybe those normal conditions are a non-cracked tank?)
Polyester tank material.......did I read that right?


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
  • Very high toughness, down to -40°C
  • Good heat resistance, up to 140°C
  • Excellent weatherability
  • Good UV resistance
  • High color retention
  • FDA compliant
  • Not suitable for thin wall design, due to its medium flow properties
  • Opaque
  • High shrinkage
  • Attacked by alkalis, esters, ketones and halogenated hydrocarbons

Surely this material is good for more than 140c :o I guess it really doesn't get that hot on the outer side vs the very center of the oven. That said, when I design things and pick orings and materials, I try to overspec as far as I can in temp resistance. But I guess an ecig company would know about these things.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Surely this material is good for more than 140c :o I guess it really doesn't get that hot on the outer side vs the very center of the oven. That said, when I design things and pick orings and materials, I try to overspec as far as I can in temp resistance. But I guess an ecig company would know about these things.
Well it might be lined with either carbon fiber or glass. GLass lined specs look better

""Carbon Black (if Black)""
From what i read,avoid using alcohol on it.
""Decomposition Products: Aldehydes, ketones, esters, acids, alcohols, butadiene, tetrahydrofuran, toluene, benzoic acid, terephthalic acid""
I completely agree with you about the benefit of choosing overspec materials, sadly most of the companies are doing underspec. Aluminum is very conductive,so it transfers heat very well, thats is why they are using it for cooling heat sinks paired with fans.

There are some PBT caps in chemical supply stores that are rated for 180 deg. SO i guess it is up to the grade. Corning is the brand name.

General description​

""The red Corning polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) high temperature caps have a GL32 thread, can be dry heat sterilized at up to 180 deg.""
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