This will depend a lot on the vape as to whether you cough and to what extent when vaping.
I find that if I keep vaping a bowl of flowers in a convection vape that towards the end, whilst reasonable vapor is still being produced, it gives me a nasty dry hacking cough. This is probably irritation from higher volume of thermal degradation byproducts of inactive plant material being heated towards the end of the bowl when the more volatile actives have been boiled off the stuff.
Buds in general I find harsher on the throat than concentrates, and I exclusively vape everything through water. However, conduction vapes can be dangerous for getting too harsh too.
I find that using my vapman with high end 3/4 melt hashes if I get a little too eager with the torch and vape it a little longer than I should have that I get that slightly charred flavor but not smoke (like my house doesn't get any smell of smoke) I will get a super chesty congesty cough the next morning (I use this kinda hash to medicate my insomnia). Not nearly as harsh as smoker's cough though - but it is important to remember, most from my part of the world combusted bud mixed with tobacco and that is a whole other level of harshness!
Dabbing my winterized, sterilized absolute shatters I find the very least irritation by far, I don't ever find myself coughing from this unless I take in more vapor than my lungs can fit (inhaling anything aside from air in this fashion will lead to the same result!). The D-nail infiniti with sapphire insert combo works a treat to prevent this problem, since you really can't do big enough dabs to have your hit make you run out of oxygen (because you need to ensure your dab doesn't melt over the sides of the sapphire and into the titanium).
The quality of material you are using is gonna have a huge effect on this too.