DIY Bulli Vaporizer


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
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Trick or treat....... Weather is a changing, getting cold, had to make a little winter-wear for the Bull.


Does a couple things. Keeps the unit safer to touch and preheats the air somewhat before it hits the oven. Air enters near the top and goes along the sides before entering the bottom. Thought of this as I remembered last year when car is cold or trying to vape outdoors, was a hard chore to pull off.

It's just another piece of 1" dowling. Sanded and drilled to fit the function.


Hope you all had great treats last night!!! Always room for more...


Well-Known Member
Wow that titanium coil is a world of difference for TC. Thank you so much Pipes. The Sigelei is perfect like this, I realized as you said that I didn't need to set joules high at all actually, around 40 worked fine. Over 50 and it tripped the dry coil error when not drawing, but at 40 with ~1 second to preheat it was perfect, thick vapor on first hit (475F). [9] on shiatsu and oh man that's all I need. Drawing hard doesn't reduce vapor thickness!!! At all. It's amazing. My face is so tired from this unstoppable shit-eating smile. As soon as the drip tips and A2-TM are here I'll test them. I used it with a 18", 1/4"ID silicone whip, that was the main restriction point in the draw by far. I can't believe how much vapor I get, and it's only golden. This bowl is two and a half times larger than I intended because I'm used to the efficiency of the pax! And I went to a lower THC strain too.

PS: I think this is the tastiest vapor I've ever had.
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Addicted DIY Enthusiast
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You're very welcome. Finally someone else enjoying this adventure. Pretty incredible when you have the right ingredients and it's only going to get better from here.
It's nice the vapor is not so dependent on draw speed. I tend to set the temp til there is just some very slight charring by the end of the vapor production. Squeezing every last drop so to speak. Riding the edge has never been so easy as with this device.
Bad news is you never want to put it down...... :freak:
You're certainly in for a treat once you get the TM top. I found the extra wide but short gives a more even ABV then the longer one. Your cheeks will be a hurtin. :D
For sure keep us posted on your fun!!!!! WTG.


Well-Known Member
Just checking in to say that first of all, you guys are fucking awesome. Read through everything. Brilliant work, and huge in the world of DIY vaporizers. I'd imagine some Chinese company will think of this or read this thread, and get into production--the mass appeal of an herb vaporizer based on an E-Cig system is just too wide to be ignored.

That being said, I know little to nothing about E-Cigs, sub-ohms, or anything of the like. I'm sure that with some research this can be changed, and I will do this research. But do you think this is a project worth embarking upon for someone new to the E-cig game? I'm obsessed with my cloud evo, and this seems like a portable that could come close to matching its strength, and I'm sure I could fashion some type of DIY GonG/SonG solution for on-the-go water filtration.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks muchly!! Water filtration....... yepper....

Pipes this invention of yours is really cool man. I am digging it. I never had the time yet to learn how to build my own tanks and coils but if i ever try in the future this is something i would be interested in.


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
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This is getting too crazy folks. Just when you think things can't get any better......
The mod to allow for popular glass stems.

The 100% convection Solo driver!!



I'm hooked. The flavour is the best so far!!!


Well-Known Member
Sweet! Looks awesome Pipes. Ready to plug into a big glass rig! Someday I'll have to get some woodworking tools... So many choices with this thing. It'd be perfect as a portable with a VaporFlask!

A buddy last weekend kept trying to tell me he was sure his MFLB performed better or as good as this mod. Lets just say his jaw was literally hanging open when I demoed it for him. =)

My TM is waiting at the post office, I'll be picking it up tomorrow morning! But... I broke my pos terminal on my base unit last Thursday! I found and ordered some 20awg titanium wire to see how well it worked, I was just bending the wire around the terminal with some needlenose pliers, accidentally rotated a bit and I had so much leverage it just sheared it right off... oops.

Depending on when the base unit gets here, I may or may not be able to get a video demo done before conservative sheltered family starts arriving for thanksgiving...!

I miss this thing so much. No other device I've used is so convenient and so effective. In fact it's so convenient, I got my tolerance higher than it'd ever been despite my best efforts in only 5 days...! My next goal is to figure out how to use it as a portable dmitri vape... that would be truly amazing!
Hey, been watching this thread for a couple weeks. Thanks for taking the time to post the journey! That glass stem adapter has convinced me to start working on the part list! I love the idea of vapes that have removeable batteries/pre packed bowls/stems (I Have been heavily looking into the haze v3 /arizer air.)

So was when adding the bulli smoker to the cart I can choose aluminum/ss and lazergravur or cnc gravur... I'm assuming ss with lazer engraving (so O rings can fit snug) but also think that I have seen the cnc version on here. And I can't tell the difference between SS and aluminum by just the pictures. It's a pretty expensive atomizer so I want to be sure! Also I'm going to order two in case one gets broke or someone else needs one.

I think I'll need a drip tip adapter to get started right away since it will take me a while to come up with a good fitting wood piece, found a link to what I need on a Bulli thread in Reddit.

So that leaves the TI wire and the box mod.... do you guys have a recommended site for TI wire? From what I have collected I think I need 22a wire. Don't think I need anything else?

I don't know much about box mods. When I was building Kanthal coils for my RDA I was never really interested in leaving mechanical because... power. I have seen a lot of pics of the Ipv-v2, so I know that works well... thinking about ordering it(removeable battery!). I would rather order a 150 watter because size isn't a issue for me... on Reddit Bulli thread a guy posted a picture of a Sigelie 150 watt box mod with temperature control that I liked (can't tell the battery situation)... anyways does anyone have a solid recommendation on one that works well for this?

Thanks in advanced for the info!
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Addicted DIY Enthusiast
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Welcome aboard. water is great!!!
I posted this link a page back Complete Bull from OEM supplier. (Stainless Steel) 45 Euro
Which is the main unit less the 510 adapter. To find an adapter search for "ego mega 510 adapter". I had gotten mine from Madvapes a long time back.
If you wanted to save a couple bucks, and just get the Bulli Engine, skipping right to the mod for Solo or other glass type tubes.
Bulli Deck 15 Euro
Center Section 10 Euro (TIP: request undrilled as the pre drilled air hole is a little high)

BTW, once I started to use the Solo tubes, I haven't gone back. Enjoying the smaller bowl and fantastic taste!!!

Working with the dowling really isn't that hard. I just used hand drill trying to keep centered by hand. Working up size by size and finishing up with rat tail file. Final sanding and shaping. Used a dremel t make groove for upper O ring to hold and seal the glass into the top. Second smaller O ring resides on upper lip of heater. High heat O rings of course.

Once you or anyone else gets this shit together, let me know and I'll help you out with the T1 AWG 22 wire.

The driving device is still under testing stages. The D2 has been working great.
Have the Sigelei 75 and VTC mini coming in to test.
My ADT 50 went tits up right away.
My DOVPO works but getting to temperature menu is buried and it remeasures the ohms upon resets.
So all I can verify as nice so far is the D2.

Have fun!!!
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Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Holly fuck this was quick. Coincidence?..... Good timing for the name anyway!
IJOY Solo Mini
Taste control??? "Solo" Mini.
Also boosts Kanthal taste control?
Too much too fast.

OK, besides that, I received my JoyTec EVic VTC mini and I'm very impressed.

Temperature is top menu
Display is large for this old fart
GUI is very user friendly
Ohms atomizer measurement is lockable
Temperature changes at 10 degree per press. (Originally thought was a downfall but better then clicking 10 times)

Overall like it better than the D2.
Sigelei 75 is still in the mail. Only way it could possibly top the VTC is the 660 degree range which might allow for using Titanium mode instead of Nickel and achieve usable temperature.
Thinking not a big deal.
BTW, tried some concentrate in cellucotton with Solo stem. WOW!!!! is all I'm gonna say.

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JoJo Woodworks
Accessory Maker
@Pipes could you post a few more pics of the solo adapter, that looks like such a great setup. I'm enjoying following along with this project, it's inspiring.


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Your wish is my command.

Through the bottom.

Through the top.

Seal placement.

The top is drilled parallel straight. Once it passes the upper seal, it bevels outwards. The bottom seal is actually a small section of silicon tubing. A large thick walled O ring might be a better idea. But did not have. This concept can be used to adapt to virtually any bowl.

FYI. (and a teaser) I'm going to attempt to put something together for the tribe. Will hopefully have something for those who already have a TC unit in their arsenal and don't want to shell out for the Bulli oven.

Hint #1
Hint #2


Thinking simple is alway best. :tup:


JoJo Woodworks
Accessory Maker
Great description and perfect pics, thanks! I am thinking about the same type of thing but using e-nano stems with the adjustable screen.


Well-Known Member
I bet that would be incredibly efficient!

Got my TM bowl setup last night. Man this thing just wrecks me! I'm just done with other vapes now, I think...

As you can see those 3 clouds barely lightened my bud running at low temps. They're just too thick if I get closer to combustion temps, lol!

Thinking about making a stem adapter myself...


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Excellent short vid. Than again that's just how fast this thing is. Duplicate it.
Try it through water.....:freak:

So I received my Sigelei 75 a couple days back.
Right away, no Ti mode. Man, missed that. Makes the whole hoping for real temperature numbers out the window. Oh well, still a nice unit. Display and GUI still beats the D2 but is slightly heavier and quite a bit heavier.
The winner is still the EVIC mini. Using the D2 for juice and the Sigelei will be back up for either.
One point I forgot to mention about the EVic is the battery meter is very accurate. No more stays full and sudden drop like most.



I have only tested the single battery mods and don't think much to be gained with going to dual cell higher output mods. Size also changes dramatically.
JoyTech Evic Mini

Fun Stuff!!
YES! Thanks Pipes and Xenodius for getting this info out there. I have still been overthinking this device. Trying to find a rda that would work better, different stems ect. The day I meant to truly order the Bulli rda my phone went clunk, so I had to take care of that... but I finally have one headed my way, any day now. I also see that Xenodius has made an offer on the Reddit thread, unfortunately that thread didn't get as much attention like the original did, found it today, and its already two days old.

I have put off buying the other parts but I'm going to be looking for a box mod, hopefully on sale somewhere this weekend! and it seems there is a longer list to chose from now :D

Sooo this guy came over to my place, and he asked if I like skateboarding, and I do, so he took this ring off his finger, it was a ring machined from a skateboard deck, so it was layered with rainbow wood, perfectly smooth. I happened to have this thread OPEN on my laptop when he was over, and showed him the pics. He is interested in helping me make one. So I'm really stokked on getting this thing in the mail. I cant keep imagining the parts, I need the atomizer in my hand!

Some questions I need to throw out there:
So for screen I am thinking I will just go to my local smoke-shop, hopefully I can find something that fits, they have a nice selection. unless there is a recommended screen out there?

Do you guys still use a heat sink with yours? should I go ahead and order one of those?

O-rings, is this something that I can find at my local hardware store? it would be much easier to try them on in the store rather then order them offline, but I do want one that will be ready to take on the heat, so maybe I need to order some special heat resistant o-ring? thoughts on silicone o-rings?

I read earlier that someone mentioned they wanted to make one that works with e-nano stems... googled them a bit and didn't find much that excited me. Cant remember if you like the Arizer Air or Solo stems? I have been looking for other glass stems, but just cant find any that fire me up, so I will probably just order some of the Arizer stems. I would like to order a few so I can have some pr- packed snax. let me know if you have seen any other stems that excite you, with the connecter piece being custom made wood, seems like you could attach it to any stem, with the right O-ring.

Can't wait to get this thing in my hands! I have been checking this thread daily to and I am very excited to see what coming up in the next months!!!


JoJo Woodworks
Accessory Maker
I am planing on making the E-Nano adapter which I think should work with the solo/air stems though it might be slightly loose. I like the thickness of the nano stems compared to the air/solo stems and pipes is doing the solo adapter already so I wanted to do something different. Plus I have an extra nano 18mm gong and I'm looking forward to trying the bulli with water.

I bought an evic mini today and that should match perfectly for a small instant on vape. Can't wait to play with this thing.


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
You sold me, buying an evic mini on Friday.
You wouldn't regret it.

@legalcloud, you're very welcome, I too looked and always have an eye open for a cheaper RDA which has the right platform to play in the game. Even tried a couple. Always comes back to the Bull having the simplicity. For this application, it could actually even be simplier. Since really only the base and midsection are needed to make a great vape.
For the screen, I use a standard high quality stainless steel 1/2".
I do not find the heat sink base is really needed. Only if using continuously at a party scene would I think about it. I have no worries there.
Get my O rings from The O Ring Store, in fact just ordered a wack of different sizes in the 000 and 100 series. Need to order a few to make shipping worth
However, once you know what size you need, good chance I will have you covered. PM me once you start to get going and have stuff on the way.
I am planing on making the E-Nano adapter which I think should work with the solo/air stems though it might be slightly loose. I like the thickness of the nano stems compared to the air/solo stems and pipes is doing the solo adapter already so I wanted to do something different. Plus I have an extra nano 18mm gong and I'm looking forward to trying the bulli with water.

I bought an evic mini today and that should match perfectly for a small instant on vape. Can't wait to play with this thing.
Cool stuff. Again, let me know the E-Nano measurements and can send you a couple rings to see what will work best for you.

I'm so glad to see folks start to try this out. I'm telling you, this will be the future of vapes. Just too fucking simple not to be. All thanks to the TC ecig mods.
Suspect this technology will be implemented into single piece units down the road as well.

A caution worth noting though:
THESE MOD DEVICES ARE CAPABLE OF BURNING YOUR DRY COILS ALMOST INSTANTLY IF USED WRONG!!! Specially Titanium as it basically catches fire and burns if much over 1200 F is reached. Yes, this shit is actually combustible. Deforms well below that. To be used in TC mode only. Bypass or power modes are very dangerous and should not to be toyed with in this application. Power mode is possible but really needs to be monitored.

Enjoy it guys!!!

EDIT: Yea Ha, guess what I confirmed I'm getting for Xmas by my wife. A Lathe...... yes.... (already had the chuck on order) :D:D:D
Also, @Quetzalcoatl, that fence must be getting uncomfortable.... you know you wanna.
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Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Thanks. Timing was perfect. Walking through Canadian Tire and my wife asks me what I wanted for Christmas. Was coincidentally standing beside the Lathe displays. Looked over and said "one of those would be nice". Bingo, done deal. Have to wait till Christmas though....dang.
It's just a small bench wood lathe. The chuck I have ordered is of the 3 claw 3" variety.
Might get a proper deck(?) for small metal work. Finding this shit ain't cheap....
Should at least let me drill a centered hole every


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
hahaha, shut up @Pipes!! I want a Bulli flower setup and some Ti wire and and a lathe!! I've been sitting on the fence so long if I talk I might spit splinters :mental: :lol:
Well if you get get off the fence and get some goods on order, I can help out with the coil and a couple odds and ends. Not the best at removing splinters though.
Slide off easy and let me know if you land with a smile.
Oh, and the Lathe is mine, mine, mine!!


Well-Known Member
Ben eagerly reading and following this thread.

Would an evic mini vtc be powerful enough to fire the bulli sufficiently for this set -up?

I am in the fence for getting new mod, so many options....

I understood what to look for is a higher temp in tc mode, but what about tricking it with ' lying ' to it, saying it is ti or ni, when you have ss installed?

Or is titanium a better choice then ss in this set -up?

I am in Spain so ordering from the German site is no problem. Any idea where I might find this ceramic part? Is it just as simple as walking into a pet store and asking for ceramic filter (?) for aquarium? Or what should I look for?

So in short, any tips on what mod to get, what wire is best, and if needed how to trick the mod?

I understand some of these questions have been (partially) answered but just wanted to ask a bit more specifically before ordering.

Thank you for sharing!!!
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